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Chapter 124: September Fourteenth Blood Moon

After resting for an hour, he began to mobilize troops. There were currently 2,000 soldiers in the guard camp, and he transferred 1,000 more.

Three thousand people without night blindness were selected from the new recruits to participate in the night battle.

The Zuo Army has 5,000 men and the Shengsheng 2,000 men. The quality of the soldiers in the Qingqi Battalion is slightly worse, with only 500 men.

The brave cavalry has one thousand two hundred cavalry.

Yue rides two thousand horses.

Su Wei's four hundred cavalry

A total of 15,100 people on foot and cavalry gathered at the east gate, waiting for the night battle.

The remaining 32,000 infantry and artillery, led by 1,000 soldiers, were stationed at the four gates to guard against the enemy's breakthrough.

Forty seven-shooter guns were mounted on the city wall to assist in the defense.

The remaining 20,000 militiamen and 70,000 civilians returned to camp and were on guard.

The sun is heading west, time is passing, and people's hearts are impetuous.

The correct way to say it is that the defenders of Zhuoxian County could no longer keep their composure. Liu Xiang knew that they had night blindness. Of course, they also knew that they were blinded and it would be difficult to fight at night.

The walls are moving, and the city is also moving.

"Come out if you have the ability. Now, it's your turn to attack the city." Liu Xiang was eager for them to come and attack the city. With the city wall as a support, more than 20,000 spear-throwing soldiers are enough to drink a pot of the enemy.

In order to stimulate the enemy, he ordered the seven-shot cannon to be moved up the city wall to start hitting the watchtower. The three-foot-high city wall gave the seven-shot cannon a greater range. It could throw five kilograms of stone bullets more than two hundred steps, thirty The 180-pound stone projectile should be at least 180 steps, and I haven’t tried the 40-pound one. That thing is not accurate. Maybe it will be thrown somewhere, and it can only hit the city wall. Let’s forget about the rest.

The buildings within 180 steps of the city wall were in great danger.

The excitement was a bit too much, and the enemy retreated. Liu Xiang was very upset and made a mistake. Who knew these people were so cowardly.

"Ouch!" He patted his thigh, regretting it.

Zhao Yun advised from the side: "My lord, don't be upset, just clear the open space and light a fire under the city at night to guard against the enemy's sneak attack."

It can only be the.

The enemy has already run away. He has made up his mind to fight at night. Naturally, he will not pursue him during the day. What if it is a trick to lure the enemy? The best way to deal with the trick is not to think about how to crack it, but to simply ignore it and hit you. I hit mine.

Bring the enemy to your own rhythm rather than falling into the enemy's rhythm.

"Zilong, I will give you one thousand soldiers, three thousand infantry, one thousand crossbowmen, and five hundred light chariot artillery. After nightfall, seize the treasury." Liu Xiang's first target was the treasury, and Zhuoxian County had hoarded it. If a large amount of food and grass were burned, it would be heartbreaking.

"The last general takes orders." Zhao Yun received the military talisman and went to mobilize the troops to prepare for orders.

"Wang Xing, you will lead your five thousand men, and I will send another thousand crossbowmen to help you. After nightfall, we will remove the roadblocks, destroy the forts, and clear the main roads. I will personally lead the cavalry to cut up the enemy troops and divide them and annihilate them. "

"Wei." Wang Xing also went to prepare for military affairs.

It was dusk again, and the color was dim again. He couldn't help but think of the figure who had no hesitation yesterday. Liu Xiang turned to Shi A and said: "Shi A, it's time for you to pick up the characters."

"My lord, learned people all look down on someone and even laugh at someone's name, so they don't even have a name. Please give me a name, my lord."

Liu Xiang comforted him and said: "Ah, it means the twists and turns of the mountains. This name is very impressive. Don't listen to the nonsense of those rotten scholars."

After pondering for a while, he added: "If you are strong in skills, then you should choose the character Xian. Xian is also a sensitive person. He follows the heart and the eyes. If the eyes can see the harm and the heart can feel the harm, then disasters can be avoided. And the word "Xian" has multiple meanings.

The meaning is that knowledge can be used to build a constitution. "Daya" says: It is difficult to solve the problem, so how about the word "xian"?

Shi A half understood what he said, but he didn't dare to show it. That would make him appear ignorant and uneducated. That wouldn't work, it would make people laugh.

Anyway, the lord gave him the title "Xianzhi". He understood this part clearly and quickly thanked him: "Thank you, lord, for giving me the title. From now on, I will be a scholar with the title."

After saying this, Shi A suddenly felt a little sad and his heart ached.

Seeing him in a daze, Liu Xiang guessed that he was reminiscing about his life experience, so he didn't bother him and turned around to continue observing the layout of the city.

Zhuoxian County is very big, with more than 100,000 people living there easily; Zhuoxian County is very small, and the cavalry can charge from one end to the other in one charge.

Looking along the main road, you can have a panoramic view of the county government office and the treasury. Ahead is the west gate tower. There is a hill in the southwest corner, a pond in the northeast corner, and the mansions of big families with red lacquer and green tiles are scattered in an orderly manner.

A beautiful figure is displayed on the street.

Waiting for Liu Xiang's visit.

Don't worry, I will go meet you when the night gets dark.

As for the dirty houses hidden in alleys, Liu Xiang was not interested.

Waiting and waiting, the bloody moon in the sky came.

The blood moon is in the sky, the main battle.

Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, or more people looked up blankly and stared at the blood-red moon that was gradually revealed. Some were afraid, while others were enthusiastic.

Shi A was the fanatical one. He said loudly and excitedly: "My lord went up to respond to the celestial phenomena and attacked the city and captured the land. This is what the great Confucianists call the interaction between heaven and man."

Liu Xiangxin said: It’s none of my business.

I don’t know where this Shi A heard a few words from, how far-fetched is this?

He is a good man of the new era, and he will not believe this kind of feudal superstition.

Liu Xiang didn't believe it, but the people around him were different. The Han people were extremely superstitious, and all kinds of magical wizards were very good at it.

Of high official.

The one who has done the best is Zhang Jiao, who has reached the level of competing for world hegemony.

Shi'a's voice was very loud, and many people heard it. He spread the word to others, and more and more people became as fanatical as him.

"My Lord, please respond to the celestial phenomena."

"Lord, heaven and man are one."

Such calls are getting louder and louder.

Liu Xiangxin said: Stop shouting. If you keep shouting, your lord will ascend to heaven.

But he didn't want to refute, because the morale of the Anping Army was getting higher and higher, especially the troops under the city who were preparing for night battles.

Or there are other inexplicable superstitious thoughts.

Just like the guard Zhao Jing next to him, he was looking at Liu Xiang with a look like "I knew it was like this" and "I know the truth, but I will keep it secret."

Liu Xiang was too lazy to pay attention to him and let him figure it out on his own.

In line with the principle that morale should be boosted but not let down, Liu Xiang came to the edge of the city wall and put on a "Thank you comrades for your hard work" pose to respond to the many soldiers.

I don’t know who shouted: “God bless my lord.”

This sentence excited the soldiers even more. It spread at a speed of 340 meters per second and soon spread all over the four city walls of Zhuo County.

"God bless my lord!"

"God bless my lord!"

The voices became more and more uniform and louder, and Liu Xiang suddenly felt that Zhuoxian County was shaking.

The whole Zhuo County is trembling.

The city is trembling, and so are the hearts of the people.

Looking at the restless crowd, his confidence was extremely strong.

Liu Xiang was also affected.

On September 14th, the blood moon is in the sky, leading to war.

Liu Xiang ordered:

"Attack! Seize the city!"

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