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Thirty-three, bloody two heroes 3

"Who?" It was Ouyang Qiuyue's voice.

"Me!" Yuesong replied as he walked.

"Captain, where have you been?" Ouyang heard the captain's voice, put down his shell gun, and asked.

"It's okay, just take a walk." Yuesong said and walked towards Biaozi.

"Captain, you're back. It's been so long. I'm really worried about you. Don't act alone in the future." Biaozi saw the captain coming back and followed him like a mother-in-law.

"Biaozi, gather the team and set off!" Yuesong ordered.

"Yes!" Biaozi agreed and went to assemble the team.

Yuesong led the team and conducted careful reconnaissance all the way. Although the distance from the mountain to Feilai Peak was not far, the mountain road was difficult to walk in the dark, and it was in enemy-occupied territory, and there were important Japanese military facilities nearby, so it was necessary to walk

Stop and go, it wasn't until around 12 o'clock in the night that we arrived at the foot of Feilai Peak.

Yuesong raised his right hand to signal the team to stop and take cover.

"Lei Hang, map!" Yuesong said to Lei Hang.

Lei Hang quickly brought the map. Yuesong found a low-lying place with dense trees, unfolded the map, took out a small flashlight, covered the flashlight with his hand, and looked at the map carefully.

Biaozi walked to the captain and said, "What should we do next?"

Yuesong turned off the flashlight, put away the map, took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, but did not dare to light it. Yuesong thought for a while and said: "Go and arrange it, two people will be in groups, and the groups will be about 30 meters apart."

, find a hiding place, wait for the US military aircraft to airdrop the National Army special operations team, the password is 'porridge, steamed buns', pay attention to the vigilance to prevent the Japanese army from sneak attack."

"Okay." Biaozi agreed and made arrangements.

In the quiet night in the mountain forest, in the quiet night in the mountain forest, the night wind is no longer so biting. The night wind is like a small hand, gently brushing on people's faces, with a slightly silky feeling; the branches are no longer so stiff.

, with the decoration of buds, not only the waist becomes softer, but the smell also becomes richer.

Yuesong leaned against a camphor tree, half-lying and thinking about his own thoughts. Lei Hang hid beside the captain, carefully watching the movements around him.

Time passes so slowly. From now to dawn, there are still about five hours. Every brother in the special team feels so lonely and unbearable. He can't smoke, walk around, talk or laugh, sleep, or even think about himself.


Yuesong put the cigarette to his mouth and took a puff. Although he couldn't light it, he could still get through it. Yuesong held the cigarette in his mouth and looked at the sky. The stars in the sky were blinking mischievously, like red maples.

Just like his big and smart eyes, he can talk, tease, and enchant people.

Knowing that everything is fine at home, Yuesong feels much more peaceful. But Yuesong is a person who hates waiting. Waiting is like a nine-headed snake, mercilessly biting Yuesong's bright red life. It is a rare gap between battles and a rare quiet moment.

, if Dan Feng were around, wouldn't this mountain forest be a paradise on earth? But now we can only wait, enjoy quietly, and wait to devour the good times.

Yuesong stood up, walked over to Lei Hang, and whispered to Lei Hang: "Go, tell Captain Hu and ask him to send three groups of people to extend one hundred meters outward in three directions: east, west, and south.

, set up a hidden observation post. If there is any situation, you are not allowed to act without permission and report immediately."

Lei Hang nodded and quietly went to find Captain Hu.

After an uneventful night, dawn finally came and the sky was gradually breaking.

"Lei Hang, send the order, all the special forces, be alert, pay attention to the enemy's movements, wait for someone to be airborne down, even if the person is in front of you, don't be exposed easily, aim your gun first, and then ask for the password

, the bullets are loaded, and no one should be taken lightly!" After giving the order, Yuesong got into the gap between two big rocks. He couldn't bear it anymore, lit up the cigarette that had been held in his mouth all night, and took a few puffs.

Mouth, exhale - ah - cool!

Yuesongbian smoked cigarettes one after another like a man who had been hungry for half a year, blowing out the smoke and fanning the smoke away with his hand. After finishing one cigarette, he still couldn't satisfy his craving, so he lit another one and just took a big puff.

, and heard the faint sound of the motor of an airplane in the sky. Yuesong looked at the sky alertly, and listened attentively for a while. Yes, there was an airplane flying over. Yuesong took a deep breath and pressed the cigarette.

On the stone, I put out the fire and put the remaining half of the cigarette into my pocket. I grabbed the sniper rifle, adjusted the sniper scope, and pointed the muzzle out of the stone, pointed it at the western sky, and moved slowly

Holding the muzzle of the gun, looking at the sky to the west.

When it came, it was still a small dot, but Yuesong could tell that it was a US military aircraft.

"Lei Hang, send the order, Ouyang Qiuyue, and Niu Peilin, let the two boys go directly to the top of Feilai Peak. Ouyang observes the west and north, and Niu Peilin observes the east and south. If there are Japanese soldiers coming, shoot freely to stop them. Others, do your best.

Prepare for battle." Yuesong gave the order while holding up a sniper rifle and observing the small shop in the sky.

Five minutes later, the aircraft clearly appeared in Yuesong's sniper scope. It was a US military C-46 transport aircraft, with a five-pointed star pattern clearly on the fuselage.

Two minutes later, a dozen umbrella flowers suddenly floated out from the back of the plane. Yuesong could clearly see through the sniper scope that the brothers of the National Army Special Operations were all equipped with American equipment.

