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Thirty, poor language

Deng Minghe thrust his sword in front of the fake and said, "Come on, grandpa will let you taste the power of the Chinese sword!"

The fake didn't show any weakness at all. He raised his gun to his chest, shouted in Japanese, raised his gun, rushed towards Deng Minghe, and slashed him with his knife.

Deng Minghe knelt on one leg and held the knife across his head. Just when the fake gun was about to fall, Deng Minghe suddenly raised the big knife upwards. The two knives collided. There was only a "嘡" sound and sparks flying everywhere.

The fake took two steps back. Looking at the way he freed one hand to touch the other, he guessed that his wrist was numbed by the shock. The little Japanese is used to being arrogant. He used his *** to fight with a big knife.

I still want to win with strength. Besides, I don’t want to look at how broad the sword is, how strong the muscles in the chest are, and how thick the arms are.

Deng Minghe watched the fake take a few steps back and keep touching his wrist. He was not in a hurry to attack him. He stood up, pointed at the fake with a big knife, and said: "Little Japanese, grandpa just took one of your moves, no?"

As for just shrugging it off, how about you give Grandpa a try?"

The brothers looked at the fake and laughed "hahaha". Yuesong found a big rock, sat down, took out a cigarette, lit it, smoked slowly, and admired it slowly.

The fake was humiliated by Brother Minghe, and his face was ugly. He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared. But it seemed that he had chosen the wrong path. Not only did he not gain momentum, but he also destroyed his prestige. So he held the hand with one hand

Knife, twisted his wrist, circled the gun in the air a few times, moved his wrist, and found the feeling of drawing the knife. Then he held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, the tip of the knife facing forward, "Yeah——"

With a sound, his two bandaged legs were on the ground like wild dogs digging the ground, and he quickly rushed towards Deng Minghe, thrusting his knife to stab Deng Minghe. Deng Minghe tried to block with his straight knife, but who knew that the fake straight stab was fake, but the side slash was real.

Just when they were about to meet, the fake suddenly changed his sword technique. The blade of the sword dodged past Deng Minghe's big sword, which he came to block, and then slashed Deng Minghe's left arm sideways.

Yue Song stood up in a hurry, worried that Deng Minghe, who was accustomed to being brave, would not have time to dodge. Once he was hit by the counterfeit knife from the side, Deng Minghe might not be able to save his arm. You know, the Japs' weapons are extremely sharp, and the backs of the knives are facing each other.

Being generous, it is common to chop off an arm with a knife.

In this case, if it were Yuesong, of course he would easily dodge, and then immediately attack the center of the fake while the counterfeit is not yet stable. But Deng Minghe, a kid like Deng Minghe, doesn't know how to be afraid, and he won't go at all.

The counterfeit's knife was slashing his left arm sideways, but he straightened the knife and stabbed the counterfeit's wrist. In this way, the competition was not about strength, but speed. Let's see whose knife hits the opponent first.

The counterfeit didn't dare to hesitate when he saw the knife coming straight to his own wrist. He jumped to the right to dodge, but he still didn't forget to use the tip of the knife to make a gash on Deng Minghe's arm.

Deng Minghe, who was still playing with the fake, was scratched by the tip of the fake's knife. The military uniform on his left arm was scratched, and blood slowly seeped out. Minghe suddenly became angry and cursed: "Grandma.

You're a bear!" He raised his sword and rushed forward, slashing and slashing up, down, left and right. His moves were fierce, and his sword carried the wind, like a tiger descending from a mountain or a dragon entering the sea. For a moment, the fakes retreated one after another, and they could only parry.

There is no way to fight back.

Deng Minghe's knife was sharper and faster than the knife, forcing the fake to retreat and retreat, retreat and retreat again, until it retreated into the Zhaoquan River. Unexpectedly, he stepped on a stone, and his foot slipped, causing him to flip over and fall on his back.

In the river, the gun was also thrown far away. Brother Minghe stepped forward, stepped on the fake with his left foot, raised the sword high above his head, and shouted: "Die--".

In the meantime, Brother Minghe raised his knife and dropped it. The fake dog's head was chopped off by Brother Minghe. The dog's blood spattered everywhere. The fake fell into the river, and a piece of red water flowed down the river, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was no trace. It was just that the fake dog's head was chopped off by Brother Minghe's powerful sword. The dog's head flew up and hit a stone in the river. It rolled along the stone a few times before falling into the river.

The river is full.

Brother Minghe kicked the corpse of the fake, carried the bloody sword, held his head high and walked onto the shore.

Yuesong took a look and said: "Daniu, Xizi, drag that disgusting corpse out of the river and throw it into the smelly ditch. The river water is quite clean, so don't make it dirty."

"Okay!" Da Niu and Xi Zi responded, walked down to the river, dragged out the fake body, and threw it into a small ditch.

Minghe washed the sword in the river and carried it on his back.

Yuesong threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped into the sand with his feet, and said: "Tang Si, reconnoiter from the front and move forward. Third brother, cut off the rear. Let's go back to Liangjia'ao for a drink!"

Yuesong led the brothers and as soon as they arrived at the archway at the entrance of Liangjiaao Village, the old village chief walked quickly with a cane to greet them.

"Haha, I knew you were good. Boys, go into the house and have a drink!" the old village chief said happily.

