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Thirty-eight, bloody twins 8

Yuesong and Battalion Commander Leng led the brothers to the top of the mountain quickly. Yuesong held a sniper rifle and observed the movements of the Japs team through the forest. Battalion Commander Leng raised his exquisite and compact telescope and saw a dozen

The Japanese were rushing towards the place where the smoke started, and they were only about 400 meters away.

Tang Si and Brother Chao were lying in ambush behind a larger pine tree. Brother Chao leaned against the trunk of the pine tree, holding a sniper rifle with both hands. The sniper rifle stood upright on Brother Chao's chest. Brother Chao closed his eyes and carefully

He adjusted his breathing. Tang Si leaned sideways, close to the trunk of the pine tree, and from time to time he stretched his head to look at the Japanese team that was driving here.

The Japanese patrol was only more than 200 meters away from Brother Chao and the others. The Japanese probably wanted to sneak attack the enemy who was making a fire for cooking, so they suddenly slowed down and took advantage of the cover of the pine trees to cross cover and search forward.

"It's less than 200 meters, Brother Chao!" Tang Si said.

Brother Chao took a deep breath, pulled the bolt, loaded the bullet, grasped the gun body with his left hand, and hooked the trigger with the index finger of his right hand. He suddenly stepped out, picked up the sniper rifle, and saw a Japanese soldier holding the rifle and staring in front of him.

The Japanese advancing behind him acted as cover. Brother Chao moved the muzzle of his gun, aimed and fired, and in one fell swoop, the Japanese covering the enemy fell to the ground, and the other Japanese quickly hid behind tree trunks.

Brother Chao quickly moved his position before the Japs determined his position. Tang Si also moved to Brother Chao's side.

"Let's go, Brother Chao!" Tang Si said.

Brother Chao glanced at Tang Si, still holding the rifle and leaning against the tree trunk, waiting quietly.

Seeing that no more shots were fired, the Japanese military commander guessed that there were not many people on the other side and they must be sentries, so he waved back, and a Japanese soldier quickly retreated, presumably to move troops.

Seeing that the soldiers moving troops had gone far away, the Japanese Army Commander waved his hand to continue the search.

As soon as the Japs started to advance, Brother Chao immediately stepped out and raised his gun to aim and shoot. Another Japs fell to the ground. Although the other Japs did not see the exact location of Brother Chao clearly, they still shot at the place where the gunfire came from. 38 Big Cover

The effective shooting range is very far. Although Brother Chao immediately turned around and hid behind a tree trunk after finishing shooting, the bullets still roared towards him, making a banging sound on the tree trunks around him.

"Retreat, Brother Chao!" Tang Si was a little anxious and could no longer disobey the captain's order.

Brother Chao nodded, and after the enemy's round of shooting was over, the enemy began to advance rapidly. Brother Chao and Tang Si took advantage of the cover of the pine trees, rolled forward, then ducked and quickly retreated towards the top of the mountain.

"Come here, the fourth sister is pretty good. She can almost understand our intentions. Fox, come here!" Yuesong said, handing the sniper rifle to Battalion Commander Leng's hand.

Battalion Commander Leng took the sniper rifle, raised it, glanced at the sniper scope, turned back to Yuesong who was lying next to him and said: "Toothpick, there's nothing awesome about it, just keep an eye on it!"

"Lei Hang, let everyone else pay attention. Put the Japs within 50 meters, and then all snipers can shoot freely. No one else is allowed to shoot. Remember, keep the last one, it's up to me."

Yuesong ordered.

Brother Chao and Tang Si quickly withdrew, found a relatively private position on the hilltop more than twenty meters away from the captain, and set up an ambush.

Yuesong took off Camp Commander Leng’s small and exquisite telescope from Camp Commander Leng’s neck and said, “Fox, it’s such a waste to hang such a good telescope around your neck.” He raised the telescope and observed the Japanese.

Under the command of the sergeant, a dozen Japanese soldiers were advancing covertly, and they were already less than 100 meters away from here.

"Fox, this telescope is really good. Give it to me." Yuesong said while observing.

"Okay, I'll give you the telescope, and this Japanese sniper will be mine," said Battalion Commander Leng.

"Go ahead and give me the telescope. Don't even think about sniping. To help you complete such an important task, the superior department should give us ten trucks of weapons and ammunition for the New Fourth Army." Yuesong said.

"Toothpick, can you hold it in?" Camp Commander Leng asked.

"What are you holding back?" Yuesong continued to observe the distance of the Japs. The Japs were already only seventy or eighty meters away.

"Don't hold it in, just hold it in if you want." Battalion Commander Leng said.

"Whether I hold it in or not is none of your business?" Yuesong said.

"It's good for you to hold it in. This place is dry and it won't be enough if you don't hold it in." Battalion Commander Leng said.

"Whether you pee enough or not is none of your business?" Yuesong said.

"As long as you pee enough, you can pee yourself and take a photo, haha." Camp Commander Leng said, feeling happy.

"Looking at your size, you know that the bureaucrats in the national army are generous to their concubines, but they all pretend to be cash-strapped when it comes to friendly troops who are also fighting Japanese enemies. If I have to urinate, I need to urinate first.

Take a picture of them." Yuesong said angrily.

"You can shoot, right? Toothpick?" Battalion Commander Leng said intently as he looked at the Japanese who appeared within 50 meters.

