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Second, the bloody battle

In October 1938, the Japanese army formed a situation of encircling Wuhan from the east, north and south. In early October, the Japanese 10th Division marched towards the Dabie Mountains. Liao Lei, commander-in-chief of the 21st Group Army of the National Army, led his troops to stay in the Dabie Mountains to stop the Japanese army.

Brigadier Dong Jianxin led the 107th Brigade to guard the Dabie Mountains. Luo Yuesong, then the major battalion commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the 107th Brigade, led his troops to guard the eastern foot of the Dabie Mountains.

In the early morning, there were a few rays of rays of light shining through the branches, and a few birds were chirping. The morning in Dabie Mountain was even more beautiful under the rays of light, and it became more peaceful under the singing of birds.

"battalion commander--"

The sleepy-eyed Luo Yuesong stretched hard and let out a long yawn. He turned around and saw his orderly Lai Fu jumping and shouting running to his side.

"Batalion Commander, look!" Laifu handed a mountain rabbit to Luo Yuesong.

"Mountain rabbit! Where did you get it?" Luo Yuesong asked.

"Here!" Laifu tilted his waist, pursed his lips, and patted the small crossbow hanging on his waist as he spoke.

"Good boy, go and make some stew for me. I'll give you a rabbit leg to eat." Luo Yuesong raised his foot and kicked Fu down, and said with a smile.

"Just take a look." Laifu responded and went to take care of the mountain rabbit.

Luo Yuesong straightened his military uniform, straightened his hat, moved his pistol, wiped his binoculars, straightened his back, and went to inspect his position with arrogance.

All the way there, there were military salutes, smiles all the way, and tigerishness all the way. Who said that we Chinese soldiers are not men? They are bastard little devils. If they want to piss on the heads of us Chinese, there is no way! Luo Yuesong thought as he walked back humming a tune proudly.

As I walked, I smelled the aroma of rabbit meat and couldn't help but run towards Laifu quickly.

Laifu had just filled a large bowl of rabbit meat. When he saw Luo Yuesong running over, he quickly brought it to him and tilted his head and asked: "Master, how about a bite?"

"One bite?" Yuesonggui said with a smile, "Then take one bite, just one bite!"

"Okay." Laifu turned around and ran to get the wine.

Suddenly there was a sharp whistle of artillery shells in the sky.

"Master——" Not far away, Laifu, who heard the whistling of artillery shells, ran towards Yuesong.

"Don't run..." Before he finished speaking, there was a "boom" and the shell exploded right in front of Laifu. "Laifu--" Yuesong shouted and ran over, holding Laifu's body covered in blood.


"Young Master..." Laifu said intermittently, "You... are fine... I'm... relieved." After saying that, he tilted his head and died in Luo Yuesong's arms.

"Lai - Fu -, you silly boy, I haven't married you a wife yet, Lai - Fu -" Luo Yuesong cried.

"Boom", "boom", "boom"... there were constant whistling and explosions. In an instant, the big tree fell down, black soil flew into the air, fire shot into the sky, and flesh and blood splattered everywhere.

After a round of shelling, Luo Yuesong got up from the ground, straightened his military uniform, and loudly ordered: "Get up and beat the bastards hard!" The soldiers got up one after another, lay down by the trench, and stood ready.

But after a while, no Japanese attack was seen. Just as I was wondering, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... a new round of shelling began again. This happened again and again, and the Japanese bombed indiscriminately, but no Japanese came forward.

Nearly half of Luo Yuesong's soldiers were killed or injured.

In the distance, gunshots continued to be heard from Luo Yuesong's left and right positions.

Luo Yuesong and the soldiers spent the entire morning amid the sound of Japanese bombings. They could not see the Japanese, but only got a reward for being bombed, which made Luo Yuesong and the soldiers feel very depressed.

At noon, the Signal Corps reported that the left and right positions were lost, the brigade commander had led his troops to retreat, and the third battalion had been surrounded by Japanese soldiers.

"Brothers, are you still the kind of men who pee standing up?" Luo Yuesong stood on a high slope and shouted to the soldiers.

"Yes!" the soldiers replied in unison.

"It's men, let's just leave our hundred and ten kilograms here. I'll beat that little devil so hard that his neck will be broken and there'll be a huge scar. If you kill one, we'll earn a profit. If we kill two, we'll earn one..."


"Batalion Commander, just give the order, none of us are cowards." A soldier shouted.

"Boom, boom, boom", after another round of shelling, the Japanese finally rushed up. "Hit!" Luo Yuesong gave the order, and the brothers' bullets hit the Japanese with "swish, swish".

There were Japanese soldiers everywhere, and the eyes were filled with darkness. Bullets were flying everywhere, and explosions were booming. The machine gunner beside him died. Luo Yuesong picked up the Czech machine gun and fired fiercely at the Japanese soldiers, with angry bullet belts.

Shooting towards the Japanese with full of hatred.

We repelled the enemy's attacks again and again, knocked down row after row of Japanese, and fell one brother after another. The position became smaller and smaller, the bullets became less and less, but there seemed to be more and more Japanese.

There was no time to explain the funeral, no time to wave goodbye, fight, fight, in the fierce battle, I don’t know when a shell exploded next to Luo Yuesong, Luo Yuesong fell in a pool of blood...

This chapter has been completed!
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