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twenty-five, brotherhood

Yuesong was thinking about how to find this fake special force and how to find out the real purpose of the fake special force.

"Captain Luo, I have an idea to find that fake special force, but I just don't know if it's appropriate or not," the old village chief said slowly.

"Old village chief, please speak!" Yuesong said politely.

"As long as this fake special force hasn't escaped from our thirty-mile radius, and as long as they still visit everywhere like weasels greeting chickens, I think it won't be difficult to find their traces," the old village chief analyzed.


"Oh, old village chief, you are indeed highly respected in this remote village." Yuesong admired.

"Don't dare, don't dare. First of all, within a radius of thirty miles, my Liangjia'ao is well-known. As long as I ask a few boys in the village to go out and walk around, I can get a general idea; secondly,

Come to our village soldier company, which is in constant contact with the county brigade. I will ask a young man to report to the county brigade. Once there is news, it will be quickly spread to the village through the organization. Captain Luo, do you think?" Old Villager

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yuesong.

Yuesong lowered his head, listening and thinking. Seeing the old village chief looking at him, he hurriedly replied: "I think this method is very good, but you said so..."

Yuesong was only halfway through what he said when a young man hurried into the ancestral hall with a rifle in hand and said to the old village chief: "Village chief, another special force team has arrived, and it's from the fifth division."

The old village chief looked at Yuesong in surprise, and Yuesong was also a little surprised, so he asked the young man: "You also wear the uniform of the New Fourth Army?"

"Yeah!" The young man nodded.

"The guys in our hands are similar to us?" Yuesong asked again.

"No!" said the young man.

"How many people?" Yuesong continued to ask.

"A dozen or so, maybe more than twenty." The young man was a little unsure.

"The leader is also Captain Luo?" Yuesong waited for the young man to answer.

"Well, I didn't ask." The young man looked at the village chief with some embarrassment.

"Old village chief, let's do this. No matter who they are, could you please bring a few more young men to welcome them in. I will lead the special forces and the capable young men in the village to set up an ambush on the spot. We will capture them first. You

See?" Yuesong looked at the old village chief and said.

"Sure! I'll go right away." The old village chief agreed, and then said to the young man who came to report, "Lead the way."

The young man said "Hey", grabbed the rifle and led the way. The old village chief got up and the few young men who were with him followed the old village chief out.

As soon as the old village chief left the ancestral hall, Yuesong ordered: "Brothers of the special force, quickly find cover and prepare to fight!"

As soon as the brothers of the special force began to hide, the village militiamen had already skillfully concealed themselves.

Ten minutes later, the old village chief led a group of people into the courtyard. Yuesong hid at the gate of the ancestral hall, listening carefully to the conversation between the old village chief and the visitors.

"Sir, please!" was the voice of the old village chief.

"Old sir, please!" When Yuesong heard Ya Gong's voice, hehe, it was probably that boy Biaozi. Just as he was thinking about it, the old village chief and Ya Gong's voice had already entered the ancestral hall. Yuesong looked from behind, and sure enough,

It was Biaozi. So he hit Biaozi on the back with a sniper rifle. Biaozi felt that there was a gun pointing at him from behind. Without looking back, he said: "Old village chief, what are you..."

Before Biaozi finished speaking, Yuesong heard the sound of the special operations team members behind Biaozi pulling the bolts of their guns. But Yuesong hadn't come out from behind the gate yet, he just shouted at Biaozi.

: "Don't move, be honest!"

When Biaozi heard it, he thought the voice was familiar, so he turned around and saw that it was the captain. Biaozi pushed away the captain's rifle, shouted "Captain!", rushed up and picked up Yuesong.

When the team members behind Biaozi heard Captain Hu's shout, they all rushed in swarm. Everyone was in a hurry, shouting, laughing and jumping, and pushed the captain and deputy captain down together.

On the ground.

The brothers who were lying in ambush in the ancestral hall heard the laughter outside and rushed out. Seeing that the brothers from the special force were back, among themselves, you pulled me, I pulled you, and you kicked my ass.

I beat your chest, and for a while, the ancestral hall was filled with laughter and laughter after the brothers of the special forces gathered together.

