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Chapter 117: Qianshou's Life Is Not Worthless

After Wang Xing set up the formation and the artillery formation was completed, Liu Xiang was not in a hurry to advance towards the enemy camp.

His intention was obvious, to isolate the Zhuoxian defenders from the camp in the north of the city. Wen Shu should be able to see that, right?

So, how will the defenders of Zhuo County respond?

Should we send troops to the north city and the camp to attack Wang Xing, or should we attack from the east and south, attack the artillery array, and mobilize the Anping Army to return for support?

Or two groups attack together and fight the Anping Army in a decisive battle under the city?

Liu Xiang was waiting for Wen Shu's move.

In war, you can't just make a plan and then just go ahead with it. You have to watch the enemy's reaction and adjust your actions at any time.

The defenders of Zhuoxian County are indeed mobilizing, and more and more soldiers are coming to defend the city, looking like they are on tight defense.

Liu Xiang was stunned by this reaction. Two hundred and eighty trebuchets under the city were ready to go, and the defenders on the city not only did not hide, but increased their troops.

"Is he afraid that he won't die enough, so he is trying his best to kill others?"

Zhao Yun also looked confused: "Maybe it is because we are afraid that the city will be empty and our army will take the opportunity to board the city? Maybe it is to confuse our army and take the opportunity to go out of the city to attack and kill? The general will not be able to guess what the enemy's plot is."

"No matter what the conspiracy is, if he dares to die, I will kill him." Liu Xiang ordered loudly: "Send the artillery array to fire stones at the city. I want to see if it is the people in Zhuoxian that are more numerous, or the stone bullets of our army." many."

The seven-shooter cannons in the two artillery arrays first fired thirty-pound stone bullets to calibrate the trajectory, and then began to use ten three-pound stone bullets in a basket to throw them on the city wall.

At the beginning, the speed was very slow. After firing a few times, the recruits cooperated better and better, and the firing speed became faster and faster.

Baskets of stone bullets were poured into the shells, and the cannon tips were raised and pulled down again and again. Carts of stone bullets were transported to the artillery array, and groups of civilians came and went to carry them.

The seven-tipped cannons came one after another, and the stone bullets fell like raindrops. The defenders on the city wall were knocked down one by one. Those who were hit in the vital points would be better off if they died directly, and they would not have to suffer anymore. Those who did not die would be really miserable. Their bones were broken and their muscles were broken, and they fell helplessly on the ground struggling.

Blood splattered on the city walls, and the sounds of wailing and crying could be heard endlessly. The smart ones could still survive by hiding behind the battlements. Those who were frightened were running around, trying to escape, but their efforts were in vain, and they were hit by rocks that kept falling. Knocked to the ground.

Stone bullets were fired and dropped continuously, and the crowded city walls were soon littered with casualties, and no one dared to show their heads anymore.

Until now, no one has left the city.

The Qiaoqi battalion, which had already moved forward and was preparing to charge, could only continue to wait.

At noon, Zhuoxian, who had been hit by stone bullets for an hour, continued to huddle in the city and refused to come out.

The defenders on the east and south city walls were beaten without fighting back, the defenders on the north city remained motionless, and the military camps outside the city remained motionless.

Really determined.

Liu Xiang frowned and whispered disdainfully: "You think you'll be safe hiding behind the battlements? You're too naive."

He ordered the messenger: "Replace with forty kilograms of stone bullets."

The order was conveyed, and the seven-tip cannon began to throw forty-kilogram stone bullets. The stone bullets were flying randomly on the city walls, battlements, and in the city, and they were not accurate at all. The forty-kilogram stone bullet had reached the limit of the seven-tip cannon, and its trajectory was already unstable. , but it is powerful and more suitable for attacking difficult situations.

The stone bullets that hit the city wall were shattered by themselves, the ones that hit the battlements perished together, and the ones that flew into the city did not know what happened.

The stone bullets weighing thirty or forty kilograms are deliberately only hardened in outer shell. If they are dropped from a high altitude, they will definitely break into pieces. This is to prevent the enemy from using them again.

Liu Xiang never thought of using a trebuchet to break through the city wall, as long as it could destroy the parapet and battlements.

Although the city walls in the Han Dynasty were all constructed with rammed earth and rarely covered with bricks, earth walls that were at least six or seven meters thick could not be broken down in a short time, and trebuchets were not artillery.

The scenes in the movie where a stone bullet collapses the city wall are all artistic exaggerations and cannot be believed.

