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Chapter 127 Don't toss and feel uncomfortable

The people in Zhuoxian City have become frightened. After a battle last night, miserable howls rang out all night long. The battle happened at the door of their homes. Why not at their homes? Those who fought at home were all dead.

The night battle was chaotic and many people died before they could surrender. The killing was really heavy.

Wen Shu mobilized so thoroughly that almost every family had young men enlisting in the army, and everyone in the city was on tenterhooks.

In the morning, the Anping proclamation was read out, and the people in the city had heard that the Anping army would not harm the people, but they could not feel at ease. They did not know whether the children at home were dead or alive.

More than 28,000 corpses were scattered throughout the city. Before they could stop themselves, the people poured out of their homes, searching and crying all the way.

Liu Xiang was upset by crying.

The scribes were called in, and the literate people in the city were summoned. They dug out the soldier's yellow book recorded by Wen Shu, identified the corpses, traced the people, and recorded them in categories.

The relatives of the captives would stay in Zhuoxian County, while the relatives of those killed in the war would disperse and immigrate to Guangyang, Yuyang and other counties, or join the farming, or arrange to rent the land, and there happened to be a group of soldiers who lacked labor to cultivate the land.

This group of people includes common people in the city and some hidden households outside the city. According to preliminary statistics, there are probably tens of thousands of households, ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 people, most of whom are old, weak, women and children. Liu Xiang now occupies five counties, with a population of nearly 200

Wan, it’s not a problem to place them everywhere.

Zhuojun has 102,000 registered households and a population of 630,000. Because there are many powerful families, the hidden population is more than 200,000. By conquering Zhuojun, the population under his command will almost double.

There are eleven counties in Youzhou, with a registered population of 2.4 million. Zhuo County, Guangyang County, and Yuyang County are the three most developed and populous. They are all occupied by Liu Xiang. He can be said to be the king of Youzhou.

Nothing too much.

The remaining six counties were not in a hurry now. His eyes saw Julu County in Jizhou. Specifically, it was Guangzong County, seven hundred miles away from Zhuoxian County.

Guangzong, I don’t know whether Zhang Jiao is alive or dead, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao have beaten Dong Zhuo to a pulp, and it will take at least half a month for Huangfu Song’s army to arrive.

This is an opportunity.

There were more than 10,000 imperial troops and at least 5,000 Liangzhou soldiers and horses led by Dong Zhuo. They faced nearly 200,000 Yellow Turbans. Although they lost consecutive battles, the damage was not serious.

This is not okay, it is not in Liu Xiang's interests. The elite Northern Army of more than 10,000 people is probably the main force of the Northern Expedition. We must find a way to weaken them. If one of them dies, there will be less pressure in the future.

Yawen Library

There is a time window of half a month, so don’t bother and give in.

"Where can Yan Zhi and Ke Bi go?" Liu Xiang asked the Tiqi Army Marquis.

"The horse has rested in Ji County and will arrive in two days."

With 2,500 Hu cavalry and the Chinese army's 3,600 cavalry, more than 6,000 cavalry suddenly appeared behind the enemy. What would be the result?

What if the two armies are facing each other and the battle is in full swing?

He needs someone to send out the Yellow Turbans.

It's a pity that Zhen Yi is not here. He is a good candidate. No matter how old Tian Chou is, he is also a good candidate for the envoy. Now, the only choice is Zhao Yun. Changshan is very close to Julu, he is familiar with the local area, and he has a good relationship with Zhen Yi, so he can

Make use of Zhongshan Zhen's network. He has a stable character and can take on big tasks.

The most important thing is that Liu Xiang has no one to use.

Thinking of this, he turned to Zhao Yun and said, "Zilong, I have a big thing to entrust you with."

"Please give me your orders, my lord."

"I would like to ask you to go on a mission to the Yellow Turban. It would be best if you can meet Zhang Jue. If not, you can also meet Zhang Liang. Tell him that our army is willing to help him defeat the enemy." After thinking about it, he explained to Zhao Yun:

"The elite of the Northern Army are locked in a stalemate with the Yellow Turban Army in Julu. Although Dong Zhuo is the leader, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince them, otherwise they will not be defeated one after another. This army defeated the Yellow Turban Army a few months ago and it was difficult for them to fight back. Huangfu Yi

When he actually leads the army northward, once he arrives, all the units of the Northern Army will surely return, and the defeat of the Yellow Turbans will not be far away."

