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Forty-one, bloody two heroes 11

Just as Yuesong was thinking hard but still couldn't come up with a clever move, Tang Si suddenly raised his right hand to the captain and pointed to the northeast. Yuesong looked in the direction of Tang Si's finger. There were Japs, about a dozen or so.

The individual, apparently a patrol, was walking in the direction of Brother Chao.

Brother Chao saw that the Japanese were still nearly a hundred meters away from him, so he hurriedly grabbed some fallen leaves and hid himself among the fallen leaves and bushes, along with the sniper rifle, tightly hidden only in his right hand.

Holding his twenty-ring gun, he turned on the safety and listened quietly to the footsteps of the Japanese.

The Japanese patrol, led by Captain Cao, carefully searched all the way, searching carefully for any possible target, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Yuesong hurriedly adjusted the sniper scope, pulled the bolt, loaded the bullet, and lay down in the bushes. The muzzle of the gun moved as the Japanese leader Cao moved. Tang Si also opened the safety of the gun and lay down in the bushes.

In the bush, a patrol aimed at the Japanese.

The Japanese leader, Cao Chang, led the patrol and advanced slowly. At this time, he was only forty or fifty meters away from Brother Chao. The alert Japanese leader, Cao Chang, suddenly raised his right hand, as if he sensed danger ahead. The other Japanese soldiers immediately screamed.

"La", he pulled the bolt of the gun, loaded the bullet, held the rifle, and searched for Brother Chao while covering his face.

Not far away, at the foot of the mountain, is a winding mountain road, with Japanese guards guarding it. At the entrance of the cave in Niangzi Mountain in the distance, there is a large group of Japanese soldiers. On the cliffs, the two machine guns can also shoot.

That's it. Besides, the Japs' defense force is not just the visible Japs in front of you. Once the gunshots sound, within twenty minutes, this place will be tightly surrounded by Japs. More importantly, the Japs will

Once it is discovered that enemy troops appear next to the oil depot, it is impossible to enter the oil depot. And if you want to blow up the Japanese oil depot, it will cause great losses to the Japanese strategic materials. If you do not enter the oil depot, it is

It's simply impossible.

The Japs' patrol was only more than twenty meters away from Brother Chao. Under normal circumstances, the Japs patrol would probably not go up the hillside. But at this time, the Japs Commander Cao suddenly turned away from the slope as if he had taken the wrong medicine.

Halfway up the hillside.

The other Japs were about to follow Chief Cao to search halfway up the hillside. At this time, Mr. Cao turned around and said something in Japanese. Because of the headwind, Yuesong did not hear what Mr. Cao said clearly. But then

Several Japanese soldiers were on guard with guns in hand and did not follow.

The devil Cao Chang was holding the rifle and walked slowly along the hillside. Just two meters away from Brother Chao, the devil Cao Chang suddenly put the rifle on his back, stood up straight, took out his small thing, and pointed at

Pee against a tree.

Brother Chao had already judged from the footsteps of the Japanese leader Cao Chang that he was very close to him, but the calm brother Chao didn't change his face at all, and his heart didn't even beat. He just lay quietly in the fallen leaves, relying on the bushes.

and the cover of fallen leaves, waiting for the Japanese devil Cao Chang to finish urinating and leave.

Yuesong only exposed a muzzle by the bushes, keeping an eye on the dozen or so Japs in the distance. Once Brother Chao was discovered by the Japs, Yuesong was ready to fire on the Japs immediately. Tang Si was also ready.

After Captain Cao finished urinating, he shook his head, put away his gadgets, took the rifle off his body, held it in his hand, and returned to the patrol.

After the Japanese patrol had gone away, Yuesong immediately led Tang Si down the hillside quietly, and then quickly returned to the creek with Brother Chao.

When the brothers saw the captain coming back, they immediately gathered around and asked about the Japanese defense situation.

Battalion Commander Leng also came over, pulled Yuesong aside and said, "How about it, tell me."

