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Chapter 99: A Unilaterally Started War

Faced with the siege of the army and the pressure of sharp swords, these young men were at a loss. Some wanted to surrender, some wanted to go forward and fight, and some wanted to break out. They were pushed and shoved, and they were hesitant.

Liu Xiang loudly ordered: "Fire the arrow."

After a round of arrows, all hesitation disappeared, and these people knelt down obediently and surrendered. If you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears, and if you don't see some blood, you won't know how to be respectful.

The five elements are incomplete, the mind is missing, and the fate is in need of a beating.

In order to prevent these people from repeating themselves again, Liu Xiang announced the punishment on the spot: "You have been deceived and committed crimes. The circumstances are excusable. You only need to serve three years of hard labor to atone for your sins. There is no need to panic. If you resist, run away.

, then several crimes will be punished together, and the family members will also be guilty. I hope you can take care of yourself."

The more than 100 people in the lead will definitely be executed, and their families will also be reduced to slaves.

There is no need to kill all the remaining people. Beixin City is too short of labor, so they can be used to make up for it.

When the various projects were completed, they and their families were dispersed and moved to other places on a household basis to build roads and dams and continue to perform hard labor.

As long as the clan did not join the regiment, how could they have the capital to resist Liu Xiang?

After collecting a few swords, these people were escorted to the military camp, leaving more than a thousand people to guard them. They were allowed to stabilize their emotions first, and then they were taken to various construction sites.

Liu Xiang sent more than 2,000 people, led by the guard camp, with more than 500 people in each team, and attacked from all directions. They went to the homes of the leaders and arrested their families.

After dealing with Sun Yi and others, thousands of young and strong laborers were obtained without spending any money.

Among those 108 small clans and more than 3,000 families, every family had someone convicted, and everyone was frightened. Most of the young and strong people were detained, and they were unable to resist. They were thankful that their homes were not confiscated and exterminated. How could they dare to mention it?

The return of money and food saved Liu Xiang a lot of expenses.

This is called increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

Liu Xiang achieved his goal and left them behind.

The construction of city defense is the focus of Liu Xiang's attention. He has to go here eight times a day. Today, he took Zhao Yun to look around, hoping that Zhao Yun would help him check for any deficiencies.

A large number of young and strong civilians were sent to the construction site around the city wall. The progress was pretty good. They were driving wooden piles into the ground, then filling them with gravel, pouring cement, and leveling the ground. Then they could start building the superstructure.

Liu Xiang pointed to the foundation of the Sheep and Horse Wall and said to Zhao Yun: "This circle is mainly equipped with long-range shooters. They enter and exit through the small side gate of the Wengcheng to prevent the enemy from filling the river."

After thinking about the problem of freezing in winter, I asked: "In the severe winter, can the ice surface of the moat withstand the passage of ladders and wells?"

Zhao Yun nodded affirmatively: "Yes. It's getting colder and colder in the past two years. Sometimes the moat can be frozen to the bottom."

Liu Xiangren suffered from brain pain.

The moat is ruined, and the wall of sheep and horses cannot stop the large siege equipment. The defensive pressure on the city wall will be great.

He pointed to the foundation of Wengcheng, as if he had regained his confidence:

"There are urns built outside the four city gates. It will be even more difficult for the enemy to break through the city gates. You can also deliberately let some enemy troops enter. When the Qianjin Gate is lowered, you can close the door and beat the dogs, and besiege on all sides."

Then he pointed to the foundation of the horse-faced wall and said: "The protruding horse-faced wall not only strengthens the strength of the city wall, but also cuts the enemy's formation. An enemy platform is built on it, which increases the shooter's shooting angle. Together with the shooters on the city wall,

Attack the enemy from both sides.

A double-story enemy tower was built on the enemy platform, which not only increased the number of shooters, but also provided protection for the defending troops. Turrets were also built at the corners of the city wall.

I want to use this city to tire out the enemy army and wear it down, and then the cavalry will go out to completely defeat the enemy army."

Zhao Yun looked along the city wall, imagining what it would look like after it was completed, and said with emotion: "It is indeed impregnable."

Liu Xiang nodded heavily, cheering for himself in his heart.

He planned to use bamboo wood as reinforcement, pour cement, and build fortifications. He also planned to pour a layer of cement on the outer city wall for reinforcement.