Liu Xiangxin said: With such a hit rate, we have to wait.

But the defenders on the city didn't think so. When the first battlement was smashed, they panicked and scrambled to run down the city. However, they were hacked and killed by the supervising team hiding on the road to the city, and then forced back.

The city wall.

It seemed like this group of people were just left there, waiting to die.

Looking at the chaos in the city, Liu Xiang was confused, what was Wen Shu's plan? The group of people placed on the city looked more like they were here to die, and they didn't fight back. The bows and arrows couldn't reach them, so they could use crossbows.

, trebuchet shooting, even if the equipment is insufficient, you can go out of the city to destroy the enemy's siege equipment.

Nothing happened.

Deliberately letting him kill more people to make the people in the city hate him? To achieve the same goal of sharing the same hatred with the enemy?

If you do this, you will kill zero enemies and lose ten thousand to yourself.

Do we still need morale in the army?

Easy to collapse.

Liu Xiang asked Zhao Yun next to him with doubts: "Zilong, Wen Shu's defense strategy is to ask our army to kill more young people in the city and make the people hate us?"

Zhao Yun pondered for a while and replied: "My lord, you are too worried. Those noble families have no guile in their eyes. They don't care how many people die. As long as the troops in their hands are still there, the people can't resist and can only be driven by them."

A bunch of straw egg stuff.

They all deserve to die.

Looking at the painfully struggling defenders on the city wall, Liu Xiang was filled with resentment.

But this is a battlefield. The winner lives and the loser dies. There is no room for mercy. He is the leader of the Anping Army. He is responsible for the soldiers under his command. He cannot restrain the soldiers for the sake of his cheap sympathy.

hands and feet.

That's digging your own grave.

Seven cannons still

^0^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Remember []

However, the defenders of Zhuo County continued to wait for death while throwing stones and bullets. Liu Xiang had to harden his heart.

He understands the principle of loving kindness and not commanding troops.

War is war.

"Order the people to fill the river."

No matter what the reason is, since the enemy will not fight back, we must seize the opportunity.

The oar chariot and the anemone chariot move forward, and the crossbowmen cover them.

Deer carts, flat carts, shoulder-carrying, hand-carrying, groups of civilians carried sacks of sand and soil, heading straight for the moat.

The filling of the river went smoothly, and the Zhuo County defenders saw it, but they refused to fight back and seemed not to want to fight back.

"We are determined to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Wen Shu is waiting for us in the city." Looking at the behavior of the defenders, listening to Zhao Yun's words, and thinking of Shi A's description of the city, Liu Xiang felt that he had seen through it.

With gentle thoughts.

Zhao Yun smiled confidently: "In a hand-to-hand fight, they are no match."

Liu Xiang nodded: "After filling in the moat, first destroy the military camp outside the city."

He did not forget the real purpose. The actions on the southeast and southeast sides were actually just feints.

The heroic cavalry was left behind, the more cavalry were watching the east gate, the six thousand infantry guards were watching the south gate, and the civilians continued to fill the river.

Liu Xiang's army moved to the north of the city.

There are only three miles from the north gate of Zhuoxian County to Taoshui. The battlefield area is very small. After the carriage camp is set up, it is only a little more than one mile away from the enemy camp.

Wang Xing was waiting in the carriage camp, waiting for the enemy to attack from both sides. He wanted to show off his skills and make the carriage camp famous.

It's a pity that the enemy does not cooperate.

Until the arrival of Liu Xiang's army, the defenders in the north city acted as if they would not leave the city for the longest time. The military camp in the north of the city also had an attitude of "if I make a move, I will lose."

They were determined to defend the camp and fight the Anping Army in hand-to-hand combat.

Unfortunately, what they received were piles of stone bullets.

The forty-pound stone bullets from twenty seven-shooter cannons cannot break the city wall, but there is no problem in smashing the wooden village wall.

One hundred and fifty single-shooting artillery carts threw stone projectiles with great joy. Stone projectiles of one kilogram, three kilograms, and five kilograms were thrown down in various patterns, and the heavy cast iron shields could not stop them at all.

Without the shield array, how to deal with the crossbowmen?

This is a big problem.

Crossbows and arrows are flying, and shuttles are flying in the sky. Who said war has to be fought hand-to-hand.

The traditional craftsmanship of the Han army has been forgotten, and Wen Shu really does not understand military strategy.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

This chapter has been completed!
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