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Chapter 6 Youzhou Tuqi

Liu Xiang and others were resting, but they didn't know that Zhang Ju, the governor of Yuyang, wanted to massacre the soldiers of the border county.

Yuyang's army consists of two parts. One is the county soldiers affiliated to Yuyang County, with 5,000 infantry, under the direct command of the prefect.

The other part is the frontier army camp set up by the imperial court in Youzhou, called Yuyang Camp. There are more than a thousand cavalry, all of which are armored assault cavalry. They are commanded by captains and are used to guard against Wuhuan and Xianbei.

They are usually stationed outside Yuyang City, and can rush to help from all directions when war breaks out. Although there are only more than a thousand armored cavalry, they are extremely powerful.

Two hundred years ago, when Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu attacked Wang Mang and revived the Han Dynasty, the name of Youzhou Tuqi was resounding throughout the world.

Such elite soldiers were naturally given special care when they were first poisoned, but now they are on the verge of death from typhoid fever. Half of them are bedridden, and few of them can fight in armor.

The camp was running out of food and grass, but no one was seen delivering supplies.

The gate of the camp has been sealed, and no one can get out. There are soldiers setting up crossbows at a distance outside the camp, and no one talks to them. No one knows what to do.

The captain didn't show up, Sima couldn't find him, the military commanders ran away, and the few remaining village chiefs were too sick to get out of bed, and those who could move had already run away.

Cui Yi looked at the closed camp gate, feeling sad and angry in his heart. The Yuyang Jiaqi, who had made great achievements in battle, was about to be trapped and die in his own camp. He wanted to stab the enemy to death with his spear, but he didn't know where the enemy was.

He doesn't even know who the enemy is.

"Why is there a plague?" He didn't understand. They usually paid attention to it. After fighting for these years, they had some understanding.

If you bury the body as soon as possible, don't drink stagnant water, and don't eat rotten meat, wouldn't everything be fine in the past years?

Cui Yi is the leader of the Yuyang Camp and the highest existing officer in the Yuyang Camp. The others are either sick or running away, so he becomes the oldest.

In fact, he was not afraid of death. Some of the cavalrymen who dared to charge into the formation were afraid of death. It was not like they had not charged through Wuhuan and Xianbei's tens of thousands of troops, and it was not like they had killed them until their blood flowed like rivers.

Wearing iron armor and holding a long spear, he is not afraid of anyone.

He just felt aggrieved. Facing the plague, he didn't know what to do. Looking at Pao Ze who was suffering from the disease, he had no idea what to do.

Now that the camp has been sealed off, by his own people, he can understand, who is not afraid of the plague? But he still feels aggrieved.

"It would be great if the thieves sealed off the camp. Just rush out and fight to the death. It's just a pleasure to die in battle!" Cui Yi spat, cursed the traitor again, and went to patrol the camp.

Patrolling the camp is something that must be done. The more chaotic the situation, the less likely it is to relax the intensity of patrolling the camp. But in the past, it was enough for him to only take care of the fifty people under his command, but now he has to take care of a thousand people. He knows how to take care of it.

Man, he's familiar with this.

When he first took charge of fifty people, he beat down all those who disobeyed him, so all fifty people obeyed him and were very easy to manage.

Now, he has beaten down all those who disobey him. These thousand people have convinced him, but he feels that it is not easy to manage at all. Why are there so many things? There are always problems everywhere, he always feels

Something is wrong.

In the past, I saw that the village chiefs and military lords were quite leisurely. Why was I so tired? What was wrong?

But he can't show it, he has to stay tight, just like fighting, he has to endure the pain, he has to stand firm, and he has to show that he doesn't care. Only in this way can the opponent be afraid and can he win.

Cui Yi just stood up and started patrolling the camp. At first it was just him, but then more and more people followed him.

He would scold him from time to time, and issue some orders that he didn't know was right or wrong. More and more people followed his orders, and order in the camp was slowly restored.