"Attention, just the one running at the front, hold on to the gun securely. The Japs are mobile. For your first long-distance sniper attack, it's best to wait until he doesn't move..." Before Yuesong finished speaking, he heard "

There was a "bang" sound that startled Yuesong. The Japs who were running at the front had already fallen to the ground. Yuesong looked through the binoculars and saw that the Japs were lying on the ground motionless, and the other Japs quickly took cover.

"Fox, did you hit him?" Yuesong asked.

"It's less than 50 meters, but you can still hit a ball from a long distance." Battalion Commander Leng said while pulling the bolt of the gun to change the ammunition.

"Blow it off. If the blind cat encounters a dead rat, if you have the guts, just kill another one that runs fast." Yuesong said.

Battalion Commander Leng had just changed the bullets and continued to look for the hidden Japs through the sniper scope. He heard another gunshot not far away. A Japs hiding behind a tree trunk was shot. His legs went weak and he fell.

At the edge of the tree, it was Niu Peilin. The Japs only noticed the gunshots here. They didn't expect that there were enemies over there. In this way, the angle for the Japs to hide behind the tree trunk was very small. The trunk was only that thick, but

There were six or seven snipers, and a dozen Japanese soldiers really didn't know where to hide.

"Brothers, look at it. If the enemy shows his head, hit his head. If his feet are exposed, hit his feet. If his balls are exposed, hit his eggs. Play slowly. Don't be impatient. Ah, don't be impatient!" Yuesong shouted loudly.

As soon as Yuesong spoke, all he heard was a shot here and a shot there. Now this Japanese was shot in the head, and now that Japanese was shot in the leg. In less than a bowl of tea, six or seven were dead and four or five were injured.

.The Japanese sergeant became so angry that he raised his rifle and rushed out. He fired while charging towards the top of the hill.

"Don't fight this, leave it to the fox. Whoever hits me will be in trouble!" Yuesong shouted loudly.

The Japanese soldier followed the shout and fired a shot. With a "bang" sound, the bullet hit the soil slope in front of Yuesong. The soil was splashed up, not to one side nor to one side, and a lump of flying soil was just right.

It flew into Yuesong's open mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Yuesong kept spitting out dirt. Angrily, Yuesong stretched out his hand and said to Battalion Commander Leng: "Give me back the gun. If you dare to play tricks on me, I will let him know how powerful grandpa is."

"Hahaha" Battalion Commander Leng lay on the ground and kept laughing, without hitting the Japanese sergeant or returning the sniper rifle to Yuesong.

Yuesong angrily patted Commander Leng on the head and said, "If you can't hit me, give me the gun back!"

The Japanese soldier was getting closer and closer. Captain Leng, holding his rifle, suddenly stood up, moved the muzzle of the gun, aimed and fired. With a "pop" sound, the Japanese soldier was shot in the forehead, fell on the hillside, and stumbled down the mountain again.

Go away.

"Hey, Fox, okay, we've been having trouble for a long time. You have practiced sniping before." Yuesong said, looking at the Japanese Army Cao who was rolling down the hillside.

"No, I've only been practicing for two months." Battalion Commander Leng was lying on the ground, looking at Yuesong while changing bullets.

Yuesong looked at Commander Leng's triumphant look, hung the telescope around his neck, and shouted loudly: "Okay, no more fun, Ouyang, Niu Peilin, you two stay here and kill the remaining Japs."

,Others, come and eat meat with me!"

After shouting, Yuesong said to Lei Hang again: "Here, give the old telescope you are carrying to Commander Leng. You can carry this on your back."

"Toothpick, you're so embarrassed," Camp Commander Leng protested.

"What am I embarrassed about? You are the major battalion commander of the national army, am I not?" He took a step forward and snatched the sniper rifle from battalion commander Leng's hand, grabbed it in his own hand, turned around and started again

He told Lei Hang, "When we finish eating the meat later, let Wu Wa and Murong take over from Ouyang and Brother Niu, and ask them to be on guard. If any Japanese appear, fire two shots and retreat."

"Yes, captain!" Lei Hang replied.

"Let's go, fox, eat meat!" Yuesong held a sniper rifle and strode towards Biaozi and the others. After receiving the order, the other brothers also followed Yuesong, preparing to eat meat together.

Captain Leng said to Yuesong as he walked: "Toothpick, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? If you don't know how to blow up the Japanese oil depot, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, don't tell me, I like to do random things when I'm fighting. I'm telling you, if you're fighting with the Japanese, you can't follow the right path with them. Oh, both sides have set up their battle formations. We're guarding on the mountain with great fanfare.

Waiting for the Japanese to shell first, then charge, then shell, and then charge. If it doesn't work, a few more planes will come from the sky and drop two rounds of bombs on our position. It would be weird if we don't lose in such a fight! When I was in the National Army, I was like this

I followed your bad example and insisted on guarding the foot of Dabie Mountain. As a result, many of my hundreds of brothers were killed by the Japanese heavy artillery without even seeing a single Japanese hair. Alas, 'eat'

Every ditch brings wisdom, we won't come out in the open with the Japanese, we are just playing tricks, hehe!" As Yuesong walked, he boasted about his experience to Camp Commander Leng.

"Hey, Toothpick, what you said is still reasonable, so why are you doing this nonsense?" Camp Commander Leng humbly asked for advice.

"Want to learn the skills? Okay, bring two bottles of wine, three pounds of meat, kneel down on the ground, shout "Master", and kowtow three times, I will definitely accept you as an unfilial disciple, haha!" Yuesong!

While talking and laughing, I suddenly smelled the aroma of barbecue, so I quickly walked towards the barbecue place.

This chapter has been completed!
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