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Chapter 155: Suansheng is Kidnapped

Liu Xiang did not return to Lunu until the next morning. The army did not enter the city last night. He did not want the officials to know the number of prisoners, and he would try to conceal the prisoners he captured in the future.

What he was doing was robbing people. He couldn't come overtly and sneak into the village without firing a gun.

The officials of Zhongshan Kingdom must know that he moved prisoners, but as long as they don’t know the specific number, they will turn a blind eye. Officially speaking, it’s just good for you, good for me, good for everyone.

The camp will be set up in the morning. These prisoners will stay in the wild for a few days. After selection and registration, they will be told to go to Youzhou to farm, farm and eat, and live a stable life. After five years, they will be allocated fields.

The vast majority are ordinary people who cannot survive, and some are real thieves. These two types of people must be separated.

He handed over the bandits to the officials in Zhongshan and counted them as his own military exploits. As for how to deal with them, he didn't care.

After the people were appeased, they would send troops to Beixin City, and then the local garrison would relay them to Youbeiping and Liaoxi one stop at a time.

Open up wasteland and farmland to enrich the Han population.

There will be more and more Hu people there, and the Han people must be enriched, otherwise it will not be the Han people assimilating the Hu people, but the Hu people assimilating the Han people.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a large number of Han people were relocated to solve this hidden danger.

Liu Xiang calculated that these two counties needed at least 500,000 Han people. Fighting battle after battle and capturing prisoners again and again would not be enough to meet this number.

Therefore, Zhou Cang was sent out, and with him were four thousand soldiers from the guard camp. Under the banner of the Yellow Turban Army, they would go to several counties in the east to win over the scattered old Yellow Turban troops and the peasants who had revolted.

Gather as many as you can.

Zhang Yan, a water thief, and Zhang Niujiao, a newcomer, could raise a Yellow Turban army. There is no reason that Zhou Cang, a veteran Yellow Turban general, should be worse than them.

Zhou Cang was better than them in qualifications, reputation, and troop strength. Most importantly, he had Liu Xiang's logistical support and the rear area of ​​Youzhou.

On the third day after Zhou Cang left, Yan Gang was also sent out with 2,000 light cavalry, 2,000 infantry, and 1,000 crossbowmen to clear out the southeastern area of ​​Zhongshan Kingdom.

After another two days, the prisoners' emotions were stable, and the screening and registering had been completed. Taishi Ci took a thousand light cavalry, four thousand infantry, and a thousand crossbowmen, and escorted nearly 50,000 prisoners and 150,000 shi of grain.

Head to Beixin City. After the people and food are delivered, return to the army and clear out the northeastern area of ​​Zhongshan Kingdom.

There were still more than 4,000 suspected bandits who were taken into the city and handed over to the Prime Minister of Zhongshan. The composition of this group of people was relatively complex, with bandits, bandits, and rangers so numerous that they had no time or energy to distinguish them carefully.

There were still 7,000 troops left by Liu Xiang to guard Lunu. If Sun Qing hadn't taken the initiative to attack, he wouldn't have wanted to pay attention to the bandits in the mountains to the west. Anyone who wanted to do the hard work of drilling into ravines to suppress bandits would go, and he wouldn't go anyway.

This is the advantage of sending troops alone. No one can control him. As long as those people don't attack the city, he can be lazy. As for Tie Hanhan who attacks the city, of course he sends troops to cut off their retreat and send them to the border to clear wasteland.

Zhongshan Kingdom was adjacent to Zhuo County, and the people of Youzhou divided their fields and cultivated the land. They lived a very nourishing life. The people of Jizhou yearned for it, and some who could not survive fled directly to Youzhou.

Naturally, they had also heard about the reputation of the Anping Army for its fierce combat power. The rebels who rose up could not be said to surrender at the sight of the wind, but they became timid when they saw the flags and were defeated in a battle from time to time.

By the end of March, the Anping Army fought more than ten battles and captured more than 90,000 prisoners, nearly 80,000 were sent back, and more than 15,000 were taken to Lunu for exchange.

According to Tian Chou's statistics, the number of civilians who fled into Youzhou was no less than 60,000.

Since nearly one-third of the population of Zhongshan State, Haiyan Heqing, fell into Liu Xiang's pocket.

We can no longer cause trouble, it’s time to change the land.

On March 26, the Anping Army set out south to march to the Changshan Kingdom. The officials of the Zhongshan Kingdom came out of the city to see them off, with tears streaming down their faces. The scene was very touching, and they were really excited. The god of plague was finally gone.

He ate 260,000 shi of grain at a banquet, and later extorted more than 80,000 shi of grain and countless assets through kidnapping, and completely emptied the families who did not come to the banquet.