"Captain, Niu Peilin is gesturing." Lei Hang reminded Yuesong.

Yuesong raised his head and looked at Niu Peilin. From his gestures, Yuesong understood that there were Japanese troops to the east, about thirty people, six hundred meters away, divided into three small groups, and they were walking through the mountains and forests, approaching Feilai Peak.

"Order, the other snipers, each follow a gunman behind him, extend 200 meters to the east, shoot freely to block, and ensure the safe landing of the national army special operations team." Yuesong said as he pushed the bullet.

Gun chamber.

While he was talking, several National Army soldiers had already landed. However, Yuesong saw that the location where the National Army brothers landed was almost a kilometer away from the Feilai Peak guarded by the Special Forces. In case there was a Japanese patrol there,

, that would be troublesome.

Yuesong was so anxious that he ignored the original plan of hiding and waiting. He jumped on the big rock and directly ordered: "Biaozi, you take the snipers and extend to block the Japanese patrol. Others, follow me quickly to the west for one kilometer.

Welcome the National Army Action Team."

"Yes!" Biaozi responded and took Brother Chao, Wuwa, Murong Xue and others there.

Yuesong led the other team members and walked quickly through the mountains and forests. The special operations team members, like agile cheetahs, rushed towards the west quickly and bravely.

Before Yuesong and other special forces members arrived at the landing site of the Kuomintang brothers, most of the Kuomintang brothers had already landed in the mountain forest. The Japanese patrol had discovered the enemy airborne troops and was rushing here quickly.


Biaozi led Chaoge and the others into three groups and had already taken cover behind the big rocks.

Yuesong and his brothers were rushing forward at full speed when suddenly there was a gunshot. Yuesong raised his hand and the brothers stopped. Yuesong looked back and saw that it was Ouyang Qiuyue who had fired.

Ouyang saw the captain looking at him and hurriedly making gestures. Yuesong raised his sniper rifle and saw Ouyang's gestures clearly through the sniper scope. To the southwest, three hundred meters away from Yuesong, there was a Japanese patrol with a dozen people heading towards

Rush to the place where the national army brothers landed.

Yuesong made a few gestures to the brothers around him, and Tang Si led the four brothers to the southwest for a Japanese patrol and sneak attack. Yuesong led the remaining people and continued to rush to the landing place of the national army.

"Bang" and "bang" several gunshots were fired one after another. Listening to the gunfire, it was the snipers led by Biaozi who were killing the Japanese patrol. Then fierce gunshots rang out. It seemed that Biaozi had already had sex with the Japanese patrol.


"Da da da" "ta da da", fierce gunshots also rang out from the northwest. It was probably that Tang Si was sneaking up on the Japanese patrol.

Yuesong couldn't take care of them anymore and took the remaining brothers directly. After holding back all his strength, he finally arrived at the place where the national army landed.

The parachute, the white parachute, was obviously abandoned in the woods, but no one was seen. Yuesong raised his hands and stopped. The brothers all squatted down and observed with guns. Yuesong whispered: "Xizi, Dezi

, you two, go over and have a look!"

Xizi and Dezi walked over with their bags, and after walking only ten meters, they heard someone shouting: "Porridge!"

Xizi quickly picked up the gun and responded to the shout: "Momo!"

"Don't shoot, we are the National Army's Special Operations Team." The voice said and ducked out from behind a big tree. Xizi saw that it was the National Army and asked, "Are you the only one?"

"Everyone, come out!" the man shouted, and suddenly a dozen heavily armed national army brothers appeared from behind the tree.

Xizi shouted behind him: "Captain, we are brothers from the national army!"

Yuesong stood up and led his brothers over. When Yuesong walked to Xizi, the national army officer suddenly shouted: "Yuesong, it's really your boy!" The officer said and rushed over.

Xizi stretched out her hand to stop the officer.

Yuesong looked at the national army officer intently and finally recognized him. He pushed Xizi away and stepped forward to hug the national army officer. The two hugged each other tightly and giggled "hahaha".

Fierce gunshots were still ringing from behind. Yuesong let go of the officer and said, "Cold-faced fox, this is not the place to talk. Let's retreat quickly!"

"Okay, Adjutant Li, let's follow the New Fourth Army brothers and withdraw!" the officer Bie Yuesong called the "cold-faced fox" ordered his adjutant.

"Third brother, you take them to retreat to the west first. Let's meet at Longwang Gorge. Others, follow me!" After Yuesong finished speaking, the first one rushed back.

The gunfire from the east became less and less frequent, and only a few gunshots could be heard occasionally.

Yuesong and his brothers had only run thirty or forty meters when they saw Tang Si coming with several brothers.

"Captain!" Tang Si shouted as he ran this way.

"How's it going? Where's the Japanese patrol?" Yuesong asked quickly.

"The dozen or so Japs, like a bunch of stupid young men, just ran to the place where the National Army landed. We outflanked them and made a 'da da da' sound. In less than three minutes, there were only enough Japs to cover us.

There is a gap between my teeth, haha!" Tang Si said proudly.

"Good job, our brothers from the national army have been safely received. You guys go and pick up Captain Hu and the others and ask them to stop fighting. After receiving them, evacuate quickly. Let's meet up at Longwang Gorge." Yuesong said.

"Okay, let's go, brothers!" Tang Si led the people there.

This chapter has been completed!
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