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Chapter 146: The Man Who Controls the Three Kingdoms

The enemy's foothold has not yet stabilized, but our cavalry has arrived. Zhu Jun has a fiery personality and personally leads the cavalry to fight.

The two armies collided head-on, with armored cavalry and spears raised side by side, men fighting men and horses, and with Zhao Yun as the vanguard, they formed a cone-shaped formation, dug through the enemy's formation, and pushed past.

Zhu Jun, the southern general, finally saw the terror of Youzhou's sudden cavalry. With two hundred years of prestige, it was a powerful force capable of destroying the enemy's formations.

The warriors of Youzhou are not comparable to those of the natives of Jiaozhou. He quelled the Jiaozhou rebellion by relying on the strength of the Han soldiers who were stronger than those wild monkeys. They advanced bravely and conquered everything.

He captured tens of thousands of people out of a few thousand. This kind of achievement made him extremely proud.

But this kind of fighting method is not easy to use in the north. If Huangfu Song hadn't wiped his butt for him, he would have been killed by the Yellow Turban long ago, and he wouldn't be alive today.

Not only did Zhu Jun fail to learn his lesson, but with more than a thousand cavalry, it became even more swollen. There was no way, the cavalry in the south was indeed scarce, and more than a thousand cavalry could be called a cavalry corps.

He led this group of cavalry with full confidence to entangle the armored cavalry and buy time for the rear infantry to set up their formation.

As a result, it collapsed at the first touch.

This is acclimatization.

Liu Xiang was very happy, not because he defeated Zhu Jun's cavalry, but because Huangfu Song did not come.

This is good news.

He led the cavalry to rush forward at high speed, catching the enemy by surprise and allowing Zhu Jun, a southern general, to see the fighting style of Youzhou's sudden cavalry, and defeated the Han army's cavalry troops.

If Sun Jian hadn't resisted bravely and led the infantry to counterattack the cavalry formation after the cavalry was defeated, slowing down the impact speed and buying time to set up the formation, the Anping army would have been able to rush to the end and completely defeat the infantry who had no time to form a formation. Jun's army will undoubtedly be defeated.

He is worthy of being the fierce tiger of Jiangdong and worthy of being the elite soldier of Danyang.

The three thousand cavalrymen of the Anping Army stepped over Sun Jian's interception, looked at the slowly approaching shield array in the distance, drew an arc, completed the turn, and walked away without fighting anymore.

Sun Jian gasped for breath with his broken limbs. Although he only briefly intercepted the attack, the infantry under his command were collided and trampled, causing heavy casualties.

Looking at the large group of cavalry retreating away, he roared angrily and threw down his shield. He was unwilling and filled with anger beyond words.

Liu Bei in the distance felt a dull pain in his body. This was the sequelae of being destroyed in the First World War and narrowly surviving.

Cao Cao, who was commanding his troops and horses, swallowed. Although he had met Liu Xiang a long time ago and knew the reputation of the Anping Army. Last month, he had seen tens of thousands of troops being harassed and miserable, but he was still the first. It was the first time I saw Youzhou's sudden cavalry crossing the battlefield.

They come like a strong wind and go like a lightning bolt. My evaluation of them is really not wrong at all. Looking at Zhu Jun's dejected and scattered cavalry and Sun Jian's infantry who died all the way, there is also a man who can defeat the enemy on the battlefield and be invincible. .

So envious.

If only I had a cavalry like this.

Not to mention the Han generals who had their own thoughts, Liu Xiang returned directly to the barracks with his cavalry. The enemy was already on guard and there was no need to bother him anymore.

Although it was not a complete success, it defeated the Han cavalry, gave them a wake-up call, and damaged the morale of the soldiers. It was definitely able to slow down the enemy's advance. He cut off the rear, and achieved the purpose of delaying time, which is not bad.

You can't always think about defeating the enemy at once, that's unrealistic.

As he expected, the Han army retreated ten miles to camp, and the two armies faced each other thirty miles apart, which lasted for seven days.

In the twelfth month of winter, the battle was difficult and morale was not high. The enemy cavalry easily defeated the two troops and fled without any damage at all.

No one in the entire army was not guilty. The Anping Army's record of defeating the elite Forbidden Army was also widely reported, and the war-weariness could not be contained.

The Han army reorganized for seven days before its morale stabilized.

Since taking control of Xiaquyang, Liu Xiang ordered people to build wind walls to resist the cold. He also used the wood from the previous siege camps as fuel. He burned fires day and night to keep warm, dug holes in the burned ground, and built simple underground structures.