Liu Xiang took a deep breath and said solemnly: "The Yellow Turbans are defeated, and our army will be next. Huangfu Song, with the power of victory, raised his troops to the north, and their momentum is unstoppable. I want to use the power of the Yellow Turbans to defeat Julu.

The fifth battalion of the Northern Army was severely damaged. Zilong sent me as an envoy to persuade the Zhang brothers to join forces to fight the enemy. The Yellow Turbans are also under great pressure, so they should be able to agree."

Zhao Yun also felt that the task was arduous, so he pondered for a while and said respectfully: "The general is willing to go on an envoy for the lord, but Zhao is clumsy in speaking and is afraid of delaying the lord's important affairs. Can you please ask someone who can speak well to help?"

Liu Xiang was helpless. If he had someone available, would he let Zhao Yun go as an envoy?

He sighed and said very melancholy: "I can't find anyone who is good at eloquence, so I can't help Zilong with his actions. Is there anyone who can help Zilong?"

Zhao Yun thought for a while and replied: "A certain person has a good friend who is also from Changshan Zhending. His name is Xia Houlan, and his nickname is Hengruo. He is proficient in law, often debates with others, and has a sharp tongue. I want to find him.

Help me, my lord, what do you think?"

Liu Xiang really knew Xia Houlan. It was mentioned in the biography of Zhao Yun that he had known Zhao Yun since childhood. He was a general under Boss Cao. He was captured by Zhao Yun during the Battle of Bowangpo and recommended to Liu Bei. He became a military commander, his full name

It's Jun Zhengcheng, the military judge.

"I don't have a good reputation. Is he willing to agree with me?"

Zhao Yun said confidently: "My lord is a clan member of the Han Dynasty. He is benevolent and righteous, and he is actually a wise master. If Xiahou Heng thinks he is talented but has not met him, I will definitely be able to convince him to defect to my lord."

Liu Xiang nodded: "The talented people recommended by Zilong must be right. I'm just on a mission to the Yellow Turban and the time is tight. I'm afraid I won't have time to see him. So Xia Houheng won't blame me for being rude?"

"My lord, don't worry. I hurried back to Zhending one starry night, took Hengruo with me, and went directly to find the Zhang brothers. Xiahou Hengruo thought he was a great talent, so he asked him to perform a meritorious service first and let the lord test his talent. If he is talented, he will

If it is useless, he is no longer angry in his heart. The master has entrusted him with a big task, and he will definitely be happy with it."

"In that case, I'll leave it to Zilong. I'm waiting for your good news."

Zhao Yun did not hesitate and left as soon as he could. He took the documents representing his identity, took the letters written by Liu Xiang to Xia Houlan and Zhang Jiao, chose two horses, and went directly to Changshan Zhending.

Before leaving, Liu Xiang told him to move his family to Youzhou. Changshan State was unstable and wars would occur frequently in the next few years, so it was no longer a place to live.

Zhao Yun deeply agreed and decided to tell his brother when he returned home this time and ask the whole family to move to Youzhou.

Seeing that Zhao Yun agreed, Liu Xiang was relieved of his heartache. Historically, Zhao Yun was the one who left Gongsun Zan because of the death of his eldest brother. Regardless of whether it was an excuse or not, he had to put his finger on the cake.

"Even if your brother really passes away, you will still stay under my nose." Liu Xiang would not let Zhao Yun go like Gongsun Zan did.

After solving the hidden danger of this fierce general brother, he thought of another fierce general brother.

Guan Yunchang, unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness?

Liu Xiang looked at Liu Bei's mother and Zhang Fei's father with a wicked smile.

More than a month ago, the Tiqi were ordered to look for them. As a result, they were not found in the city until they captured Zhuoxian.

There were more than thirty family members of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. Liu Xiang thought that these people had gone through wars and had no money to survive. They were really pitiful. Therefore, they must be sent to Guan Yu, who was unparalleled in loyalty.

He wanted to see how Guan Yu would treat these people, whether he would abandon them or support them like his own family.

But Guan Yu was a pauper with no money. If he really wanted to support them, how could he support such a large group of people?

Aren't you going to sell dates?

That would be interesting.

If Guan Yu really did this, Liu Xiang would never restrict his freedom.

In order to take a good look at this great show, he chose a large house in Jixian County and planned to give it to Guan Yu. These people would also send troops to send it there.

The time has come to test humanity.

Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, let me see your character!

This chapter has been completed!
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