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Chapter 136 Destroy the enemy and break the formation

At midnight, the Anping Army continued to march westward. They wanted to completely escape the Northern Army's sight before turning north.

Liu Xiang decided to launch an attack from the garrison station in the north and attack the heavy armored cavalry of the garrison camp.

Armored cavalry are powerful in combat. It is best to hit them hard when they are unprepared. When attacked suddenly, heavily armored troops cannot react as quickly as light-armored troops.

He had made a mistake before, thinking that Changshui Camp was easy to bully and easy to break through. The facts told him that the Huqi group composed of Huns and Wuhuan people were really tough. Without their wave after wave of counterattacks,

Charge, the crossbowmen of the Shesheng Battalion simply couldn't stop the sudden cavalry from charging into the formation.

This misjudgment caused the entire army to be almost annihilated.

Eat a hard time, gain wisdom, sum up experience, and gain growth.

He is no longer a footless bird. If he does not fly, he will die.

At two o'clock in the hour, six miles northwest of the Northern Army camp, the Anping Army rested here.

It is now the tenth month of the lunar calendar, and it will not be dawn until Chen hour. Liu Xiang is preparing to launch an attack at Mao hour.

Soldiers and horses all need to recover their physical strength.

At Mao Shizheng, the Anping Army, which had rested for an hour, quietly reached two miles north of the enemy camp.

The Northern Army camp was in chaos. The battlefield had not been cleaned yet. Many wounded soldiers were wailing in the tents. Two to three thousand corpses were placed in the field. Many soldiers were coming and going, busy carrying corpses, gathering war equipment, and repairing damaged tents.


Shi A, who went over to investigate, reported back: "The enemy has removed his armor and should be defenseless."

This is good news.

Liu Xiang became more confident.

"Get on your horse and charge into battle with me."

This time we are going to fight to the death and cannot be regarded as a simple night attack. The enemy is not an ordinary army, and conventional night attack methods will not work in front of them.

The Suwei and the Xiaoqi joined forces, with 1,400 armored cavalry leading the way, followed closely by more than a thousand Xianbei assault cavalry, and 2,600 light cavalry at the rear. The five thousand cavalry slowly accelerated, maintaining their formation, and rushed towards the chaotic enemy camp.

When the soldiers of the Northern Army heard the sound of horses trampling the ground, their faces were full of disbelief. It was really unbelievable. Why was there another night attack? Is it impossible to survive tonight?

Although they were confused and upset, they quickly ran towards the formation. Years of training had formed their instincts.

After a brief acceleration, the Anping Army rushed into the Northern Army's camp. Zhao Yun and Yan Gang were the vanguard, and Liu Xiang led the Su Wei as the forerunner. The large cavalry formed a cone-shaped formation and directly crashed into the Tunqi camp.


The camp was miserable. They didn't have time to put on armor. Many of them had no time to get on their horses, let alone the formation. The personnel were not neat and tidy. There were only a few people on the horses, but they still bravely charged back, driving the tall and majestic Hexi.

War horses, facing the enemy's cavalry formation.

The courage was commendable, but it could not make any waves, and was unable to stop the charging armored cavalry. The Suwei Jingqi led by Zhao Yun knocked them over and rushed into the crowd behind them without stopping.

Spears thrust and horses trampled, the five thousand cavalrymen of the Anping Army made a bloody path, stepped on their corpses and continued to charge.

Liu Xiang recalled the way Cui Yi guided Xiaoqi, and shouted loudly: "Follow closely, follow closely, maintain the formation."


Every time the horse's hoof hits the ground, there is an impulse.


If you maintain the formation, you can maintain the rhythm.


The greatest weapon of the heavy armored cavalry is never the horse.

Liu Xiang felt the rhythm of the war horses and listened to the rhythm of the horse's hooves, and his understanding of the cavalry became clearer and clearer.

When the armored cavalry form a formation and maintain a certain rhythm, they will form a combined force. This force is the most powerful weapon to destroy the enemy and break the formation.

"Stay in formation and don't fall behind."

