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Chapter 157: Someone Eats Meat, Someone Gets a Beat

Cui Yi returned to the camp and reorganized military affairs. Zhang He became Sima and Guan Yu became a soldier.

There are 1,200 people in the Xiaoqi camp, gearing up and eager for a battle.

Liu Xiang was also preparing for a big war. Zhang Niujiao had 60,000 to 70,000 men, and there were many old bandits. Unlike the newly-recruited peasant army, their combat power should not be underestimated.

Zhou Cang's troops have grown to 50,000 people. They will occupy the eastern front and send troops to occupy the western front. Attacking from both sides, the winning rate is extremely high.

What we need to consider now is how to reduce casualties.

In the final analysis, there are two methods to weaken the enemy and strengthen our army.

Make a surprise attack, take advantage of the chaos to behead people, and win over allies.

Guo Dian is a figure who must not be ignored on this battlefield.

Yitao County has been besieged for a month, and I don’t know how many troops Guo Dian has left. This man is really good at defending the city. Last year, the Yellow Turbans in Jizhou were so violent that several counties could not stop the Yellow Turbans’ attack, but he was

It is not easy for the Yellow Turban Army to defend an isolated city in its central position.

He sent a messenger to look for an opportunity to enter the city to deliver the message, and agreed with Guo Dian that reinforcements would arrive five days later, on April 21, so he could take the opportunity to leave the city and attack the enemy.

He also sent a secret message to Zhou Cang, asking him to repair his army after arriving at Yitao and not to participate in the siege. On the 21st, he sent troops with Zhang Niujiao, waited for the Anping Army to launch an attack, and made a surprise attack from the flank to disrupt the enemy's position.

The net is ready, but I don't know how many big fish I can catch.

The chief officers of each battalion were summoned to discuss the march route, assign their respective tasks, and finally decided to go south to Gaoyi.

Along the road at the east foot of Taihang Mountain, one hundred and thirty miles south, on the north bank of Jishui is Gaoyi County. Gaoyi is to the west and north of Yingtao, more than forty miles away, facing each other across Jishui. Now it has been stretched.

All occupied.

Yang County, north of Yitao, was also occupied by enemy troops and did not have the conditions for a surprise attack.

Each camp was prepared, and 20,000 young men were mobilized in Zhending to serve as civilian husbands together with the remaining prisoners in the camp. The next day, they broke out of the camp and sent out troops.

Nineteen thousand troops, more than 20,000 civilians, driving more than 5,000 carts, pulling 200,000 stones of grain and grass, marched for three days before arriving at the gate of Gaoyi City.

It was already late afternoon when we arrived, and it would be dark in two hours. One hundred and fifty artillery carriages, ninety crossbow carriages, four thousand crossbowmen and two thousand archers were deployed to suppress the city from three sides.

The defenders hid behind the battlements and did not dare to show themselves.

The civilians stepped forward to fill the river, and the defenders who wanted to attack were shot like hedgehogs. The stone bullets on their heads were endlessly smashed down. The flagpole on the city had long been broken by crossbows, and the powerful long-range attacks directly hit them.

The thieves guarding the city were confused.

Before the moat was filled in, the defenders withdrew from the west gate, which was a gap deliberately left by the Anping Army, because the west gate could not retreat directly to the enemy camp to the east, and because there was a cavalry ambush there.

About five thousand defenders rushed out of the city gate and fled straight to the west. They had to run some distance away from the pursuit of the siege troops at the south gate before they could go south across the Jishui River and then escape back to the main camp.

Looking at the large group of enemy troops, Cui Yi jumped onto the war horse with excitement. This was the famous Dawan horse, Tuxue Wuzui, specially left for him by his lord.

I heard that you were the leader who blackmailed the imperial army. Hey, no matter who you are, if you fall into the hands of the lord, you will have to peel off your skin.

Some people say that King Chu Bawang’s mount is Tuxue Wuzui.

The horses were so good that I couldn't even dream of them back then, the armor was so good that I had never heard of them, and all the Hexi War Horses were armored cavalrymen.

Cui Yi was suddenly looking forward to the armor and riding equipment that his lord had mentioned, what it would look like and how powerful it would be.

He laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, there is a big piece of fat in front of you. Brothers, do you think you can eat it or not?"

