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174. The Battle of Takizawa

After Geng Ye put down the phone, he immediately called the guard in and ordered him to fetch Major Takizawa immediately.

Half an hour later, Takizawa arrived at Squadron Leader Geng Ye's office.

"Gengye-kun." Takize bowed to Gengye.

"Takizawa-kun, please take a seat." After Geng Ye gave up his seat to Takizawa, he told Takizawa about the attack on the convoy transporting to the base. Later, he focused on Inoue Qingyi's battle with Chinese snipers.

Afterwards, especially the current mental state of Inoue Qingyi, Geng Ye described it to Takizawa in a very vivid and vivid way, as if he had just witnessed Inoue Qingyi's mental breakdown.

"Crazy?" Takize looked into Geng Ye's eyes.

"Crazy!" Geng Ye said with certainty.

"That's not the case." Takizawa said this to himself, but he himself didn't believe what he said, because he himself was going crazy, but he had to cover it up, so he said this.

"Takizawa-kun, I'm afraid you have to leave the city in person." Geng Ye said sincerely.

"You can't defeat him when there are few people, but you can't find him when there are too many people." Takize said this for himself as well as for Geng Ye.

"Oh, it's very difficult to deal with, but if Mr. Takizawa doesn't take action, who else can deal with that Luo Yuesong?" Geng Ye said in embarrassment.

"He is provoking me. I can't help but accept it." Takizawa seemed to be talking to himself.

Geng Ye looked at Takize's expression and felt that something was wrong no matter what Takize said. Could it be that whoever plays against Luo Yuesong becomes crazy?

"We have to find a way to deal with him, otherwise..." Geng Ye stopped talking.

Takize suddenly stood up, holding the handle of the knife in one hand, and paced back and forth in Geng Ye's office. Geng Ye just watched, not daring to disturb Takize and think of countermeasures.

Ten minutes later, Takizawa stopped, drew out his samurai sword with a "swipe" sound, and said: "Last time we were fighting swords, this time we are fighting snipers."

"How? One-on-one? Is there such a condition?" Geng Ye asked.

"A fight, a fight with a real Tenhuang warrior, Luo Yuesong is the lucky one." Takizawa was a little crazy.

"Will he accept the challenge?" Geng Ye was very interested.

"Yes, I saw the look in his eyes when we were fighting swords. He knows Yamato Bushido." Takizawa turned his head and stared at Geng Ye.

Geng Ye was forced to shrink back by the murderous look in Takize's eyes, and asked again: "How to make an appointment?"

"Ten miles south of the city, there is a wicker post, and there is a wicker pavilion next to the wicker post. Let your soldiers hang a letter of challenge on the transport vehicle. He will definitely get the news and come to fight." Takize was very confident in his judgment.


"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Geng Ye agreed.

"Gengye-kun, Takizawa excuses himself." Takizawa put his katana into the scabbard, bowed, and turned to leave.

When Yuesong evacuated, he clearly heard the ghost scream of the little Japanese. He was very happy. Being able to beat a Japanese crazy was more fulfilling than beating him to death, because the dead will not spread fear, but a crazy Japanese will be everywhere.

Spread fear, this fear will continue to spread among the devils, wah ha wah ha, spread, spread...

When Yuesong chased Biaozi and others, he saw the brothers carrying heavy trophies and quickly ordered the brothers to take a rest.

"Captain, the Japanese transport convoy was severely beaten today. Will the Japanese send a large force to retaliate against us?" Ren asked Yuesong while wiping his sweat.

"Revenge, come on, who is afraid of whom?" Yuesong lit up the cigarette again.

"Captain, I have seized a pack of Sakura brand cigarettes here. I will keep them for you. If you want to smoke them, I will give them to you." Wang Hong said happily.

"What are you going to give me? Bring it to me now. Only by putting the cigarette in my backpack can I feel at ease." Yuesong stretched out his hand.

Wang Hong took out a cigarette and sent it over with a bang, saying: "Captain, you are really impatient. Here you go."

Yuesong took the cigarette and immediately stuffed it into his backpack. Then he patted the backpack and said, "Oh, now that there are cigarettes, who am I afraid of?"

"Yuesong, I think the Japanese are very likely to come for revenge. We must make plans for this first." Biaozi reminded Yuesong.

"I'm still afraid that they won't come? The soldiers will come and cover up the water and the earth. Don't worry, let's see how they attack." Yuesong blew out a puff of smoke.

"Captain, are you coming tomorrow?" Ming He asked.

"Why, are you addicted to robbing?" Yuesong asked back.

"That's not true, I just want to ask." Ming He replied.

Yuesong looked at Biaozi and said, "Ask Captain Hu if he will come tomorrow?"

Minghe turned to look at Biaozi, and Biaozi said, "Come, why don't you come, but tomorrow Douzi and Minghe will come, let's rest first."

"Why is it just me and Douzi?" Whooping Crane didn't understand.

"I don't understand. Ask the captain." Biaozi was also quelling Whooping Crane's appetite.

"Captain." Minghe looked at Yuesong.

"Huh, just do what Captain Hu said. What's the point of asking?" Yuesong continued to smoke leisurely.

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