The old village chief and the militiamen in the village were dumbfounded when they saw the joy of these young men from the New Fourth Army. The old village chief had more experience in the world, so he did not disturb their gathering and chat, and was busy greeting the young men in the village.

Let's prepare some good food and drinks for the young heroes of the special operations team.

Yuesong took Biaozi's hand and said, "Yakong, do you know how I survived that time at the regimental health center?"

"How did you survive?" Biaozi asked, tilting his head.

"I had already walked to the entrance of the King of Hell's Palace, but accidentally I was woken up by your duck voice." As soon as Yuesong said this, everyone burst into laughter, and Tang Si almost couldn't stand upright with laughter.

Niu Peilin laughed so hard that she wiped tears from her eyes.

"I don't think I woke you up!" Biaozi's duck voice started to "quack" again.

"What is that?" Ouyang Qiuyue asked.

"What else could it be? I think it was Nurse Lan's eyes that brought the captain back, haha." After Biaozi said this, he laughed first. When everyone heard this, they all agreed, "That's right!"

"Hey, captain, when are you going to tuck your sister-in-law into bed so that we can eat some wedding candies and drink some wedding wine?" Lei Hang asked loudly.

As soon as Lei Hang said this, everyone shouted: "Yes, let's have a wedding drink!"

"Go, go, do you know how to play football?" Yuesong pinched Lei Hang's ears and said.

"Oh, Captain, it's better not to say anything." Lei Hang begged.

"Yes, this little kid doesn't even understand Qiu, but, captain, he can make trouble in the bridal chamber!" Niu Peilin helped.

The third brother saw everyone making a fuss and joined in and said: "Luo Zi, you boys have never touched a woman's buttocks, so you are quite happy when you are making a fuss, haha!"

"I know you have driven a car, old bandit!" Yuesong put his hand on the third brother's shoulder, turned to the brothers and said, "Come on, old members of the special operations team, I am here to introduce to you, our

New members of the special operations team."

"Okay, come on, croak croak croak!" Biaozi took the lead in applauding. The old team members applauded one after another.

"This is Zhang San with two guns. From now on, brothers will call him Third Brother. Don't look at our third brother's sly eyebrows, rat eyes, sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. Those are two mirror boxes that have been in the world for more than 20 years within a few hundred miles.

That means 'ba baba' hits you wherever you go, it means hitting your balls but never hitting your chicks, haha." Yuesong said with a smile, and everyone laughed too.

The third brother bowed his hands to the veteran team members and said: "I admire Luo Zi for being a man. I guess there are no cowards in the special forces team, so he brought a few of my brothers to join the team. I will rely on you to take more care of me and these guys in the future."

Brother, come here, Third Brother is here to salute you all!"

"Third brother, please don't say Luo Zi one at a time, okay? Those who know understand that our surname is Luo, but those who don't know think that we are..." Yuesong pushed the third brother and said, before he could finish his words, Biaozi shouted: "

Okay, okay, from now on, we will all call ourselves mules, brothers, is it possible?"

"Sure!" everyone replied in unison.

"Look, Third Brother, Third Brother, my reputation in this life has all been ruined by you." Yuesong said and reached out to press the neck of the third brother. The third brother twisted his head and slipped to the side. Yue Song said

Song didn't chase after him, and took the brothers brought by the third brother and said: "Come, let me introduce these brothers to everyone. These are all the brothers brought by the third brother into the team. Don't look at these brothers."

Each of them looks good, but they all have unique skills. Otherwise, how can they get into the eyes of Third Brother? Let me introduce you one by one. This person, Lin Xiaoshan, is known as Sweet Potato, and he is born in the Year of the Rat. As the saying goes, '

Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice give birth to sons who can dig holes, which is our sweet potato brothers, sweet potatoes are particularly good at digging holes."

As soon as the words came out, the brothers all burst out laughing. The sweet potatoes were handed over to everyone and stood aside.

"This is Tu Baishun, known as Shunzi. He likes to act stupid. In fact, he is very seductive. He is a monkey. But if Shunzi has hair on his body, he is much more seductive than a monkey. Not only is he semen, but he is also secretive. Play with a knife

You're right. If you're not careful, I'll give you such a knife in the back. Tsk, brothers, if you play with him in the future, be careful of your back!" As soon as Yuesong finished speaking, Shunzi bowed his hands to everyone and said

: "For the devil, we will stab him in the back of the heart with one knife; for the brothers, we will stab him in both sides without hesitation!"

