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168. Violent attack

"Xiao Fuzi, there is the sound of motors again. It seems there are more cars than the last wave. Send the message down and get ready for battle." Renxian said to Xiao Fuzi.

"Yes, get ready for battle." Xiao Fuzi passed the message down. Dong Yazi was the most excited. He had a grenade in each of his left and right pants pockets, holding a grenade in each hand, ready to throw one and run away, and then throw the third one.


Three or four minutes later, the Japanese convoy arrived at the corner. The motorcycle at the front slowed down, and the vehicles behind it also began to slow down.

Biaozi aimed at a Japs machine gunner on the roof of the cab of the second truck. He slowly moved the muzzle of the gun, breathed out gently, pulled the trigger, and fired three consecutive shots "dang dang dang". The Japs machine gunner tilted his head.

It stopped moving on the roof of the car.

Captain Cao, who was sitting in the cab of the first truck, heard the sound of a carbine gun coming from the woods on the right. He immediately stuck his head out of the window and shouted: "Speed ​​up."

The Japanese machine gunner at the front originally turned his gun to face the forest. When he heard Captain Cao's shout, he turned his gun to the side of the road.

"Get ready, throw it!" Ren Xian gave the order, stood up and threw a grenade under the front of the first truck. There was a "boom" explosion, the front wheel of the truck was blown off, and the truck stopped.

As soon as Dong Yazi appeared, the machine gunner on the motorcycle saw Dong Yazi. After firing three bullets, he saw a grenade flying towards the motorcycle. He had no time to move the machine gun and jumped off directly.

The car lay on the ground.

There was a "boom" and the motorcycle was overturned. The driver of the motorcycle and the soldier sitting in the back seat who had no time to jump out of the motorcycle were beaten to pieces and were seriously injured.

Wang Hong was not bad either. He threw two grenades at the fourth truck with his strong arms. After the two explosions, the front of the fourth truck caught fire, lost control of the direction, and crashed into a coconut tree on the left.

The Japanese jumped out of the car one after another, holding their rifles in shock and preparing to fight.

Xiao Fuzi had just thrown the first grenade. Although the grenade also blew up the wheels of the third truck, Captain Cao and the two soldiers of the first truck had already got out of the car.

The box fired three shots at Xiaofuzi, who had no choice but to hide behind the tree trunk.

"Brothers, hide first." Ren shouted first and hid behind a pine tree. Then he looked at the other brothers. Xiao Fuzi and Wang Hong also hid behind the trunk, but Dong Yazi was running quickly in the forest.

Then, dodging and dodging, another grenade was thrown out, killing a Japs. The Japs hiding behind the vehicle fired at Dong Yazi one after another.

The "bang bang bang" sound of gunfire made Renxian very worried, but now he and Wang Hong were too close to the Japanese and would be beaten if they exposed their heads, so Renxian shouted loudly behind him: "Hu Jun, open fire."


"Da da da da da" As soon as Renxian finished speaking, he heard Hu Jun's machine guns starting to fire, and the Japanese were suppressed and retreated.

The gunshots of the three Japs on the last motorcycle rang out, and they all shot at Hu Jun.

"Dang Dang Dang" Biaozi fired three times, and all the bullets hit the motorcycle. "Dang Dang Dang" Huineng's machine gun finally fired. Finally, a Japanese soldier with half of his body exposed next to the motorcycle was shot.

He fell into a pool of blood. Another Japanese soldier was also shot, and he dragged his wounds and hid behind the motorcycle.

As soon as Dong Yaozi heard about the cover behind him, he followed him and started running back and forth in the forest. A grenade was accurately thrown between Chief Cao and the two Japs. One of the Japs said without saying a word, "Ah——"

With a shout, he threw himself directly on the grenade. With a muffled "boom" sound, the Japanese's body was blown up more than a foot above the ground. His chest was blown to bits and he died immediately.

When Commander Cao saw that fighting like this was not going to work, he shouted to the soldiers beside the truck behind him: "Go get the machine gun from the roof of the truck."

"Hey." A Japanese soldier dropped his rifle, climbed onto the roof of the car under the cover of the truck, got the machine gun, turned the gun, and fired at the forest with a "click, click, click" sound.

Douzi became wild when he heard the sound of the Japanese machine gun. He crouched down, leaning against the tree trunk, holding the Garand, and fired two shots. The Japanese machine gun, which had been going crazy for dozens of seconds, immediately misfired.

The Japs machine gunner on the first motorcycle, who was lying on the ground and was stunned by the explosion, now became a little more awake. He rolled four or five times on the spot, hid behind the motorcycle, picked up the crooked handle, and clamped it on the burned motorcycle.

On the dark motorcycle, they shot into the woods with a "tat-tat-tat" sound.

Renxian and the others were always suppressed and could not go out for a while, and the assault rifle could not function.

The black-faced Lieutenant Hideji Tojo, who was watching the unloading of the convoy that had just arrived, heard the intensive gunshots on the other side of the road and knew that the convoy behind it carrying a large amount of supplies had been attacked. All the food, medicine and ammunition were in the four trucks behind.

Originally, this was a trick played by Yingji to hide the enemy. Unexpectedly, the Chinese reconnaissance team did not attack the front, but the rear.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Yingji screamed in anger, and immediately ordered Second Lieutenant Qingyi Inoue to assemble his team and go to the rescue.

This chapter has been completed!
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