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202. The devil is not easy to mess with

Yuesong saw Brother Chao being suppressed by a machine gun behind a big banyan tree. He raised his rifle and fired a shot at the firing hole of the Japanese bunker. The bullet hit the firing hole of the reinforced concrete bunker and bounced away.

This shot naturally shocked both the Japanese machine gunner and the commander. Commander Cao, who was in command, took a telescope and saw the Chinese gunner who started running in a curve after firing. He saw that the rifle in the Chinese gunner's hand was actually produced by the empire.

The Type 97 sniper rifle almost made his jaw drop in shock. He pushed the machine gunner away, held the butt of the rifle and started firing at the Chinese gunners.

Brother Chao saw machine gun bullets constantly hitting Yuesong. He immediately changed his position and ran for more than 40 meters towards the hillside of the Japanese bunker. Then he stopped, raised his gun and aimed at the shooting hole of the bunker. "Bang!"

When one shot was fired, Brother Chao and Yuesong shot from low to high. The bullets could not hit the Japanese directly, but the shock effect produced by the bullets hitting the shooting holes was still there.

Chief Cao was shot by a sniper who was running towards him. Another bullet hit the shooting hole, frightening Chief Cao again. Chief Cao returned the machine gun to the machine gunner and said: "Keep an eye on these two gunners."

, shoot at whoever shows his head."

"Hi." The machine gunner held the butt of his gun and kept moving the muzzle, looking for the Chinese gunman.

Commander Cao walked out of the bunker, summoned five soldiers, lowered his body, and followed the trench to outflank Luo Yuesong.

After arriving at a shooting position in the trench, Commander Cao ordered several soldiers to slowly reveal their heads, and the five 38-gun guns were simultaneously aimed at the location where the enemy might appear.

"Load the bullets. You two, when you find the enemy, shoot accurately at the position where the enemy appears. You two increase the advance based on their two benchmarks. You, focus specifically on the position where the enemy may run towards in a curve, and deliver a fatal blow.

, it’s up to you.” Commander Cao commanded five Japanese soldiers, preparing to ambush the running Chinese snipers with the high accuracy of five 38-gun guns.

When both Yuesong and Chao Ge stopped running, the Japanese machine guns stopped firing randomly. Yuesong made a gesture to Chao Ge, indicating that they were ready to run together. Chao Ge saluted Yuesong.

He looked full of confidence.

Yuesong covered his mouth and laughed for a while, then he held the rifle in his left hand, raised his right hand high, and swung it down suddenly. Yuesong and Brother Chao ran out from behind the tree trunk at the same time.

The Japanese machine gunner suddenly found that two enemies had come out. He didn't know who to fight for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, he fired fiercely at Brother Chao's side. Brother Chao ran forward a few steps.

He ran a few more steps to the right, then a few more steps to the left, and then hid behind a tree trunk.

After all, a machine gun is a machine gun, and its mobility is still poor. Although the Japanese machine gunner tried his best to move the muzzle quickly, not a single bullet hit the enemy. Seeing that the enemy hid behind the tree trunk, the Japanese machine gunner also stopped shooting.

Yuesong was not so lucky. As soon as he ran a few steps, two bullets flew over behind him. This was something Yuesong expected, but the two bullets that flew over almost at the same time almost hit him.

, if it hits, the bullet will deform, but Yuesong will bleed.

Yuesong hurriedly rolled down the hillside, and another bullet flew over after his body. The bullet hit the ground where Yuesong had just rolled. The dull sound frightened Yuesong more than the sharp sound. Yuesong did not dare

He stopped, rolled down several times with the rifle in his arms, then got up, jumped up, and hid behind a fat kapok tree.

Yuesong lay down behind the kapok tree, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and secretly cursed the Japanese commander, a bastard, and two brushes. A single rifle can't do anything to me, and a machine gun can't hit me.

Several rifles fired accurately at the same time, almost killing me.

Brother Chao was really worried about Yuesong, but from his angle he couldn't see the Japanese shooting at Yuesong, and the machine gun in the bunker behind him was still staring at him, so he couldn't help. He watched Yuesong rolling.

I crawled to the ground and hid behind the kapok tree, and then I felt relieved.

After Yuesong took a breath, he waved to Brother Chao. If the fuss continued, the injuries would be minor. The two snipers might have rested in front of a small Japanese bunker. Don't let Keijiro Kaneko wake up from his dream.


Brother Chao waved in response to Yuesong. The two of them did not dare to go any further. Taking advantage of the cover of the trees and listening to the firing of Japanese machine guns and rifles behind them, they tried their best to reach the foot of the mountain and quickly escaped from the dispute.


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