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213. Make a time difference

The morning glow has filled the mountain forest. There is a very narrow ditch in the mountain stream, and clear mountain spring water flows through the cracks in the rocks.

Yuesong stood up, looked up at the glow, took a deep breath of the fresh air in the mountain forest, then stood up, walked to the ditch, and washed his face with water in his hands.

"Captain Luo, when are we leaving?" Captain Zhu also came over to wash his face.

"Don't worry, this place is good. There are hills and ditches. The woods in the distance are dense and the woods nearby are sparse. The scenery is beautiful and the environment is comfortable. Let's rest here for a while today." Yuesong sat in the ditch.

Next to him, he habitually lit up a cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

Dong Yazi also came over, walked a little above Yuesong and the others, took out a kettle and filled them with water.

"Yazi, fill up the water bottle and go tell the brothers. Just tell me what I said. We are not in a hurry to leave today. We will just take a good rest here and wait until after lunch before setting off." Yuesong said.

"What? Let's start after lunch? Captain, there's still at least thirty miles to go from here to the Nu River where we're going to reconnoiter. We can't go fast, and we may have to make more detours on the road behind.

Yeah." Dong Yazi said.

"Yes, Captain Luo, Dong Yazi is right. If you do this, you will definitely not be able to return to Longwangmiao Village today. You asked the brothers to save on eating dry food. Isn't it because you don't plan to go back today?" Captain Zhu is also there.


"You are right. We won't go back today. There is no rush to go back tomorrow. We can stop and go, fight and hide. This is called combat rhythm. You don't have to worry about it. I know it well.

, go and deliver the order quickly, Yazi."

"Oh, yes." Yaozi stood up.

"Tell the brothers to be more vigilant and tell Platoon Leader Sun that the guard posts must be changed more frequently." Yuesong reminded again.

"Yes." Yaozi put the kettle on his back and turned around to leave.

"Captain Zhu, do you still have enough dry food?" Yuesong asked with concern.

"As a wild man who grew up in the mountains, nothing is enough. He eats as much as he can, and he can survive even if he doesn't have enough." Captain Zhu replied with a smile.

"Captain Zhu, do you think it's superfluous and unnecessary for us to wear plain clothes? I guess Major Jin Guang had already guessed that those things yesterday were not done by the guerrillas."

"A little bit, our guerrillas only have a few broken guns, and there are no grenade launchers, let alone the sniper rifles with mirrors in the hands of you and Brother Chao."

"So we have to go slowly. Firstly, we will reduce the chance of exposure. Secondly, we will create a time difference and let the old devil Jin Guang wait more. Isn't he patient? Then let's test the old devil's patience again.

Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to let him be more mature and seasoned, and then kill him when the time comes? Right, Captain Zhu? Hahaha."

Captain Zhu listened to Yuesong's words and looked at Yuesong's optimistic look. He seemed to understand something. He thought for a while and said: "Captain Luo, I thought you were just going to fight hard. I've been doing this for a long time."

This is almost like a half-fairy."

"Haha, our buddy is called Luo Daxiake, and he is not a half-fairy." Yuesong took out half a pancake, tore half of it, and handed it to Captain Zhu, "Here, let's have breakfast."

"No, no, no, you can eat it, I still have some here."

"Eat, you can keep it here. I'll take care of shooting the Japanese. You can be the transport captain for me and help me carry the rations."

"I want it, I want it." Captain Zhu happily took the pancake, took a big bite, and chewed it with a smile, as if he had just discovered the value of his existence in this special force.

While the two were talking and laughing, Brother Chao came over, washed his face, drank some water, and sat next to Yuesong without saying a word.

"Brother Chao, okay if you haven't slept at night? Just sleep here for a while. I know you don't worry about Douzi. You won't worry about it at night. Let that kid practice hard during the day." Yuesong said to Brother Chao.

"If the Japanese don't take the initiative to look for us, they might be holding back something bad." Brother Chao said.

"It's not possible, just with the way Old Devil Jin Guang behaves, that's for sure. Don't worry, I'm not worried anyway. The entire fortress of Old Devil only has 1,500 people. How many people can he send to ambush us?

You old sniper is behind me, looking for an opportunity to kill the leader of the Japs. I will let the Japs turn the ambush into a chicken for the weasels." Yuesong's confidence was a little overwhelming.

"That's okay, I'll go take a nap." After Brother Chao said that, he habitually found a bush, hid in it, sat on the ground, and became confused in the blink of an eye.

"Look at this old brother of mine. He can fall asleep as soon as he closes his eyes, and he can kill people as soon as he opens his eyes. Isn't that awesome?" Yuesong said to Captain Zhu.

"Awesome, all the brothers in the special team are half-fairy." Captain Zhu admired him greatly.

"Hahaha, half-fairy, yes, they are all half-fairy." Yuesong smiled and suddenly thought of Tubaozi, Murong, and Xizi...

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