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205. Lure the enemy to fire

When Captain Manabe ran to Highland 2, Warrant Officer Nobuo Kishi was directing soldiers from several light and dark bunkers in the main castle to fire on the attacking enemy troops.

Seeing the captain enter the main castle, Warrant Officer Nobuo Kishi immediately reported to Captain Manabe.

"Report to the captain, there is a guerrilla attack, and I am taking command to stop it."

"Yes." Captain Manabe took the telescope from the warrant officer's hand and carefully observed the incoming enemy troops. From the occasional flash of the enemy's clothing, it was true that they were not wearing American military uniforms, but judging from the attack posture and the weapons used,

Judging from the weapons, they were definitely not guerrillas. It seemed that Major Kaneko was right, so Captain Manabe asked Nobuo Kishi, "Did you order the machine guns in those bunkers to fire?"

"Report to the captain, several open forts to the south and west have opened fire, but none of the dark forts have opened fire."

There was a "pop" sound, and Warrant Officer Nobuo Kishi was slapped hard by Captain Manabe, "Asshole, how many enemies are there, you just let everyone open fire, didn't you see that the enemy's thunder is loud and the rain is small? They are this

The purpose of the test is to expose our fire points and order all fire points to cease fire. As long as the enemy does not advance, no more fire will be fired."

Nobuo Kishi, whose face was still burning with pain, replied loudly: "Hi." Then he ran to deliver the order.

When Captain Manabe heard that the machine guns had stopped firing, he held up his binoculars and continued to observe the enemy's movements. The cunning Chinese hid and stopped shooting. This made Manabe even more convinced that his judgment was correct.


"Hey, if you dare to take another half step forward, I will beat you to pieces." Manabe said with a sneer.

Kanemitsu Keijiro heard the sound of explosions and machine guns coming from the No. 2 hillside. He took a sip of tea, crossed his legs, stared at his small eyes in confusion, turned on the gramophone, played a Japanese folk song, and followed

The folk tune is humming and humming, and it is extremely comfortable. It seems that you can do it with ease and everything is under your control.

Yuesong was sitting in the distance smoking a cigarette, but when he heard all the Japanese machine gun fire stopped, he turned around and said to Cao Gen'er beside him: "What's going on? Why did the Japanese machine guns stop firing? Cao Gen'er, go check it out."

"Yes." Cao Gen'er ran over and watched for a while, then ran back and reported, "Captain, our brothers are hiding and the Japanese ceased fire."

"Have you detected the locations of several bunkers?" Yuesong blew out a puff of smoke.

"There are three in the south and two in the west. Each bunker contains one heavy machine gun and two light machine guns. There is also the largest bunker in the southeast. There are two heavy machine guns and two light machine guns in the bunker." Cao Gen'er said.

"Which idiot commander exposed all his firepower?" Yuesong felt unreasonable.

"It's not that easy. Ren Xian took a few brothers, and they were provoking everywhere, which exposed the enemy's firepower." Cao Gen'er replied.

"Brother Chao, have you seen all the bunkers? Are they all made of reinforced concrete?" Yuesong continued to ask.

"The ones Renxian and Chao were conducting reconnaissance on were made of reinforced concrete from the shooting holes, but from the top of the bunker, it should be made of several layers of logs and covered with thick soil, with turf and branches on the soil.

Woolen cloth."

"Ah? No wonder you can't find the bunker without shooting. There is something wrong here. There must be a bunker that is not exposed. In addition, the Japanese like to use small steel cannons. How many times did the iron egg explode just now?"

"Hand grenades are expensive. Tiedan couldn't bear to blow them up, so he just blew them up."

"The Japanese mortars didn't fire back?"

"No, just keep firing with machine guns."

"Let's go take a look." Yuesong put out the cigarette butt, stood up and walked towards Tiedan with the sniper rifle in hand.

"Tiedan, the captain is here." Cao Gen'er shouted.

"Captain." Tiedan looked back at Yuesong.

Yuesong cat walked up to Tiedan, held the rifle and observed it, and said: "Tiedan, over there, do you see it? Just under the kapok tree on the hillside, blow up a bunch of people for me."

"Yes, Captain." Tiedan measured it with his thumb and pointed a grenade at the grenade. With a "boom", a grenade went out. With a "boom", it exploded in all directions.


"Okay, Tiedan, you hit it pretty accurately. Let's go and change places." After Yuesong finished speaking, he pulled Tiedan and ran for thirty or forty meters before stopping.

After waiting for more than five minutes, the Japanese fired a few machine-gun fires and then there was no response.

"Hey, you really can't move the mortar? Tiedan, follow me, go to a more open area over there, and explode again." Yuesong carried the sniper rifle and led Tiedan over.

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