Yuesong walked to the big camphor tree, put down the sniper rifle, sat down against the camphor tree, took out the Hard Gate, fished out one, and held it in his mouth. Battalion Commander Leng quickly took out a match, lit it, and lit it for Yuesong

He went up and squatted aside, waiting for Yuesong to tell him about the detected situation.

Yuesong took a few sips and looked at the rushing stream beside him without saying a word.

"You're talking, what have you discovered?" Battalion Commander Leng asked eagerly.

"It's difficult!" Yuesong finished saying these two words and continued to look at the stream and think alone.

Camp Commander Leng didn't press any more, thinking to himself, our little Zhuge is complaining, so I won't help him, let's wait for this kid to think about it first. So, regardless of whether Yuesong wanted to or not, he reached out and put his hand in Yuesong's pocket.

I went to dig out the Hard Gate, took it in my hand, fished out one, lit it, took two puffs, and then stuffed the Hard Gate into Yuesong’s pocket. Yuesong, who had always been addicted to smoking, had no objection to the cold camp at all.

Chang took out his cigarette, always like a piece of wood, staring blankly at the stream and smoking.

Biaozi came over and saw that the captain was acting like that again. He patted Captain Leng on the shoulder and said, "Come on, don't ask for trouble here."

Camp Commander Leng followed Biaozi to the side, pulled Biaozi and said, "Is he like this every time?"

"No, at this time, you'd better not disturb him, otherwise, be careful of him flattering you!" Biaozi said and walked away.

Camp Commander Leng turned his head and glanced at Yuesong. Yuesong was still looking at the stream and smoking his cigarette. Camp Commander Leng thought to himself, it seems that he really can't be messed with now. That stupid green guy can't be messed with.

He still had to hide, so no matter what, that kid has a lot of ideas anyway, let him go. When Camp Commander Leng thought of this, he walked away with a cigarette in his mouth.

At noon, the brothers all started to eat dry food. The brothers from the National Army and the New Fourth Army, just like Battalion Commander Leng and Yuesong, were all exchanging the dry food in their hands with each other, eating and chatting by the stream.

Battalion Commander Leng walked up to Biaozi and said, "Captain Hu, that kid doesn't even want to eat anything. He's still acting stupid!"

"What are he going to eat? He only needs a cigarette at the moment. By the way, do you still have Hardman? Get him another pack, look." Biaozi said, pointing to the ground in front of Yuesong.

Camp Commander Leng looked in the direction of Biaozi's finger. Hey guys, the ground was full of cigarette butts, and each of them was crushed by the kid. Camp Commander Leng touched his pocket and said, "I

That kid had snatched it away a long time ago, even the zipoo was confiscated by that kid, where can I find any more!"

"Ask your other brothers, how rich are your national troops?" Biaozi said.

"Adjutant Li, come here!" Battalion Commander Leng shouted to Adjutant Li.

"Here, battalion commander!" Adjutant Li ran over quickly.

"Hadmen, are there any more?" Battalion Commander Leng asked.

"Yes, here it is!" Adjutant Li said, taking out an unopened box of Hardman and handing it to the battalion commander.

"Take it and send it to Captain Luo," said Battalion Commander Leng.

"No, it's just this pack. I kept it for you!" Adjutant Li said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Just send him there if you are asked to do so." Battalion Commander Leng said sternly.

"Yes!" Adjutant Li agreed and turned around.

"Come back!" As soon as Adjutant Li took a step forward, he was stopped by Battalion Commander Leng, "Bring it here, I'll go with it!"

Adjutant Li handed the cigarette to the battalion commander and walked away.

Battalion Commander Leng took the cigarette and walked up to Yuesong. As soon as he handed the cigarette to Yuesong, Yuesong suddenly sneered "hehe", which frightened Battalion Commander Leng and took a step back. He looked at Yuesong in surprise and said after a while.

: "Man, you're not crazy, are you? Don't scare me, okay?"

Only then did Yuesong come back to his senses and saw that Captain Leng was holding a box of Hard Doors in his hand. He reached out and grabbed it and said, "Hey, fox, when did you know how to honor your master?" He put the cigarette box away.

