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239. Holding the Butcher Knife High

It's not yet dawn, and the woods and mountains in the distance are still dark. Although there is some moonlight, the crescent moon shuttles through the clouds. The area near the ditch in front of you is sometimes bright and clear, sometimes like the darkness opening its mouth, and at any time

They can swallow you alive.

Yuesong had already smoked two cigarettes in a row. Ren looked at the captain first, not knowing what the captain was planning. It would be best for the captain to take advantage of the fact that the Japanese haven’t found out yet. Captain, let’s run away first. We stay here. Of course, it’s very possible.

The Japanese are most likely to kill some workers for punishment or for venting their anger. Naturally, those of us who have fled here with the coward are the most likely to be killed. However, don’t we have no plans to get out when we come in?

?If you came in just to dig a trench for the Japanese, then why bother coming in?

The brothers all looked at Yuesong, who was smoking, and at the captain's face, which was bright and dark, and wondered what the captain was thinking about at this time. Run away quickly, isn't it better to stay and wait for death?

There are some good people, or workers who are worried about their own lives, also look at this wilted person who they call a coward who just arrived yesterday afternoon. Why does he have to go so far to pee?

If you get beaten, you'll be beaten. Why do you want to kill the Japanese? Isn't this asking for death? Yes, when the work is done, as usual, the Japanese will still kill the workers who build the secret base.

, but hasn’t it not been built yet? Can’t we still live to see the sun tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow? And there are porridge and black steamed buns every day.

After Yuesong finished smoking his second cigarette, he dug a hole in the ground with his bayonet and buried the cigarette butt.

Yuesong stood up, holding a bayonet in his left hand and a rifle in his right hand. He kicked the wolfdog who had already died. He walked over, jumped down from the trench, took off the Japanese soldier's uniform, and gave it to the dead Japanese soldier who was still stiff.

After wearing it back, the bayonet was also attached to the rifle. The rifle was still next to the dead Japanese. He slowly walked back to the pile of brothers and laborers, lay down, and continued to sleep.

"Coward, what are you doing here, waiting to die?" Renxian asked in a low voice.

"I'm running away. The Japanese leader will definitely kill some of you tomorrow. If no one is killed, you won't be able to escape." Yuesong replied in a low voice.

"Then I can't let you in, right?" Ming He said.

"It's okay. When the soldiers come, we will block it. When the water comes, we will cover it with the soil. Go to sleep." After Yuesong finished speaking, he covered his head with his arms and fell asleep after a while.

Renxian suddenly felt that Luo Yuesong was really big-hearted, but he fell asleep unknowingly despite being worried and frightened.

At dawn, the Chinese foreman's shouts woke up the brothers and workers. Naturally, the Japanese guards also came around.

"Get up, get up, the emperor is dead, you can still sleep," the foreman shouted to the workers lying in the trench.

"Bag, road..." A Japanese soldier yelled, and he led a dozen Japanese soldiers to surround the workers, and also brought another wolf dog. The wolf dog barked, jumped wildly, and opened its mouth.

The mouth has long canine teeth and a red tongue sticking out.

"What did the Japanese military commander say?" Fei Teng asked Yuesong in a low voice.

"What can I say? It's similar to what a wolf dog said." Yuesong pretended to be weak.

Ren first knew that something serious was going on, so he quietly asked Yuesong: "I'm a coward, why don't you take advantage of the fact that there are not so many Japs to attack first, maybe a few of them will survive."

"Hold on, all the workers have been killed, who will work for the Japanese?" Yuesong said.

"But aren't we the first ones to be hit?" Minghe asked.

"Shut up, what are you afraid of? If you follow me around, will your head be pinned to your waistband?" Yuesong glared at Whooping Crane sideways, and the brothers did not dare to speak anymore.

Just when the sergeant was scolding him vigorously, a second lieutenant led a few Japanese soldiers over, and also brought a crooked machine gun, which was set up on a rock above the trench. Why did this scene become more and more complicated?

The more familiar we become, the traitor translator wearing a silk shirt and a Japs cap, the wolfdog desperately trying to break free from the leash, the Japs holding up rifles with bright bayonets, ready to open fire at any time.

Machine gunner.

Yuesong glanced at the Japs who were preparing to kill as if nothing had happened, then lowered his head, pretending to be cowardly.

This chapter has been completed!
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