Turn off the lights
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Forty-three, bloody twins 13

The sky has completely darkened, and half of the moon's face has been revealed in the high sky. It is dark in the mountain forest, the wind has stopped, and the branches stand steeply in the darkness, like a sharp sword.

, each one braved the cold air in the dark night, and each one stabbed straight at the invader in the coldness.

Biaozi led the remaining brothers of the special force, and after nearly an hour of reconnaissance, they finally arrived at their destination. They found a dense forest and a hillside that was not too high, and lay down in ambush, waiting for the captain to successfully complete the mission.

, supporting the captain and returning to the base together.

Biaozi asked Murong He to lead five men and lurk on the west side of the hillside. Murong He could observe the movements of the Japanese on the highway through a sniper scope.

Biaozi led the remaining team members and lurked on the north side of the hillside. The brothers were quietly waiting for the good news from the captain. Biaozi lay on the top of the hill and took out the jade pendant given to him by the captain, thinking in his heart

He said: Captain, I won’t give you any love. If you want to give it to you, you should hand it to Dan Feng yourself.

Adjutant Li led his brothers from the national army, and under the guidance of Di Gua, they arrived at their destination after walking for an hour and a half. Adjutant Li divided his brothers into two groups, one group ambush at the top of Feilai Peak, and the other group arrived at the destination.

One group was lying in ambush on the east side of Feilai Peak and was fully prepared. As soon as the battalion commander succeeded in detonating, they rushed over and opened fire on the Japs to cover the battalion commander's smooth withdrawal from the Japs' oil depot.

Adjutant Li carried his gun on his back and held the battalion commander's gun in his hand. Adjutant Li carefully wiped the battalion commander's beloved Thomson gun, thinking to himself: I have been following him for several years.

Battalion Commander, you can't just leave your brothers alone. This time, I'll follow your orders. I'll stay behind and you charge in the front. If you do this next time, don't blame your brothers for being disobedient.

Yuesong and Battalion Commander Leng led Deng Minghe and his companions in a slow reconnaissance move without any rush. After walking for about half an hour, the five of them arrived at the hilltop where Yuesong and the others had been scouting during the day. Behind Deng Minghe’s alert, Yuesong and Leng

The battalion commander, Shunzi, and Lei Hang lay in the bushes on the top of the mountain, carefully detecting the Japanese's movements.

Although it was very dark, there would be Japanese transport trucks on the road from time to time, sometimes three or four, sometimes five or six. The Japanese soldiers guarding the road were already patrolling around the corner of the road, and the lights of the trucks that occasionally passed by would catch the Japanese soldiers.

The guards could clearly see it.

At the entrance of the Niangzi Mountain cave, the Japs turned on two big lights. The cave entrance was brightly lit, but the Japs guarding the cave entrance did not undergo any major changes. The two small cave entrances on the cliff looked like two black eyes in the darkness.

, it’s a bit spooky and I can’t see clearly, but there must be two Japs and a light machine gun at each cave entrance.

After observing for a while, Battalion Commander Leng moved to Yuesong's side and asked in a low voice: "Yuesong, why don't you go in again in the middle of the night? It's just dark now and the Japanese are still energetic."

"In the middle of the night? The Japs outside have entered, how do we get into the cave?" Yuesong said.

"Then it's not impossible to get in now. Isn't it even harder to get in now? You can see all the active Japs. How do you get in?" Battalion Commander Leng asked doubtfully.

"Don't think that your Hardman was given to you for free. Listen to me. Look, every Japs' truck is empty. There are two Japs sitting in the truck bed. There is only one Japs driving the truck in front of the car. Every car has a Japs.

When a car enters the cave entrance, the Japs guarding the cave entrance only check the ID of the Japs driver, and the two Japs soldiers behind do not need to check.

Look again, there is a distance of about twenty or thirty meters between each truck, probably to prevent being bombed. In addition, before they entered the cave, they were going uphill and on a winding mountain road, and it was still night, so the cars were driving very fast.

Slow down. When turning, the next car can't be seen at all, how about it? Is there any way we can sneak in?"

"Hey, why didn't I see that, Toothpick, you don't have much stuff, but you have a very delicate heart. If it weren't for you this time, I don't know how I would have been able to complete the task." Battalion Commander Leng said with admiration.

"So, when I go to die, I don't forget to support you. Otherwise, I will die after completing the task for you. Aren't you too beautiful?" Yuesong said.

"Okay, good brothers, we share blessings and share hardships." Camp Commander Leng patted Yuesong on the shoulder and said.

"This is still a human saying, but remember it and see what I do later. Please cooperate with me more." Yuesong warned.

"Don't worry, it's not enough to be the protagonist, but a supporting role, one is better than the other." Battalion Commander Leng said.

"Okay, look below. There are four cars coming. Lei Hang and Shunzi, you two go down first. After the third car passes, you two quickly touch off the two devils at the corner. Wait for the fourth car.

The car came over and when it turned sharply uphill, Lei Hang used his crossbow to shoot a Japanese soldier sitting in the car to death, and I came. Ku Ren caught up with the truck from behind, climbed into the truck car, and then the two of you came back here, and

Deng Minghe, let's go together to find Biaozi and the others." Yuesong arranged according to the plan he had already thought of.

Lei Hang and Shunzi nodded. Yuesong stretched out his right hand and said, "Come!"

