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170. In one fell swoop

Four hundred and fifty meters, four hundred and twenty meters, four hundred meters, three hundred and eighty meters, Yuesong's gun was locked on the chest of the driver of the Japs' first motorcycle, moving slowly, waiting for a precise shot.


Turning the second corner, the Japs driver's chest was facing the muzzle of Yuesong's sniper rifle.

Three hundred and sixty meters, three hundred and forty meters, a bullet flew out with a "pop" sound. Hearing the gunfire from the ridge, Mr. Yingji immediately realized that it was a sniper's shot and sat down

The Japs moving at high speed in the car turned their heads almost in unison and looked towards the mountain ridge.

Inoue Qingyi realized something was wrong and subconsciously lowered his head and turned his face, but still looked at the mountain ridge.

With a "pop" sound, the bullet's advance was just right. With the wonderful "pop" sound, the bullet penetrated into the heart of the Japanese motorcycle driver. The motorcycle flipped onto the road with a "pop" sound. Inoue Qingyi jumped from the side of the car.

It was thrown out and fell to the ground, where a beautiful dog came to chew the shit.

"Stab--" The driver of the truck slammed on the brakes. After the truck slid forward for seven or eight meters, it stopped. The Japanese in the bed of the truck rolled into a ball, and Lieutenant Yingji's black face hit the windshield.

On the bed, his forehead was bruised. Lieutenant Yingji touched his forehead in a daze, and his hands were covered with blood.

Yuesong looked at the embarrassed group of Japanese soldiers, clicked for a bullet, turned around and fired with a shot. The Japanese soldier Cao, who had been planned by Yuesong for a long time, just turned to the dog's head on the mountain ridge and was hit by a bullet between the eyebrows.

, the Japs Sergeant lowered his head, and was instantly killed. When the other Japs saw that the Sergeant had been shot and died, they plopped down on the ground, trying their best not to expose their bodies to the sniper's muzzle.

Biaozi saw all this through the telescope, and knowing that the time had come, he immediately shouted to his brother: "Come on -"

"Dong Yaozi, throw it!" Ren Xian heard Biaozi's order and immediately ordered Dong Yaozi to throw the grenade.

"Yes." Dong Yazi ducked out from behind the tree trunk, fired his bow left and right, and threw a grenade at the Japs machine gunner who was hiding behind the burned motorcycle. The machine gunner watched the grenade flying and rolled on the spot. He did not dare to use the machine gun anymore.

, there was a "boom", and the machine gunner crawled and rolled in a daze, trying to find a place where he would not be shot. Another grenade was thrown at the three Japs hiding behind the truck, and the grenade went along the bottom of the truck.

After rolling over, an injured Japanese soldier shouted "Ah--" and threw himself on the grenade. The grenade mercilessly blew up all the internal organs of the Japanese soldier.

"Charge -" Ren Xian yelled, dodged out from behind the tree trunk, and ran and beat the Thompson with his hands. Wang Hong's Thompson also beeped. Under the suppression of the dense bullets, Ren Xian led the

The three brothers quickly rushed in front of the Japs. "Dududu" the three assault rifles were all killed before the remaining Japs had even raised their rifles. Xiao Fuzi was holding the rifle.

Before Rand could shoot, the Japs were finished.

When Hui Neng and Douzi rushed over, the Japanese had been cleared away.

Minghe and Biaozi also came over. Hu Jun ran to the side of the road with a machine gun. When he saw that the Japanese were all killed, he immediately set up a machine gun to cover.

"Hui Neng, Hu Jun will cover, others, quickly collect food, medicine and ammunition, don't be greedy, retreat immediately when you have enough." Biaozi ordered.

"Yes." The brother agreed readily and quickly collected supplies.

Yingji jumped out of the cab of the truck, and a bullet hit the door with a "cang" sound. Yingji was so frightened that he rolled to the side and used the mountain on the right to avoid the sniper's shot.

"Everyone get out of the car and prepare for mortars." Although Yingji was injured, he still commanded the troops forcefully and calmly.

The Japanese jumped out of the car one after another and hid on the edge of the mountain. Inoue Qingyi picked up a 38 rifle on the ground and prepared to deal with the snipers on the mountain ridge. But as soon as he exposed his head a little bit, he heard a "dang" sound, and a bullet

The bullet grazed the helmet and Inoue, who was covered in cold sweat, immediately retracted his head.

"Inoue, don't be impulsive. Bring a few Imperial Army warriors to attack the snipers together, and be careful to covertly engage the enemy." Yingji had his own little plan. He asked Inoue Qingyi to lead the soldiers to attract firepower, and he

Prepare to bombard the snipers with mortars again.

This chapter has been completed!
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