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Chapter 138: Cavalry Captain Cao Mengde

Liu Xiang observed Cao Cao. He was about thirty years old and already had a beard. His appearance was quite ordinary, neither good-looking nor ugly. He had a popular face and was about seven feet tall. He was the mainstream height in the Han Dynasty. There was nothing unusual about him.

Riding on a yellow gelding, to be honest, he didn't look like a wise man, and Liu Xiang didn't notice it anyway.

Cao Cao's army consisted of more than 2,000 to 3,000 infantry, and about 200 cavalry. These cavalry had different costumes, no armor, and their weapons were sabers and horned bows. They should be the knights of Sanhe accompanying the army.

The two armies encountered each other unexpectedly. Of course, they did not collide head-on. Scouts discovered each other. The Anping army was heading west, preparing to go to Ping'en County to the west of Qingyuan County to find some medicinal materials, as well as some grain and carts. Ping'en County

It's a small town with few defenders. You should be able to get it if you scare it.

When approaching the county seat, the scouts reported that the enemy troops carrying the Cao flag were coming from the south, and their destination should also be Ping'en County.

He was curious about what kind of person Boss Cao was, and didn't want them to enter Ping'en. Only a fool would give you supplies and vehicles when a large army is stationed.

Therefore, he led a thousand cavalry to block Boss Cao's path, but he charged too arrogantly, and did not stop until he was more than a hundred paces away from the enemy. At this distance, the flavor of teasing was very strong.

When Liu Xiang was observing Cao Cao, Cao Cao broke into a cold sweat.

He was well on the march when the scouts suddenly reported that they had encountered a large group of cavalry. The situation was unclear and they could not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. How could they dare to hesitate? They immediately stopped and set up a formation. As soon as the infantry formation was set up, a large group of cavalry rushed over, led by four or five others.

The armored cavalry is a powerful weapon, and the soldiers and horses under his command may not be able to stop it.

Fortunately, although they rushed closer, they did not enter the battle directly, so they were not the enemy. This was good news. If they were allowed to be arrogant for a while, there would always be trouble.

Looking at the uniform armor and uniform uniforms on the opposite side, I wonder which troops and horses from the imperial court are they? This large group of cavalry has a strong military appearance. It is really an elite soldier. The tooth flag is Liu? Is it a knight of a prince's vassal state?

The tooth flag is...Liu? Full cavalry? Armored assault cavalry?

Thinking of the battle report I received the day before yesterday that the entire Northern Army was annihilated. It seemed to say that the enemy troops who annihilated the fifth battalion of the Northern Army were Liu Yaqi's... armored... assault cavalry...

Cao Cao was sweating profusely. He was so lucky to have hit a great military meritorious service. He was afraid that his life would be in jeopardy.

what to do?

what to do?

If you can't defeat the enemy, if you can kill the elite of the Northern Army, your combat power must be strong, and you will definitely not be able to defeat it.

It can only be outsmarted.

But, how to outsmart him?

It's a bad year. If you are destined to be too old, you will be unlucky.

Cao Cao shook his legs in panic, held on to his posture, sat firmly on the yellow gelding, and shouted loudly: "Who is coming? Why are you blocking the way of our army?"

Liu Xiang wanted to kill Cao Cao, but the situation did not allow it. He had to control 2,000 prisoners, take care of 1,500 wounded soldiers, 14,000 war horses, 7,000 pack horses, and countless military supplies, all of which required manpower.

The thousand cavalrymen who had been cut off from behind were squeezed out by force. They could not afford to lose any more men. There were still seven to eight hundred miles to go.

I really don’t dare to fight.

Cao Cao was panicking, and so was Liu Xiang.

If you fight a wolf with a straw, you will be afraid of both sides.

He acted arrogantly, just to scare off the enemy. He did not dare to use a powerful crossbow to kill Cao Cao, for fear of causing a disturbance in the enemy and leading to a battle between the two armies.

Once you fight, there will be damage.

Hearing Cao Cao's question, Liu Xiang smiled meaningfully and said: "Cao Mengde, I know you have seen through the identity of our army. There is no need to show off and make you laugh."