"Okay!" Everyone cheered in unison.

"This, Zhao Daniu, needless to say, look at this silly big guy, who is very strong and whooping crane, he looks a bit like you, but he doesn't play with swords, he plays with axes." Yuesong said,

Pulling Da Niu in front of everyone, Da Niu chuckled and said to everyone: "Hehe, my ax can chop the necks of Japanese soldiers just like cutting watermelons. It can also chop firewood and warm the fire for the brothers, hehe."

"Daniu, you can hang out with me from now on, I will protect you!" Deng Minghe shouted loudly.

"Well, good job, Minghe, we brothers, with the old leading the new, we want to form pairs and hug each other. Come on, this is Shen Fuqing, everyone calls him 'Haha', he is a peacemaker.

, I originally planned to enjoy some happiness, but who knew that the Japanese were coming, so I kept my head down and thought, how can I kill that stupid little Japanese? Brother Haha not only shoots accurately with his rifle, but also has many ideas. He is our special

Little Zhuge of the team."

Haha, he didn’t even laugh. He handed over his hands to everyone and said, “At home, you rely on your parents, and when you go out, you rely on your brothers!”

"Okay!" everyone shouted in unison.

"This, Li Sixi, is very alert, can run fast, is good at shooting cold arrows, and is especially good at jungle warfare. With a knife, he can lay a dragnet. The traps and traps he sets are very lethal. From now on, everyone

All the children call him, Xizi."

Xizi also said to everyone: "When my trap catches the Japanese, I will dig out the Japanese's evil heart and serve it to my brothers!"

"It's cool!" Biaozi said loudly, "Kill him, that stupid Japanese guy with such a bad heart. We won't drink the wine, but we'll take it and feed it to the dogs! How about it?"

"Feed the dog!" everyone replied excitedly.

"I estimate that 90% of this one and Brother Chao are brothers. Chaide, Dezi, a cold-faced killer, won't smile for a year and a half, and maybe smile for a while in ten or eight years, but they can kill people.

Come, your face won’t change, your heart won’t beat!”

Dezi bowed his hands to everyone: "Kill all the Japanese, and it won't be too late to laugh again!"

"Okay, kill all the little devils, kill all the little devils!" Everyone was excited and the momentum was high.

"Captain Luo, looking at you guys, you made me look thirty years younger." The old village chief came in, followed by a group of young men carrying seven or eight bowls of food and five or six jars of old wine.

"Old village chief, you are not old, come on, let's have a drink!" Yuesong said excitedly.

"Okay, this old man, I will also drink a few cups with you today!" The old village chief walked to the Eight Immortals table, waved to the young men behind him and said: "Here, give him four tables and serve the food!"

The table was set up, the wine and food were served, and the brothers and young men all sat down. Yuesong picked up the wine cup, raised his hands, and said: "Old village chief, brothers, let's toast to those who have the first cup.

Kill the enemy bravely and kill the little devil, brothers who have already taken the first step!"

The old village chief raised the wine cup with both hands and said: "Respect the anti-Japanese heroes, respect the anti-Japanese martyrs!"

Biaozi also raised the wine cup with both hands and said: "To Duan Sanshui!"

Chang Chao stood up and finally said: "Respect Da Zhuang!"

Yuesong also said excitedly: "I respect the three hundred brothers of my third battalion who killed the Japs, Captain Zhao of the Rangers, and all the heroes in China who killed the Japs!"

After saying that, everyone slowly poured the wine in the wine cups onto the ground.

After paying tribute to the martyrs, Yuesong said to everyone: "Today we are brothers gathering on the treasured land of the old village chief, and our soldiers and civilians are celebrating together. But don't forget that the devils are still rampant in China, and the special forces still have heavy responsibilities on their shoulders. No one

Five cups at most, this is discipline, come on, do it!”

"Do it!" Everyone drank and talked together and studied the next battle plan. In the meantime, Yuesong and the old village chief also gave Biaozi and the others a detailed introduction to the situation of the fake special force.

This chapter has been completed!
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