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Chapter 103 Night is suitable for fishing

Liu Xiang sent orders to the people everywhere to recruit militiamen, and also ordered people to set up a militia camp behind the military camp as an assessment site.

A notice was written, someone was ordered to read it, and the assessment standards were announced.

The assessment is very simple. You can shoot a stone bow, you can lift a weight of forty kilograms forward thirty steps, and you can use a spear thrower to throw a flying shuttle for forty steps.

You need to pass any one of the three assessments.

It's getting late today. Let's organize the people to set up camp and give them a place to live. We will prepare at Mao tomorrow and start the assessment at Chen.

Order to shoot the sound, Yueqi two battalions, and send people to the assessment site tomorrow, select the best ones, and directly replace them as regular soldiers.

After arranging things for the people, Liu Xiang turned to Zhao Yun and said, "Zilong, come with me to visit the city."

"Lord, it's getting late, why don't we go tomorrow."

"There is still something to do tomorrow. Let's bring more people and pay attention to safety." Liu Xiang was embarrassed to say that he used to take hundreds of cavalry to visit the city. He took a few servants and ran

The investigation of the enemy's city is too dangerous and not Liu Xiang's style.

Zhao Yun took the order, ordered fifty cavalry guards, and prepared to follow Liu Xiang to investigate the enemy's situation.

Liu Xiang hesitated for a moment. Is this what Zhao Yun meant by bringing in more people?

Isn’t it a little less?

There is no sense of security.

Lao Zhao, you don’t understand me!

However, it has only been a few days since Zhao Yun was parachuted into the captaincy. He has just established his prestige and is getting used to the Su Wei. If Liu Xiang disgraces Zhao Yun in public, it will be disadvantageous for him to lead the troops. If the soldiers and generals are not coordinated, it will affect the Su Wei's combat effectiveness.


He sighed and looked at Zhao Yun's strong physique, then at the cold-forged fish scale armor Zhao Yun wore, and the refined horse spear in his hand.

Okay, with such a strong general who can stand up to ten, he will definitely be able to break through and escape at critical moments.

As soon as Zhao Yun's seals, ribbons and war equipment arrived at Fan Yang, they were completed for him.

Especially the forty-eight pounds of cold-forged fish scale armor, which was Liu Xiang's treasure at the bottom of the box. The armor workshop made three sets in total.

The first set was for testing and fell into the hands of Cui Yi. The second set was for Liu Xiang to use for himself. Needless to say, the result was buried at the bottom of the box. The third set was just made and stored in the General's Mansion.

In the treasure house, Liu Xiang prepared to leave it to Yan Rou.

He didn't expect to use this thing to equip armor and cavalry. The rate was one set per month. When Liu Xiang died of old age, he wouldn't be able to see the armor and cavalry equipment being used as an army.

When there are more craftsmen, we can expand production.

When he first took out this armor, Zhao Yun was excited for a long time. He had never seen such a strong armor.

Ever since Liu Xiang put on the armor, he never took it off.

This set of armor is painted, and the overall color is dark blue. It sells much better than the first set. Zhao Yun is indeed brave in wearing this kind of armor.

Liu Xiang hesitated for a moment, but decided to take care of Zhao Yun's face and not lose Zhao Yun's prestige.

More than fifty riders left the camp and headed west, heading for their homeland.

When he was about four or five miles away from Gu'an, Zhao Yun stopped his horse.

What do you mean? Sneak through?

Because it was dark and far away, Liu Xiang couldn't even see where Gu'an was.

He asked doubtfully: "Zilong, can we touch it from here?"

Zhao Yun replied somewhat solemnly: "My lord, something is wrong with Gu'an County."

After Zhao Yun said this, Liu Xiang realized that it was already dark, but Gu'an didn't light the fire, so Liu Xiang couldn't find the direction of the city.

It's really not right.

In ancient times, when guarding a city, secret sentries were set up outside the city at night, and fires were lit for lighting to provide vision for the guards on the city wall, in order to prevent the enemy from approaching the city wall at night.