Put it to your nose, take a deep breath, and say, "Well, it smells good!"

Commander Leng Ying calmed down, sat next to the moon pine tree and leaned against the big camphor tree, and said, "Any idea?"

"Of course, who are we? After all, I am also your master, haha!" Yuesong smiled proudly.

"Let's talk about it, can it be done?" Battalion Commander Leng deliberately provoked Yuesong.

"Okay? I won't tell you," Yuesong said, opening the cigarette case, taking out a cigarette, holding it in his mouth, shaking his head triumphantly, and said, "How about you, get me something delicious."

Come, let me take you out for a walk?"

"Delicious? Yes, but I have to keep it for myself." Camp Commander Leng knew Yuesong's nature and deliberately provoked Yuesong.

"No, okay, I'll go by myself." Yuesong said, lit the cigarette, took two puffs, stood up, grabbed the sniper rifle, and shouted to Chang Chao, "Brother Chao, call Fourth Sister over here, let's


At this time, Captain Leng couldn't hold himself still. He hurriedly pulled Yuesong and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, the delicious food is coming, it's coming!"

Yuesong shook his arm and said, "Where are the things? Let's bring them and talk about it later!"

"Adjutant Li, canned beef, canned beef!" Battalion Commander Leng called to Adjutant Li while holding Yuesong's arm.

Adjutant Li ran over with a bang, holding an iron box of canned beef in his hand, and said: "Here, battalion commander."

Camp Commander Leng took the canned beef, stuffed it into Yuesong's hand, and said, "Take it, take it! Let's go."

Yuesong took the canned beef, leaned the sniper rifle against the big camphor tree, sat down on the ground, ignored him, pulled out his dagger, and used it to pry the canned beef to eat.

Camp Commander Leng stared at Yuesong and said, "Eat quickly, eat quickly. After you finish eating, let's leave quickly. By the way, where are we going?"

While eating canned beef, Yuesong said, "In a moment, you, Brother Chao, and Tang Si will go to Niangzi Mountain for reconnaissance. Adjutant Li and Biaozi will lead the team and stay behind."

"Then how should we fight? You can't keep it in your stomach. No matter what, you have to talk it out with us. After all, I am also the captain of the National Army's special operations team." Battalion Commander Leng squatted on the moon.

Next to Yuesong, he looked at Yuesong longingly and said.

"Think about it, the Japanese guards are watertight. There are thirty or forty of us, more or less. If we all go, let's fight hard. We don't have enough manpower and we don't have heavy weapons. Let's attack by sneak attack."

There are too many people and it’s easy to be exposed, what do you think we should do?” Yuesong suddenly stopped eating the can and looked at Camp Commander Leng and said.

"You ask me? Who should I ask? Eat, eat quickly. After eating, let's go do some reconnaissance." said Battalion Commander Leng.

"So, we still have to sneak in, but the old way of dressing up as a Japs won't work. With my old face, I'm afraid I've already registered with the Japs. Although we can speak Japanese, it's really true.

It's authentic, but you can't have a big beard on your face. What do you think we should do if the kid doesn't like this?" Yuesong started eating canned food again, talking as he ate.

"Talk, keep talking!" Camp Commander Leng said, looking at the can in Yuesong's hand.

"So, we can't all go, we can only go with a few people, and think of a way to sneak in while it's dark. Oh, by the way, how much explosives do you have on hand?" Yuesong asked.

"There are a lot of explosives, all of them American. They are small in size but powerful. With a 'bang', the ground will shake." Battalion Commander Leng said vividly.

"Is there anyone who can time it?" Yuesong asked.

"Yes, not many, just five or six small ones, which are not powerful enough." Battalion Commander Leng said.

"Hey, that's it. Go and get all the timers and let me take a look." Yuesong said.

"Okay, I'll get it right now." Battalion Commander Leng said happily and ran to get the time bomb.

This chapter has been completed!
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