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Chapter 10 It may be regarded as a counter-insurgency

More than 2,000 people fell ill in the county barracks. Last night, the camp roared and killed each other, killing more than 1,000 people.

In the early days of the plague, more than a thousand officers, led by sons of aristocratic families, fled with their personal troops. Now, only about two hundred are left, and they are at the end of their rope.

Zhou Yue would not beg Liu Xiang in a low voice if he still had some way to do it. He would not look down on a little baby with even hair.

But there is no other way. I just hope that this little kid is capable. After all, to be conquered by the prefect at such a young age and dare to enter the rebel camp alone, he must not be an ordinary person.

I originally thought that I could use words to stimulate him. He must be young and energetic at such a young age, and he might be able to find a way to survive. Who knows, but he turned out to be a hedgehog who had no idea what to say.

Zhou Yue was speechless for a moment. He was just a soldier who only knew how to fight. There was no way he could use any strategy. He simply smashed the jar and threw it away. "That's what the little kid said, then I'll die here with you."

If you become a prefect, I will let you go."

"Why did you think that the prefect would kill me?" Liu Xiang was very surprised. Zhou Yue seemed to believe that the prefect would massacre the military camp, and killed Liu Xiang together with him.

"The soldiers of Yuyang County are part of the border army. The governor would not dare to bear the crime of massacring the frontier soldiers. When he reported it, he must have said that there was a serious epidemic in the army, resulting in all casualties. You know the truth, and you will definitely be punished by him.


Zhou Yue has been in the army for twenty-six years. He has seen many such things. Most of the Youzhou frontier troops are criminal prisoners, landless farmers, naturalized miscellaneous people from Wuhuan, Xianbei and other places. If one group dies, another group will be summoned.


Liu Xiang smiled, sincerely. This week the oak tree has leaked, and now he only has to think about how to deal with the prefect, "I have no one to help me, but I have a solution, so what?"

"If Mr. Lang has a way to save so-and-so's life, so-and-so will do whatever it takes!"

"Are you really willing to listen to my orders?"

Zhou Yuexin said that there was no worse outcome, and the worst possible outcome was death, so she made up her mind, raised her hands and saluted, "But if you have your destiny, there is nothing you can't do."

Liu Xiang looked at Zhou Yue and walked out the door. As he walked, he said: "Call all those who can move. If they are willing to listen to my orders, this will be done."

Not long after, Liu Xiang walked to the school grounds and climbed onto the general stage. Everyone gathered under the stage. There were more than 200 people standing in front of the stage, and more than 2,000 people came from behind. However, they could not stand firmly and were supporting each other.


Zhou Li took a step forward and cupped his hands and said: "There are more than 2,400 Yuyang County soldiers left. Except for a few who really can't get out of bed, we have all gathered to listen to Liu Jun's orders!"

Liu Xiang nodded, glanced around the crowd, and said loudly: "Since the outbreak of the plague, there has been a lot of turmoil in the camp. I know that everyone is worried. Some want to go home, some want to stay, and some want to flee.

But have you ever thought about it? You all carry the disease with you.

If you want to go home, do you want your family to die together?

If you want to escape, do you want the people in the villages and pavilions to die with you?

What will happen after you leave the camp? Is there any medicine or medicine? Can the disease be cured? Your only way to survive is to stay in the military camp.

I can cure the plague and have cured many people. Listening to me is your only way to survive. Do you understand?"

Everyone in the audience was whispering and talking, some agreed, some opposed, some didn't understand, some didn't hear clearly, some asked privately for opinions, and it was all chaotic and noisy for a while.

Liu Xiang waited patiently for their discussion. He had no authority at all now and could only reason with them.

If you use your mouth to speak truth, you have to listen to others' opinions.

Although he was also anxious, if the prefect Zhang Ju and his army invaded at this time, everyone here would be dead, but he had to wait. He had neither prestige nor power, so he could not forcefully convince others.

Liu Xiangting looked down upon these county soldiers. After seeing the strict military discipline of the Yuyang camp's armored cavalry, these county soldiers were really a pile of waste. If he were to change places, he would definitely attack the prefect's mansion at night.