Battalion Commander Leng stretched out his hand and pressed his palm on Yuesong's palm. Lei Hang pressed his palm on the back of Battalion Commander Leng's hand. Shunzi also pressed his palm up. Yuesong shouted: "One, two, three! Let's go!"

Lei Hang and Shunzi crouched and quietly touched the two Japanese at the corner of the road down the hillside.

Yuesong and Battalion Commander Leng looked at Lei Hang and the others nervously.

Only more than 20 meters away from the two Japs, Lei Hang and Shunzi carried their guns on their backs, lay on the ground, and crawled forward bit by bit. Lei Hang almost pressed his face to the ground.

, the night in early spring is already a little cool. Young grass buds have sprouted from the grass roots in early spring, and the grass buds exude a soft and sweet fragrance. Lei Hang gently picked up the dead grass in front of him with both hands, and moved forward bit by bit.


Only five or six meters away from the two Japs, Lei Hang and Shunzi lay side by side in the grass. Lei Hang took out the captain's small crossbow, loaded it with arrows, and stared at the two Japs. Shunzi took out

The half-foot-long machete that I had been playing with for ten years was tightly held in my hand, waiting quietly.

The two Japanese soldiers were bored and guarding the road, watching the transport truck move here little by little, chatting in Japanese in a low voice. It was a bit cold, and the Japanese soldiers who were guarding were still wearing coats. They probably felt that

My hands were probably a little cold too. The two Japanese soldiers carried their rifles on their backs and walked around from time to time to stretch their bodies.

The transport truck was getting closer and closer, and the constantly turning lights swept past Lei Hang and Shunzi. Lei Hang and Shunzi quickly lowered their heads, burying their entire bodies in the grass.

Yuesong and Battalion Commander Leng also ducked down the hillside and quietly approached Lei Hang and the others.

Biaozi and his brothers were waiting anxiously. Almost an hour had passed and Lei Hang and the others had not come back. But since no shots were fired yet, the captain and the others must be safe. Biaozi gently touched Yu with his hand.

Pendant, I secretly prayed for the captain in my heart, Bodhisattva, Tathagata, Guanyin, Sun Wukong, you all come out, bless our captain to successfully complete the mission and evacuate smoothly. Biaozi put the jade pendant in the palm of his hand funny but piously.

, Put your palms together and shake them like dice, while muttering in your mind.

Adjutant Li was also worried. It had been so long and he didn't know if the battalion commander had gone in. If he had gone in, would the Japanese have discovered it and caught him? Adjutant Li tore a piece of grass from the ground and let it go.

He sniffed it in front of his nose, then put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

Yuesong and Camp Commander Leng crawled forward, and it took them more than ten minutes to reach behind Lei Hang and the others. After waiting for another ten minutes, the first transport truck finally drove up with its motor roaring and "Woo-Woo-Woo" sound.

The big lights of the truck instantly illuminated the place where Lei Hang and the others were lying, but the eyes of the two guarding Japanese were also blinded by the big lights. The two Japanese turned around and avoided the truck.

Big lights.

After a while, the first truck passed by, and darkness returned to the scene.

After another two or three minutes, the lights of the second truck came over again. When the truck drove in front of the two Japanese soldiers, a Japanese soldier standing in the carriage lay on the carriage board and faced the two guards.

The Japanese shouted: "Wow!" Then he laughed and said in Japanese: "Be careful, there is someone behind you!"

Lei Hang couldn't understand, but both Yuesong and Battalion Commander Leng understood. Battalion Commander Leng reached out to pull the bolt of the gun, Yuesong held down Battalion Commander Leng's hand, and then Battalion Commander Leng lay quietly on the ground.

like a statue.

The two Japanese soldiers guarding the truck yelled at the Japanese soldiers on the truck. The truck went up the slope and turned around. It was pitch black again.

After another two or three minutes, the third truck drove over with a "whining" sound. Lei Hang and Shunzi buried their heads low, but they were secretly exerting force, ready to attack the two Japanese at any time.

When the third truck hummed up the slope and turned around, Lei Hang raised his head and aimed a crossbow at a Japanese soldier. Shunzi held the machete tightly in his right hand, bent down and lightly pointed at another Japanese soldier.

Touch it.

When Shunzi was only two or three meters away from the Japanese soldier, Lei Hang pulled the trigger of the crossbow, and the crossbow flew past with a "whoosh" sound, and plunged into the back of a Japanese soldier with a "pop" sound. The Japanese soldier "

He fell to the ground with a thump. Another Japanese soldier saw the soldier next to him suddenly fall to the ground. While watching, he took out his gun from his body. He stepped forward with a lunge, covering the Japanese soldier's mouth with his left hand, and the scimitar in his right hand "Puff"

"There was a sound, piercing into the back of the Jaap soldier's heart.

Seeing that Shunzi had succeeded, Lei Hang rushed out quickly, and together with Shunzi, dragged the bodies of the two Japanese soldiers into the grass and hid them. Lei Hang and Shunzi also quickly hid in the bushes down the slope.

Yuesong saw that the two boys had done a neat job, so he and Battalion Commander Leng ran to the corner of the road, holding rifles, pretending to be Japanese guards, and stood on the roadside.

At this time, the fourth truck also drove over.

This chapter has been completed!
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