The Anping Army was like a clenched fist, smashing the Tun Cavalry and hitting the Shesheng Battalion again. This time, the Shesheng Battalion's crossbowmen were as fragile as pieces of paper and could not stop the cavalry charge at all.

Suwei rushed over, Xiaoqi rushed over, Xianbei sudden cavalry stepped over, and Qingqi followed suit.

"Follow the team, don't stop, don't wander."

Under the guidance of Liu Xiang, the Anping Army drew an arc through the crowd of Shesheng Camp, turned eastward, and crashed into the Yueqi Camp.

As soon as Qingqi mounted their horses, they were intercepted by the Suwei. The Xiaoqi followed the gap opened by the Suwei and continued to tear apart the formation. They followed up with the Xianbei assault cavalry and followed suit. When it was the turn of the Qingqi, the Northern Army overtook the cavalry camp.

Already being dispersed, more than two thousand light cavalry swung their sabers and killed the enemies blocking the path, and continued to run with the group without stopping.

Su Wei and Xiaoqi rushed out of the Northern Army's camp, began to turn, slowly slowed down the whole team, drew a smooth arc, completed the U-turn, and trotted closer to the formation of the Northern Army's Yueqi battalion.

Liu Xiang stared at the place where he rushed out, where Qingqi was galloping away. He thought in his heart: Don't mess up, don't mess up, come out quickly, come out quickly.

He did not dare to shout out for fear of affecting the direction and adjustment of the front line. He had not yet reached the point where he could command freely.

The Qingqi rushed out smoothly, followed the footsteps of the front formation, began to turn, and formed a team.

"Speed ​​up and rush forward for a while."

The Anping Army turned around outside the camp and rushed into the Northern Army's cavalry camp. The scattered archers were crushed again, causing heavy casualties. The sporadic teams retreated into the camp, hoping to join the friendly forces, and some

He escaped directly from the camp and entered the dark wilderness.

Now is not the time to pursue. There is an infantry battalion waiting for them in the camp. They must be dispersed as soon as possible. They cannot be allowed to put on their armor and set up a formation.

"Adjust your pace, form a tight formation, and follow me into the formation."

The cavalry team adjusted their formation, stepped over the few crossbowmen of the sound battalion, and rushed into the crowd of the infantry battalion in a tight formation.

There are only a few minutes from the time the Anping Army launches its charge to turning around and charging back. This time is not enough to penetrate armor and form a formation, but the resistance of the infantry battalion is already stronger than that of several other unprepared enemies.

Quite a few.

The speed of the sudden cavalry is slowing down, and the impact force is weakening.

"Stay in formation, sprint, sprint."

After hearing Liu Xiang's order, Zhao Yun moved forward with all his strength. The long spears in his hands danced into a shower of rain, killing each other and causing injuries. Su Wei and Xiaoqi's cavalry shouted violently and urged their horses to rush forward. All the troops fought to the death.

After fighting hard, they finally broke through the enemy's formation. The cavalry followed up and drove the infantry battalion to pieces.

After turning around again, both the armored rider and the horse were out of breath, and their physical strength was about to bottom out.

Victory is right in front of us. We must charge for a while. If we charge for a while, we can completely defeat the enemy.

"Hold on, hold on, the enemy is about to collapse, follow me and charge into the battle."

Liu Xiang's guess was correct. The Anping Army turned back and charged into battle, and the infantry battalion's formation completely collapsed.

"Light cavalry roams around and kills the enemy."

Always following the rear formation, the two thousand six hundred light cavalry without much effort dispersed and fought, with arrows flying and swords raised. The infantry battalion and Shesheng battalion, which had suffered heavy casualties, were directly harvested. More than a thousand people surrendered, and hundreds of

The people fled and the rest were killed.

The lightly-armed Xianbei cavalry were sent to chase down the defeated troops.

Liu Xiang led Su Wei and Xiaoqi and slowly approached the Tunqi camp. There were still some remaining enemies there, as well as a lot of Hexi war horses. If necessary, they could change horses and fight again.

This chapter has been completed!
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