, after kidnapping the prefect, there will naturally be medicine and medicine that can cure the disease.

At least they won't be blocked by private soldiers in the camp to play Camp Roar. The number of those private soldiers is only a quarter of theirs, and they have been beaten to the miserable state they are now.

After a long cup of tea, everyone finally understood the discussion and said one after another, "Everyone listens to Liu Jun." "Whatever Liu Jun says will be done."

Hearing this, Liu Xiang continued to speak loudly: "Armies, listen to the truth. Yesterday you listened to my advice and suddenly came to your senses. You decided to bring order to the chaos and attack the rebels. You fought fiercely with the rebels at night and destroyed the rebels.

Keep it in mind, no matter who asks, this is what you will say."

The crowd discussed again in the audience, and finally agreed on the same point of view. Liu Xiang felt disgusted and said loudly: "All the troops, go and collect the corpse in Pao Ze. I will report this matter to the prefect and wait for the eunuch's order."

After saying that, he walked down the platform and waved to Zhou Li, indicating that he had something to talk about.

When Zhou Yuexing came to him, he said to him: "Marquis Zhou, I would like to borrow something from you."

"What do you want to borrow, Mr. Liu?"

"I'll lend you your head."

Zhou Li was stunned, and his personal guards shouted: "Bold!" "You are looking for death!" "Liu Jun, please don't joke!"

Seeing that the guard was about to draw his sword, Zhou Li hurriedly stopped him, "Stop, everyone, step back."

After everyone had calmed down, he said to Liu Xiang: "Mr. Liu, do you want to use a certain head to win the trust of the prefect?"

"Yes, if you don't keep your trust, my plan will fail."

Zhou Li smiled calmly, "A certain person was seriously injured and his life is not long. If the head is useful, Liu Jun can take it. There is just something I have to say."


"Are you sure of Liu Jun's plan?"


"Liu Jun should lie to me so that I can go away safely. Otherwise, I may not be able to rest in peace due to doubts in my heart."

"I don't want to deceive, I just tell the way, how to choose, in the army."

Zhou Li frowned and pondered, could such a strategy really deceive the prefect? ​​Don't waste your time and get beheaded yourself.

Then I thought, if this plan doesn't work, everyone will die together. If it works by luck, all the brothers will live.

He is going to die anyway, even if he is seriously injured, he will die, and if he is beheaded, he will die, that's all, just give him his head.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will give my head to Liu Jun!"

Liu Xiang waved his hand and said, "The Marquis of Zhou Jun has misunderstood. Your head will be used to suppress the rebellion. The Marquis will hand it over to his successor. Xiang just wrote a report and sent it to the prefect. He has no intention of grabbing the credit or power."

After saying that, he ordered people to continue to guard the camp gate, not letting others see through the truth. He also found paper and pen, and prepared to write a report to the prefect Zhang Ju.

Randomly written in the article:

Xiang entered the military camp at noon yesterday and watched as some officers rebelled selfishly, spread rumors, and blackmailed the entire army.

Most of the sergeants in the camp were unwilling to rebel, so they secretly united with the officers and soldiers who were loyal to the Han Dynasty, and attacked and killed the rebels yesterday evening. After a fierce battle in the middle of the night, the rebels were finally wiped out.

The head of the rebel leader Zhou Yue was beheaded and presented to the prefect. The prefect will decide what to do next.

After writing the submission, Zhou Yue's bodyguard announced his name as Yang Que and asked for an audience.

Yang Que brought Zhou Yue's head and put it in a wooden box. Liu Xiang asked him to sign his name in the report. He also found several camp leaders and team leaders to also sign their names. After that, he found the road outside the camp gate and blocked the road.

The prefect's private soldiers were ordered to forward it to the prefect.

In the past few days, Liu Xiang had not seen the prefect Zhang Ju even once. He had been passing on documents and orders from the prefect to him by his private soldiers.

Driven like a running dog, Liu Xiang was disgusted.

This chapter has been completed!
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