Liu Xiang's army was so powerful that it had reached ten miles east of the city, so it was impossible for An's defenders not to know about it and not to be on guard.

Zhao Yun had already begun to take off his armor, and he wanted to quietly go over to investigate.

Liu Xiang said: "Zilong, take a few more people with you and pay attention to safety."

"There is something strange ahead. I don't know if there is an ambush. We need to keep more people by the Lord's side. Zhao is enough."

"Zilong, why take the risk? We'll just go back and come back to visit the city tomorrow."

Zhao Yun smiled heartily: "My lord, if you want to see the city, you must be able to see the city. I will open the road for you."

Liu Xiang was aroused, and he also smiled and said: "Okay, I will visit the city tonight. I will wait here for Zilong to report."

Because the enemy city has not set fire to conduct reconnaissance, it is so frightened that it runs away and does not dare to approach? To be honest, it is a bit cowardly.

It is indeed a good idea for Zhao Yun to lurk over and investigate.

There were indeed sentinels under the city, but there were no mobile phones in ancient times, so how could we contact them all the time? The sentinels didn't report back, and Liu Xiang didn't know what was going on.

The situation is unclear now, and they dare not make any noise. What if there is an ambush?

Liu Xiang dismounted and waited. Half of the Su guards dismounted to be on guard, and the other half rode around to patrol the perimeter.

Everyone waited for half an hour, but there was still no news from Zhao Yun.

The night was getting darker and heavier. It was useless to send people randomly at this time. Liu Xiang stabilized his mind and continued to wait. He could not mess up the position at this time and only increase the variables.

He tightened his shirt and felt a little cold, so he ordered Zhao Jing: "Order someone to find some dry wood and light a fire."

"If you light a fire now, you will easily be used as a target. Master, do you really want to light a fire?" Zhao Jing was an outspoken person, and he asked without hesitation.

"Let's light the fire. Zilong has been there for so long and there is no movement at all. There should be no ambush. I don't believe that Zilong will be killed quietly."

Zhao Jingding nodded: "I don't believe it either." After saying that, he turned to the patrolling Su Wei outside and shouted loudly: "Go and find some dry firewood in the woods."

Several guards went into the woods beside the road to find dry firewood, and lit a fire next to Liu Xiang, and also lit several fires in other places.

Liu Xiang felt that two or three fires were enough to keep warm, but these guards were all veterans who had experienced many battles. They deliberately lit a few more fires. There might be some explanation for them, so he asked doubtfully: "How can you light so many fires?"

What statement?"

"Reporting to my lord, if you raise a fire at night, don't get together in a crowd, otherwise you will be shot to death by everyone."

Liu Xiang thought for a moment and then asked: "If the enemy makes a surprise attack and our troops are scattered everywhere, how should we respond?"

"Shoot them around the fire, facing each other with their comrades. If he shoots my enemy and I shoot his, the enemy will not escape with his life."

When Liu Xiang still wanted to learn some experience, the sound of a carriage suddenly came. The driver was driving very quickly. The sound of whips, the sound of rolling wheels, and the whining of horses kept coming closer.

It was too dark, and Liu Xiang and others were in a bright place again. They could only vaguely see an outline in the distance, and several guards came up to greet them on guard.

The driver probably just saw some soldiers and quickly reined in his horse. The carriage began to slow down and was about to turn around.

This place is already within the scope of the battlefield. It's very suspicious to be galloping in the middle of the night.

Liu Xiang ordered loudly: "Stop them."

Upon hearing the order, a dozen guards galloped on their horses and caught up with the turning carriage in just a few breaths. The driver did not dare to resist, and the carriage obediently stopped.

Su Wei dismounted and checked. There was only a woman and a child in the car.

Seeing that there was no threat, he ordered the coachman to continue driving and brought the carriage back.

Liu Xiang asked curiously: "Why are you galloping at night?"

The driver was timid and did not dare to speak.

Liu Xiang comforted him with a pleasant look: "Don't be afraid, I am not a strongman and I will not harm your life."

The coachman shook even more violently.

Liu Xiang became even more curious. The coachman seemed to have seen something, so he became even more frightened.

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