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Chapter 121: Destroyed Beams and Broken Columns

Shi A now has to face the next problem, which is how to get out of the city.

No matter how ambitious you are, you must first survive.

Only by living can you have everything.

If you die, it will be over.

Lifting Wen Shu's robe to cover the blood, he used his long sword to cut into the joints of the cervical vertebrae, and with one stroke, cut off Wen Shu's head.

This is his meritorious service and cannot be discarded.

He grabbed his bun and shook away the dripping blood. He cut off a piece of brocade robe and wrapped it carefully to prevent the blood from dripping. He also grabbed a few handfuls of grass and smeared it with grass juice to cover up the smell of blood.

He tied the package behind his back, inserted the long sword into the sword case and fixed it. He rearranged his wrist guards, boots and leather belt around his waist. When everything was ready, he carefully touched the outside.

The moonlight was not good today, it was a bit bright, which made it more difficult for him to enter the city.

But the moon is very wise and has gone home to sleep. It is Yin time now, and I can't see my fingers.

Shi A carefully avoided a few lights and climbed out of the wall quietly. Everything was perfect. People outside thought that the prefect had taken a rest, while people inside thought that Wen Shu had not returned home yet. This time difference meant that he could escape just in time.

After leaving the office, we entered the alley, twisting and turning to avoid the barracks at the intersection. These paths were familiar to Lu Yu when he stole them.

We arrived at Ma Mansion in the dark, followed the wall, and walked to the city in the southwest corner of Zhuoxian County.

He took out the hidden tools and found a two-foot hardwood pole tied with a rope as thick as his thumb. At first glance, it looked like an oversized whip. Even if someone discovered it, no one would think it was a guy climbing the city.

The wooden poles were propped up to the city wall, and the untied ropes were tied into a horse-tying slip knot, which he learned from his teacher Wang Yue.

He tried to directly encircle the city. The three-foot-high battlements were too difficult and made too much noise.

Shi A took a deep breath, held the rope loop, climbed alternately with his arms, and after grabbing the top, he gently exhaled. The whole set of movements was silent.

After adjusting his breathing, he grabbed the top of the wooden pole with his left hand, pushed one foot on the wall, and crossed the wooden pole with one leg. Feeling that his body was stable, he threw out the rope loop with his right hand, like a lasso, and lassoed the battlement more than ten feet away.


He tightened the rope, stepped on the city wall, and climbed up carefully. He abandoned the wooden pole. Now he was leaving the city. There was no need to clean up the traces like when following the city, and there was no need to drag the long pole into the city.

I remember that when he entered the city, it was very laborious. He had to carefully pull the wooden pole up to the top of the city and then down the city wall little by little. He didn't dare to make a sound during the process, and there was a big moon on his head.

, that’s really scary.

Now I don’t need it anymore, it saves me a lot of worry.

Shi Amao bent down, lowered his body as much as possible, touched the other end of the city wall, hung the rope on the battlement, and threw both ends of the rope down the city, so that it could be recovered later.

He didn't even get up. He used his hands to dig through the crenels and climbed out of the city wall. He grasped the two ropes with both arms, tapped the wall a few times, and quickly slid down the wall.

He smiled proudly. It was just a small town in Zhuoxian County, and the grandpa could come and go as he pleased.

He lay prone on the ground and slowly retracted the rope without disturbing anyone. He knew that there must be soldiers and horses in the field behind him, but he had his own little agenda.


When Liu Xiang saw Shi A again, it was already Mao Shi.

Shi A smiled and went into the account to report the merit.

Zhao Yun was not seen.

"Didn't you meet the people to help you?"

"I was in a hurry to come back and report my victory to my lord, so I didn't pay attention."

Liu Xiangxin said: I believe you, there are more than 200 people waiting not far outside the city. If you make any noise, you can't find them?

This is because he has his own little thoughts. Whether he is trying to compare or not want to share the credit, Liu Xiang doesn't care. Anyone who doesn't have his own ideas cannot tolerate this, so just find a pile of wood as his subordinate.

This kind of competition is not a bad thing. As long as it does not exceed a certain limit, he is not prepared to pay attention to it.

He called Su Wei and ordered: "Go to the west of the city and call Zhao Yun and others back."

After saying that, he opened the package and looked at Wen Shu's head. This was the first time they had met each other. This man was the pillar of Zhuo County. He held the entire city together and blocked many of his plans for more than a month.

Hence the miscarriage.

He forced himself to go around in a big circle, used various means to recruit a group of strong men, and wasted a lot of thought.

In the end, he deceived Shi A, a silly boy, to get rid of this obstacle.

Now that he is dead, Liu Xiang is very happy. Zhuo County is probably in chaos. The beams are broken and the pillars are collapsed. They must be very frightened and very sad and angry.

All it takes is one more push and it will collapse and fall apart.

After all, how can such good materials as wood and bluestone be so valuable as dirt and grass clippings?

When it falls into ruins, they will miss Wen Shu even more, the person who held them together.

His hero is my enemy.

Liu Xiang's thoughts were surging, and he was calculating the war in Zhuoxian County. After a long time, he said: "After dawn, I will carry Prefect Wen's head and go to the city to call for an array to see if there are any fools coming out of the city."

He glanced at Shi A and then said: "Leave this matter to Zhao Yun. Kill a few enemy generals, suppress the morale of the city, and then attack the city."

Shi A smiled guiltily, his little thought was seen through by his lord, and he quickly made amends: "In terms of cavalry combat, I am not the enemy of Captain Zhao."

There is something in this statement, it means that you are the strongest in foot combat.

He still thinks like a swordsman and is not confident.

Shi A wanted something, but he also felt that he was from a humble background, and was afraid that others would look down upon him, so he was very careful.

Liu Xiang was going to give him some confidence, so he said: "Shi A, you have taken a strange risk this time and have achieved special merits. I will be promoted to the third rank of the army and will be rewarded as usual. I allow you to select people with talent in swordsmanship to teach you how to fight."

According to the law, the Huben Army is established. The number of personnel is not set. With the position of Huben Zhonglang, he is responsible for all affairs of the Huben Army."

Shi A was so excited that he now had a title, a military title, and rights. He had surpassed his teacher, broke through the status of a swordsman, and became a true military general.

He prostrated himself on the ground and said respectfully: "Thank you for your appreciation, my lord. I am from a humble background, have never read a book, and have been despised by others. I am lucky enough to meet my lord, and I am willing to die for my lord."

"Get up, you don't have to be like this, just do your best from now on."

The two chatted for a few more words, and Zhao Yun came in with a frown on his face. As soon as he came in, he bowed and apologized: "I have neglected my duty and failed to respond to Shi A. Please punish me, my lord."

The main responsibility for this matter was not Zhao Yun, but Shi A's trick. Liu Xiang didn't want to take the lead, so he comforted him: "The night was dark and the vision was unclear. Shi A was sneaking quietly and it was really hard to detect. Zilong doesn't have to blame himself.

It just so happens that you are back and there is something I want you to do."

"Please give me your orders, my lord."

"Wen Shu's head is here. Take it to the city to display to the public to suppress the morale of the enemy. If you can draw out the enemy, kill the general and capture the flag, I will remember you as a great achievement."

"Follow the order." Zhao Yun cheered up and prepared to show off his skills.

Liu Xiang ordered all the troops to have a good meal and go out of camp at midnight to prepare for the battle.

He wanted to defeat the city in one battle and complete his victory in one battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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