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Chapter 97: The Essence of Tyranny

The inspection still needs to be carried out. What if Sun Yi is mistakenly blamed?

Verifying right and wrong is not as difficult as Sun Yi and others imagined. They thought that getting a book with many names would be all right? Did they think that Liu Xiang would send people to the village pavilions to inquire one by one?

Vision limits their thinking.

For their means of livelihood, money and food cannot be separated from the output of the land. Compare the land deeds and yellow registers of the population retained in the county with their lists and account books, and then find some civilians working in the city and inquire about the local people.

Yield per mu, humanistic conditions.

It's clear at a glance.

One hundred scribes, two hundred cavalry, one day.

An alliance of one hundred and eight clans, including Sun Yi and Wei Li, emerged.

Do they want to take the path of becoming powerful?

Bullying Liu Xiang for being young and ignorant?

At the age of thirteen, Liu Xiang could calculate various rents and taxes for the Han Dynasty. When he was at Lushui Pavilion, he knew that small landowners, self-cultivators, and tenants would not have much food left after paying taxes, let alone money.

Liu Xiang understood the nature of the powerful family better than they did.

The rich and powerful families lowered the price of grain during the autumn harvest, playing a trick on the low prices of grain and hurting farmers. They took advantage of the tax collection node and the opportunity when the people had to sell, and bought grain at low prices.

When there is no harvest, then pull it up, and then play hoarding, one high, one low, one in and one out, just like cutting leeks, cutting them one by one for many years.

This is still a good year.

In bad years, they make even more money.

Taking advantage of disasters, famines, and diseases, they collected land and people's children as slaves at very low prices.

A child sold three liters of corn. Liu Xiang had seen this happen.

It is equivalent to the modern age. For less than two kilograms of millet, your children will be slaves to others for life after life. If your children are lucky enough to live to the age of giving birth to children, the children they give birth to will be slaves to others as soon as they are born.

, and also gave him a nice name, calling his family a son.

How ironic.

Or they may lend you a loan at a high interest rate, and you will never be able to pay it back in a few lifetimes. You will have to sell your land, your house, your children, and finally your life to them.

When many people are born, they inherit the debts of their ancestors, from their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and great-grandfathers, debts passed down from generation to generation.

Many people, many, many people, go their whole lives without knowing what it feels like to be full.

This is the essence of the powerful rise of the family.

Reduce small landowners into peasants, turn peasants into tenants, and turn tenants into fugitives and hermits.

This was the specialty of the Han Dynasty and powerful families. Otherwise, how could their land become larger? How could their wealth be accumulated? How could their power become stronger?

Why can so many people be used by them?

Is it because their ancestors could have children?

Are they inherently better than others?

Not many people were forced to become landless peasants and had to rent their land. Even though these lands were stolen from these landless peasants.

I rob your land and then rent it to you for farming. Not only do I have to charge a high rent, but I also want you to be grateful and respectful to me. This is their principle.

Don’t you hate the poor people?

Of course I hate it.

But they can't resist.

Why are there so many peasant uprisings? Why are there so many unruly people? Why can't ordinary people live in peace and contentment?

Don’t the common people want to live peacefully? They can’t survive.

Liu Xiang dared to rebel because he saw these things and understood these truths.

He clearly understood the appeal of land allocation to lower-class farmers.

The peasants revolted not to overthrow the imperial court, let alone to change the emperor. That was the wish of the upper-class careerists.

The most essential need of the peasant uprising is to divide the land. They want to have a piece of their own land, and then rely on this piece of land to live peacefully.

As for whether the imperial court is called "Han" or "Tang", they don't care. Whether the emperor's surname is "Liu" or "Li" has anything to do with them. As long as you can make them eat, clothe and live a good life, your surname is shit.

Daddy, they will follow you too.

Liu Xiang sighed. He was always targeting powerful families in his own territory, not because he had any grudge against these people. He was a time traveler and was alone, so where could he have any grudge?

It was just the rush of things that pushed him to this point. With the values ​​of modern people, he could not be so humble under such oppression.

With modern people's thinking, we can compromise and compromise. We know that people have to bow their heads under the roof. However, few modern people can stand the oppression and trampling on dignity in ancient times.

So, he chose to resist.

If you want to resist, you must have strength.

Therefore, he chose the power of the bottom farmers.

He has no choice, he can't use other powers. Everyone knows that the power of the aristocratic family is powerful, but why should you use other people's power? Just because you are a time traveler? Just because you have a big face?

Don't think too highly of yourself.

Only the bottom peasants, who don't know they have power, have the opportunity to steal this power.

Only then can you use this power to do what you want to do.

Liu Xiang felt a lot of emotion, because when he saw Sun Yi, it was as if he saw himself.

Sun Yi wants to climb up and live a better life. From a personal point of view, this is understandable. Most people are doing this kind of thing and want to do it.

But Sun Yi chose to become a powerful landlord. This path ran counter to Liu Xiang's. This became a matter of stance, and personal feelings could not be used to measure right and wrong.

Liu Xiang would not allow it.

He summoned a group of Tiqi and said to the leader of the Tiqi: "Take your people and go to various villages and pavilions to inquire about it. After a while, come back."

It's hard to do things seriously, but it's easy to do things perfunctorily. About fifty people went to the Xiangting Pavilion for a tour and then came back.

When Tiqi returned to the team, Liu Xiang called Sun Yi, took the list and account books he provided, and said sadly: "There are a lot of things that need to be returned, the food is not enough, and there are so many victims, can't we watch them starve to death?"

We have to leave some food for disaster relief."

As he spoke, he knocked on the note, sighed again, and continued: "Go and tell them, they can only refund 70%."

After saying that, he complained irritably: "Do you want love or not? I don't want to give it yet."

Liu Xiang was talking to himself, and Sun Yi could only listen below. He waited until Liu Xiang finished speaking before answering: "Go and tell them that if you can return some, it is already a general's kindness. If you are not satisfied, you are ignorant."


Sun Yi was filled with indignation when he said it, but Liu Xiang didn't believe it. Sun Yi was originally a young man with a relatively small city, but he had grown up very quickly in the past few days.

Liu Xiang asked doubtfully: "Can it be done? Don't arouse public anger."

Sun Yi patted his chest and replied: "General, don't worry, I will argue with them about this matter. If you dare to be greedy, I will kill them."

"Well said." Liu Xiang patted the case and praised loudly: "Sun Lang is really generous."

Liu Xiang indeed agreed with Sun Yi's words.

Those who are greedy should be killed.

This chapter has been completed!
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