Stop the baby from crying.

Leaving the excited officials behind, the Anping Army marched for three days and arrived at Zhending County of Changshan State. This time, they were unlucky. They were blocked outside the city by Changshan State Chief Shi Liu Hong and could not receive the greeting gift. Liu Xiang was in a bad mood.


The army cannot enter the city, and Liu Xiang will not enter the city. If you need anything, please come to the military camp to see him.

Although he, the governor of Youzhou, is only a minor official with a rank of six hundred dan, and it is not in line with the rules for a high-ranking official like the Prime Minister of the country to condescend to see him with a salary of two thousand dan. However, he is still a general in trouble, and he is also a senior official with a salary of two thousand dan.

Member, and also has the title of Marquis of Ting, which is not considered rude.

In fact, Chang Shan, the Prime Minister, and the Commander-in-Chief could not stop the army, but Chang Shi Liu Hong was different.

Liu Hong, also known as Yuan Zhuo, was an outstanding astronomer and mathematician, the inventor of abacus and the discoverer of the theory of uneven motion of the moon. He was revered as the "Sage of Calculation" by later generations.

The most important thing is that he is the queen of King Lu and belongs to a serious clan. When discussing seniority with Liu Xiang in front of the army formation, he is regarded as Liu Xiang's uncle.

The meaning is very clear. He endorsed the identity of Liu Xiang's clan and prevented the army from using force.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Anping Army camped outside the city.

You can't receive gifts, but you have to give wages.

One hundred and thirty thousand stones of food and grass, even one tael less would not be enough.

The Prime Minister was defeated and Liu Hong came again, speaking like an old hermaphrodite:

"Nephew Yicheng Xian, I heard that your father is also proficient in arithmetic. Why can't he understand the consumption in the army? This is not possible. When the army stops, the baggage comes first. I am quite proficient in this, and I am here to help you today.


Yes, yes, knowing that you are the father of abacus and that you are awesome at abacus, Liu Xiang replied angrily: "Our army eats more."

Liu Hong laughed loudly: "Don't be upset, my dear nephew. I will help you do the calculations and you will be able to make everything clear. I will also leave you with a regulation. From now on, if you follow the rules, you will be able to prevent waste in the army. Although I am not familiar with the army.

We have a little strategy, but we also know that food and fodder logistics are the top priority."

Liu Xiang rolled his eyes, and since you came to the door, he would not be polite: "My uncle is willing to help, and my nephew is very happy, so he appoints you as the military chief to coordinate the food, grass and baggage for me. I hope my uncle will give in."

.Otherwise, I will become depressed and ill, and it will be difficult to control the army. If anything happens in the future, you can’t blame me."

This is just being a rogue. Who is trying to play official tricks with you? With the army on your side and troops approaching the city, how can you tolerate your repeated rejection?

Recruiting Liu Hong was not to remove him from his post, but to let him fight with the army as Changshan Changshi and serve as the chief secretary of the Anping Army. As for when to release him? Once he joins the army, everything he does is not up to him. It depends on Liu Xiang.


Huangfu Song gave him the authority to march into Jizhou and suppress bandits. Although he did not give him the right to control the army, with his official position of Zhonglang General, he was already the chief general of the Jizhou War Zone, and he still had the right to recruit officials to accompany the army.

Generals who lead an army all have this power, but it is just a matter of convention and officialdom rules must be followed, and generally there will be no forced recruitment.

But is Liu Xiang an ordinary person?

Either give him food or give people to others. Anyway, he doesn't want to get involved in the officialdom of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Accepting the imperial edict is just a delaying tactic. After these few years, who cares about the rules of the court.

Liu Hong also heard the meaning of these words. He lamented: "General, please calm down. Changshan country has many mountains and few plains. It is already short of food. Since the Yellow Turbans last year, bandits have been incessant. Food and grass are even more expensive. The city is really short of food."

We can’t produce so much food. I hope the general will show his noble hand and the people in the city will rely on that little food to survive.”

The people have no food, the government has no food, but the big families do. You dare not take action. If you let our army enter the city, how can you still not get food?

"Why don't we let our army enter the city, I'll give a banquet to the rich people in the city, and how about we share the proceeds equally?"

Liu Hong was shocked and said: "It can't be like this. How can you do such an evil thing? It will arouse the criticism of the scholars. The general must cherish his reputation. Listen to my advice. Birds still know how to cherish their feathers. The general must not destroy himself."

"Then stay in the army and serve as the chief secretary. I will entrust the matter of food, grass and baggage to Chief Liu."

"I accept my order." Liu Hong had no choice but to agree.

This chapter has been completed!
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