Yuesong looked back at the brothers, each of them with a cheerful smile on his face. Yuesong waved his hand and said: "Brothers! Did you see that when we set out for the expedition, there were villagers who saw us off, and when we returned in triumph, there were villagers who greeted us with old wine. You know why?


"Why?" asked the third brother.

"You are stupid, you don't even know this, because our New Fourth Army is the people's own army! Brothers, do you think so?" Biaozi asked loudly.

"Yes!" the brothers replied in unison, their voices loud and clear, resounding in all directions.

"Come on, Fourth Sister, let's start singing military songs and go back to the village!" Yuesong said to Fourth Sister.

"Okay, go east, go east! Get ready to sing!" the fourth sister sang loudly.

"Advance east, advance east, we are the iron-blooded New Fourth Army..." The brothers sang the New Fourth Army's military song in unison, lined up in neat formation, and strode towards the village with heads held high.

The old village chief looked at the young men from the special force walking past him majestically, and listened to the young men singing loud and majestic military songs. He felt really happy and happy.

Entering the ancestral hall, there were four tables of banquets. Although there were no delicacies from the mountains and seas, or royal dishes, they were just some village side dishes, but killing the little devil was the biggest dish. Celebrating the victory with the villagers was special.

The team’s greatest joy!

During the banquet, everyone chatted and chatted very unhappyly, and the whole ancestral hall burst into laughter.

After eating and making trouble, Yuesong asked Biaozi to arrange the whistle and two hidden whistles, thanked the old village chief, and went back to the house to rest.

Back in the room, Yuesong took out Dan Feng's letter to him again, opened it carefully, and read it carefully like he was tasting tea:

"I don't know when you will come back. Maybe when you come back, my injury will be healed and I can go out for a walk with you. The night in the mountains is so quiet. I don't dare to go out at night alone.

, if you come back, I will dare.

Look, look out the window, the moon is so bright, does it look like a small boat hanging on the treetops?..."

Yuesong stretched his head and looked out the window. There was really a crescent moon hanging on the treetops. The ancients said that "the heart has a clear understanding." Maybe Dan Feng was also looking at the moon outside the window at this moment.

Yuesong walked to the window and looked at the bright moon carefully. As he looked at it, he seemed to see Dan Feng’s shy smile and hear Dan Feng’s silvery laughter. Then Yuesong suddenly felt that there was something wrong.

There are many things to say to Dan Feng. Yuesong sat at the table, took out all the cigarettes from the cigarette box, put them in his pocket, spread out the paper of the cigarette box, took out the pen from the watch pocket, and looked out the window.

The crescent moon, thinking of the pure red maple, wrote on the paper of the cigarette box:

"Dan Feng is like a dear friend:

I'm very surprised to learn that your injury has improved a lot, but you still need to lie still more and move less until you are fully healed..."

When Yuesong wrote this, he felt that he was too dissatisfied with what he had written. It looked like a father scolding his daughter with a straight face. Yuesong grabbed the cigarette pack paper and was about to throw it away, but another

I thought, it’s just a piece of paper. If you throw it away, you won’t be able to write.

Yuesong carefully stretched out the cigarette pack paper and spread it on the table, but he didn't know what to write. So he took out the cigarette out of habit, lit it, took a few puffs, and then wrote:

"I think the love between children and daughters always happens in a moment. When I saw you for the first time, I suddenly felt that there was something indescribable that attracted me deeply..."

Yuesong stopped writing again, isn't it too cheesy to write like this? Emotional matters are so straightforward from the beginning, just like flowers without fog, fish without water, that kind of hazy beauty, that kind of if

The meaning of casualness is completely gone. Alas, why am I so stupid all of a sudden? Can't I...

Yuesong took a few puffs of cigarette and walked around the room anxiously. After a few puffs of the cigarette in his hand, Yuesong sucked it until only the butt was left. Yuesong habitually threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

I kicked it. Usually when I think about the door to fight the Japanese, I just throw it and step on it, and the inspiration will come out, and the door will be there. But today when I was thinking about how to write a letter to Dan Feng, I also threw away the cigarette butt.

I despise it, but I still don’t know what to write.

Yuesong saw the crescent moon again from the window. A breeze blew in, and the fragrance of buds floated from the branches outside the window. Yuesong took a deep breath and calmed down. He sat at the table again and picked up the pen.

, continued to write:

"You are like the bright moon, hanging on the branches of my heart, shaking and shaking, swaying out freshness and tranquility; you are like the clear pool of clear waves, sleeping peacefully in front of my squatting cheek, and the breeze blows

, the green waves are rippling, rippling out purity, rippling out beauty; you are like that orchid, standing silently among the mountains I love, the clear dew dripping on your pure face, the subtle fragrance floats, floating out the elegance,

Floating out…”

Yuesong tapped his head with the pen, but he couldn't think of a suitable word. When he went back and read the few sentences he had just written, he felt that they were too implicit and clumsy to write poetry. Yuesong simply wrote them.

Three times, I was dissatisfied with the letter. I folded it and stuffed it into my pocket. I stood up and walked a few steps in the room. I still felt uncomfortable, so I simply took off my clothes and fell on the bed to sleep. Maybe I could still have a dream.

, in my dream, I might be able to walk with myself in the mountains and forests, whispering under the pale moon...

This chapter has been completed!
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