Attacking a city is not just about breaking down doors and climbing walls. The enemy will also dig into the city walls. The city walls in the Han Dynasty were built with rammed earth. As soon as an anemone car drove under the city wall, the soldiers inside began to dig through the city wall. It was really possible to dig through the city wall.

There are also bed crossbows that can fire siege chisels, thick and large crossbow arrows, which will be nailed to the city wall, so that enemy soldiers can climb directly, and together with the flying ladder, assist in siege.

These methods must be guarded against.

It is also necessary to drill more wells in the city to prevent the enemy from siege and cut off the water supply.

Inspired by Zhuoxian, Liu Xiang also manufactured a large number of spears and spear-throwing devices.

Spear throwers existed more than 10,000 years ago. If it weren't for the real lack of weapons, Liu Xiang would have dismissed them.

The spear-throwing device he designed was extremely simple. It was just a four-foot-long flat wooden board with a spear shaft bracket and a handle installed on it. This thing used the lever principle to extend the lever of the arm and increase the initial speed of the spear.

Increase the size to increase range and lethality.

The accompanying throwing spear is seven feet long and about the thickness of a thumb. The spear tip is made of half a liang of iron. It can also be made of stone or bone, or it can be directly baked hard on the tip of the wooden pole. It was named Feixuo by Liu Xiang, and its weight

It was between one pound and a half to one and a half pounds, and it was a large arrow. Because it was a transitional weapon, Liu Xiang did not require wings to be installed on the tail end of the shuttle.

The range of the spear thrower is okay. There is a modern Olympic javelin thrower who tried to use the spear thrower and threw a distance of 247 meters.

Of course, normal people cannot compare with the animals participating in the Olympics.

But it's no problem if you can throw at 50 or 60 meters. With a little training, you can reach 70 or 80 meters.

Converted to the Han Dynasty, the distance was four to fifty steps. It was incomparable to a crossbow, but just easier to use than a wooden spear.

Both Beixincheng and Fanyang are manufacturing reserves.

The Beixin City side is reserved for future defense. Fan Yang's side has already been equipped with new soldiers, but the weapons gap there is too big.

Liu Xiang already had more than 20,000 spear-throwing soldiers under his command. Each man carried six flying shuttles, a spear-throwing device, a wooden spear, and a wooden shield.

But this is not a long-term solution. The spear thrower is fine for militiamen, but it is too useless for regular soldiers.

Crossbows were king. Liu Xiang's company captured and manufactured more than 4,000 crossbows and more than 10,000 bows and arrows. The cavalry alone was equipped with more than 8,000 bows and arrows, and there were still many infantry shortages.

While thinking about the weapon issue, he took Zhao Yun to patrol the city.

More and more victims from the four villages and towns are coming to the county town. Construction and building of houses are underway in many places in the city. There is no room for them anymore. Today, a camp is being built three miles south of the city.

This camp will be built as a permanent fortification. If time comes, Liu Xiang plans to build it into a small bastion, with a large number of trebuchets installed inside and about 5,000 troops stationed at right angles to the city.

Due to the influx of disaster victims, there were many old, weak, women and children in the city, and Liu Xiang wanted to move them to Guangyang County.

There are still about 40,000 refugees in Fanyang and Zhuo County, and they will also be moved to Guangyang County.

But you have to make a selection first. You can't just move all the old, weak, women and children away. If you only keep the young and strong and move their families away, it will make people's hearts unstable.

He returned to the county government and ordered the clerks to re-register the people and select families with widows and orphans. These should be given priority to move north.

It just so happened that most of the people gathered in the county seat, so there was a good opportunity to catch up with one stone.

After a period of thinking and the Sun Yi incident, he now no longer wants to directly return money and food to the people. He wants to help the affected people survive the famine in the name of paying road expenses during relief and relocation.

He is not planning to divide the fields in Beixin City. He wants to strengthen the walls and clear the fields, starting from now on.

He wanted to bring everyone from the countryside to the city, and those who couldn't move to the north.

The houses outside the city must be demolished or burned, the wells must be filled in, and all the trees around the city must be cut down. If there is time, the big trees in the distance must also be cut down.

He didn't want to leave anything for Huangfu Song to use.

At this time, Huangfu Song was marching to Jizhou, intent on attacking the Yellow Turbans. In the north, Liu Xiang had already begun to prepare to deal with him.

Liu Xiang unilaterally announced:

The war starts from now on.

This chapter has been completed!
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