He tried every way he could think of to keep warm, and no one inside or outside the city froze to death. Although the work was very tiring, the morale of his soldiers increased greatly.

In their opinion, it is normal for people to freeze to death in winter. Liu Xiang's actions made his reputation of loving soldiers like a son recognized by the entire army. All the soldiers were gearing up, waiting to repel the Han army and return to Youzhou.

Go have a good life.

They have all heard that the generals and officers in the army are fully paid and receive various preferential treatment. If they have achieved military merit, they will receive heavy rewards. They are all small rich men and they are really envious of them.

Even those who cannot join the army can still divide their fields, and the exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes have been abolished, and the people under their command can have enough to eat. This makes them yearn for it. Who has the leisure to rebel if they can have enough to eat.

On the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month, which was Xiaonian, Liu Xiang was grilling skewers in his tent. The correct way to say it was to watch the cook grill skewers, but he couldn't.

If you ask someone who can't cook porridge to make kebabs? That would be difficult for him.

There is no doubt that barbecued skewers were popular in the Han Dynasty. Modern times and the Han Dynasty are the two most popular eras.

A large number of Han Dynasty kebab stoves and skewers were unearthed from the tombs of the Han Dynasty. Various murals and documents also recorded the appearance and making of kebabs. Except for the absence of cumin and chili, they are not much different from modern kebabs.

What the cook was grilling was venison, which Zhao Yun specially sent out to hunt as a thank you for the gift of the horse.

Dawan's famous horse is Five Flower Cong. For Zhao Yun, this is when his dream comes true, and the goddess comes knocking on his door.

He had to reciprocate the gift, but he didn't come from a wealthy family, so he didn't have any rare treasures. He could only hunt a deer for his lord to show his love.

Liu Xiang understood what he meant.

Zhao Yun, Yan Gang and Zhou Cang were invited to share the meal.

Alcohol is prohibited in the army. They are sorry that Liu Xiang doesn't care. With the amount of wine he poured in three glasses, he can't like drinking.

The four of them had a meal of meat skewers, and the happiest person was Zhou Cang. The Lord had introduced him into the circle of the lieutenant general and treated him as a confidant.

Although he is straightforward, he is not stupid, and his heart is very warm. This lord has not admitted his mistakes, is affectionate and righteous, and is benevolent and caring for the people. Where can he find it in the world? From now on, he will follow the lord. If you say east, it will be east, if you say west, it will be west.

My lord told me to go south and never go north.

Liu Xiang was celebrating the new year, and the others had their own ideas. Zhao Yun thought that the lord shared the deer with him, which meant that he shared wealth and honor with him, and he was very happy.

Yan Gang felt that his status had greatly increased, so he invited three people. He was the only one who invited him. This was his status.

Everyone has their own thoughts and desires, so the fight will never stop.

The Han army sent out troops, and on the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, at noon, they formed a formation outside the camp to challenge.

"Let them freeze outside."

Liu Xiang didn't care about these Han troops. He arranged his defense according to the 70,000-strong army and 30,000-strong troops attacked the camp. There was no big problem.

The Yellow Turban Army left behind was supplemented with weapons from the Han Army's camp, and the crossbows of the Yi Ban Army were mobilized. The Anping Army also made a lot of special shuttles. It may not be able to defeat the 30,000 Han Army in the field, but it can still defend. Defendable.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, with the little north wind blowing, people formed formations outside the camp. They could not take turns warming themselves up to the fire like the defenders did to see how long they could hold on.

Zhu Jun is really annoying. If we have to send troops this season, why can't we go back to Maodong? Our army can also return to Beixin City. When the weather gets warmer next year, we can have another battle.

Liu Xiang curled up his neck to observe the Han army's formation, and was filled with curses in his heart.

This period of time should be the peak of Zhu Jun's life. Liu Bei, Sun Jian, and Cao Cao are all serving under him. One person controls the Three Kingdoms, which is really awesome.

Looking at Cao Cao's flag, Liu Xiang thought in his mind that he had not beaten Lao Cao yet. Liu Bei was almost beaten to death by himself. Sun Jian used the infantry to block the horse's legs, but the cavalry took advantage of the situation and stepped over it. It was considered that he had eaten it in his own hands. With a small loss, only Boss Cao is left.

Do you want to go out and give Lao Cao a vote?

To get the achievement of conquering the Three Kingdoms?

This chapter has been completed!
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