Cao Cao's heart skipped a beat, and he pondered for a long time before realizing that the opponent didn't want to fight.


There must be a reason for this.

After some thought, he calmed down and said loudly: "What's the matter with you? You might as well speak up."

Liu Xiang pretended to be disdainful and said: "Go and tell Huangfu Yizhen. My name is Liu Xiang. After Changsha was crowned king, I belonged to the Hou Zhi family of Linyi. My great-grandfather was the school secretary during the Yonghe period of Emperor An. His name was Fan Shan, and Huangfu Yi

From south to north, after defeating the Yellow Turban Moth Thieves, it’s time to come and attack Youzhou, right? Tell him clearly that the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army is a tribute to him and let him weigh it carefully."

These words were just an excuse for himself not to start a war, lest Cao Cao see the truth. As long as he stayed in the dark for a few days, he would get away.

After hearing this, Cao Cao felt mixed emotions and felt unspeakably awkward. You, a member of the Han clan, killed the elite of the Imperial Army in order to intimidate the Han general?

This is a lunatic!

I can't afford it.

He quickly raised his hands and saluted: "It turns out that I am a clan member of the Han Dynasty. I am paying homage to Liu Jun. No wonder I am rude. I will definitely bring Liu Jun's words to you."

Liu Xiang looked arrogant, riding on a tall red tug, even more arrogant, and said as if he was ordering his subordinates: "Remember, don't miss a word."

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao didn't wait for a reply, and impatiently shouted: "Go away, I won't kill you today, if you dare to invade my territory, you will die without a burial place."

Cao Cao left in a clean and tidy manner. No matter whether he believed Liu Xiang's lies or not, he felt that he couldn't defeat him now, so getting away would be the best result. A good man would not suffer the immediate consequences.

Liu Xiang did not dare to delay. The horses set up in Ping'en County, extorted 300 carts, 1,000 shi of grain, 2,000 bundles of fodder, and 150 jins of medicinal materials, and headed northwest.

Traveling at dawn and staying overnight every day, we turned north in Xiangguo and took the highway at the east foot of Taihang Mountain to get to Zhending. It took us seven days to reach Zhending, a journey of four hundred miles. We didn't encounter pursuers in these seven days, but we were about to run out of food and grass.

At the end of the day, I had to stop.

Zhao Yun was so familiar with this place that he found a secluded valley to rest his horse. He also secretly asked someone to buy 500 shi of grain and 800 bunches of fodder. After two days of preparation, he continued to move north.

There are still more than 300 miles from Zhending to Beixin City. We need to pass through the Zhongshan Kingdom. This road is even easier. Not to mention the Zhen family's power in Zhongshan, who in the Zhongshan Kingdom would dare to just use the banner of the Anping Army?


They lived under the military power of the Anping Army. If they were not afraid of Huangfu Song, it would not be difficult to capture Zhongshan. It was just a matter of the length of time.

Nowadays, Zhongshan is in chaos. More than a dozen groups of bandits are rampant in the mountains and lakes. There are tens of thousands of big ones and one or two thousand of small groups. The counties cannot eradicate them and can only let them go.

Zhang Yan is one of them. Now his name is Chu Feiyan. Next year he will go to Julu County to join Zhang Niujiao. When they joined forces to attack Ying Tao, the governor of Julu County, Zhang Niujiao died in the battle and Chu Feiyan succeeded him.

He changed his surname to Zhang Niujiao.

Then, Zhang Yan, the leader of the so-called million-dollar Black Mountain Army who united the remnants of the Yellow Turbans and bandits from all over the country, appeared.

He wrote to the imperial court very arrogantly, received the imperial edict, and was given the official position of a general who was in trouble. He traveled across the valleys and roads in the Taihang Mountains and became a vassal in the late Han Dynasty.

Liu Xiang was inspired by Zhang Yan and felt that Zhao'an could take a few years. He even made more efforts. Zhen Yi was still busy in Luoyang to get his name in the clan.

Next year, he wants to take advantage of Zhang Yan again. With millions of Montenegrin troops, who wouldn't be greedy?

If the geese pass by without plucking their feathers, the thoughts will not be clear.

This chapter has been completed!
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