Sometimes even the wrong command is better than no command at all.

Cui Yi didn't know what the big reason was. He was just following the instinct engraved in his bones by the military regulations of the Han Dynasty. He instinctively felt that this is what soldiers should do, and if they didn't, it would be wrong, and those who were wrong would have to be beaten by him.

After patrolling the southeast, northwest and southeast, Cui Yi felt that the patrol had a good effect and he felt much better.

He decided to go to the Chinese army's main tent to see the camp commander who fell ill. There were ten camp commanders in the camp, one was transferred, and it is not yet known who will fill the vacancy; two Xiu Mu returned home, and it is estimated that they will not be here now.

Dare to come in; three ran away and will probably never come back; four others fell ill and were arranged by him to be with the Chinese Army, where the conditions are better. He hoped they would get better soon.

Cui Yi's steps were a bit heavy. He was very tired and insisted on patrolling the camp in iron armor. The weather in March was not hot at all, but he was still sweating. He planned to go back to the camp to rest after visiting the village commander. Unfortunately,

There was a lack of water in the camp, and he couldn't get out. He really wanted to wash himself off, but he stunk.

While he was imagining taking a bath, Cui Yi seemed to hear a loud noise. He was stunned. After listening carefully, he found that it was indeed the sound of dragging antlers and pulling on the camp door.

He did not dare to hesitate, turned around and ran towards the camp gate. Whether someone came in from outside the camp or someone wanted to leave, it was a big deal. He was afraid of causing a commotion. The atmosphere in the camp was extremely tense and a mutiny could happen at any time.

Liu Xiang stood at the gate of Yuyang Camp. Behind him were a dozen doctors and fifty heavy carts. On the carts were grain, linen, medicinal materials, lime, salt, charcoal and other supplies. These were the supplies for treating the plague requested by the prefect.


In the end, they did not see the governor. Only Cao Yu brought the governor's documents and the captain's token, recruited Liu Xiang to work for Cao Yu, and appointed him as the person in charge of treating the plague. He was in charge of the treatment of the plague, arranged supplies, and

They were taken to the military camp.

The laborers transporting supplies had already left, and they did not dare to enter the military camp.

Liu Xiang was talking to the soldiers on duty at the camp gate. When the soldiers heard that these doctors were going to the camp to treat the plague, they were all happy. They were busy carrying antlers to open the camp gate, and they wanted to drag the doctors into the camp immediately.

After a while, the camp gate opened, and just as Liu Xiang was about to enter, he saw a big man running towards him from a distance.

This man looks to be more than eight feet tall. He is wearing iron armor and a helmet on his head. He has a ring-headed sword hanging on his waist. He is holding a spear eight feet long. He is running here step by step. It is really step by step, not an adjective.

, it really left a series of footprints.

Cui Yi kicked the dirt and sand and ran towards the camp gate step by step. He was worried about a mutiny in the army before, but when he saw the motorcade outside the camp gate from a distance, the panic in his heart finally dissipated, and his joy was beyond words.

The baggage arrived, and things took a turn for the better.

Cui Yi was happy in his heart and ran even more happily. After a while, he came to the gate of the camp. He saw a thin young man standing in front of the crowd, with more than ten people guarding him behind, and said:

"A certain Cui Yi, leader of the Yuyang Camp Jia Cavalry, is now the chief of the camp. I have met Mr. Lang. Who is he? What are you doing here? Do you have a pass?"

Liu Xiang could tell that Cui Yi was very tired. His eyes were bloodshot, his head was dripping with sweat, and his breathing was unsteady. But Cui Yi was full of energy, his eyes were bright, his armor was neat, and he was holding a sword across his body. He was really elite.

So he bowed his hands and saluted, and said: "My name is Liu Xiang, and my courtesy name is Yicheng. I have been ordered by the governor of Yuyang to enter the military camp to control the plague."

This chapter has been completed!
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