A group of knights yelled: "You can eat it! Of course you can eat it!"

Listening to the violent screams of his brothers, Cui Yi knew that the morale no longer needed to be boosted, so he shouted loudly: "Mount your horses and form an array."

After saying that, he worriedly told Guan Yu beside him: "Yun Chang, don't rush too fast. Follow me and don't mess up the formation."

Guan Yu nodded. He had suffered the losses of Jia Qi and knew how powerful Cui Yi was in leading Jia Qi.

"Something can be saved."

After instructing Guan Yu, Cui Yi looked at Zhang He and said: "Jun Yi, pay attention to the formation and don't get out of touch."

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Colonel, I will pay attention."

In the space of two sentences, all members of Xiaoqi mounted their horses, and the formation was formed.

By this time the enemy had also discovered them.

Cui Yi didn't care, so what if he found out, the only thing he could do was stop him.

He raised the horse's chariot high and shouted: "Forward."

He shouted loudly, but his actions were not violent. He just walked forward slowly, and the cavalry behind him followed, forming a cone-shaped formation as he moved. He counted the sound of the horse's hooves, four with each step.

Continuing to move forward, slowly accelerating, the war horse began to trot. Xiaoqi adjusted his formation, and the formation became dense. He always kept the speed down, making two clicks with one step.

They had already arrived in front of the formation, and the enemy was stopping to regroup. The distance was less than 300 steps, and they had no time to set up their formation.

He pointed the horse's horse forward straight forward, tucked the back part under his arm, and shouted: "Speed ​​up."

The war horse began to run. His mount was a little fast. He tightened the reins slightly to slow down the horse. The knights behind him flattened their spears and made the last adjustment to their formation, getting closer to Pao Ze.

"Boom." There was a sound every step of the way.

It's this sound, it's this rhythm, it's this power.

He has listened to it for eight years and is very familiar with it.

"Stay in formation." He was reminding his brothers to stay in shape.

The knights speed up and approach, and the enemy troops gather more and more.

Cui Yi sneered, not on the opposite side. At this time, the elite troops have been able to react and should start to set up shields and spears. Although it is useless to set up a temporary formation and set up a few spears, at least it makes it difficult to defeat the elites. That's interesting.

A hundred steps away from the enemy, he still held the reins of his war horse. It was not the time to sprint yet. The feather arrows at this distance were just fake. Don't worry about it at all. They couldn't shoot through the armor at all. Armored riders had to get used to the rain of arrows. Miss and charge forward.

"Keep the formation." He reminded his brothers again, fearing that they would become impatient and use their speed to disrupt the formation.

The cavalry formation continued to move forward.

Forty steps is almost enough. Bows and arrows at this distance can already cause damage.

"Break the formation and kill the enemy." He was reminding the brothers in the middle of the formation that they couldn't see the enemy's position and it was time to rush their horses with all their strength.

His orders were passed down one level at a time from the military commanders behind him, just like the previous times. Everyone knew what to do.

Cui Yi moved his wrists, relaxed the reins, and lightly knocked the horse's belly. The horse's speed increased to the maximum, and the distance of forty steps passed in the blink of an eye. The sudden increase in speed disrupted the enemy's prediction.

The enemy hurriedly set up a formation, the formation was not dense, and the spears were not stable. He used his armpit as a fulcrum, shook his right hand upward, and the spear leaning diagonally in front of him was pointed straight into the sky, completely losing its lethality. He followed

The soldiers behind him guarded his sides with spears and knocked away the weapons pointed at him.

At this moment, there were only two shields in front of him. The spear in his hand fell down with the force of the rebound. He stepped firmly on the stirrups with both feet and clamped the horse's body hard. His upper body suddenly leaned forward and thrust out the spear with all his strength.

The shield hand was hit by a huge force, and his body fell backwards. The shield fell to the ground with him. Before he could adjust his body, two horse hooves stepped on the shield and pinned him to the ground, and then more and more

There are too many horseshoes, and he can't get up anymore.

Cui Yi followed the space left by the fallen shield hand and rushed directly into the enemy formation. Ma Shan stabbed and struck in front, opening up space for the war horse and also protecting the safety of the war horse.

Guan Yu followed Cui Yi, protecting his side and observing his behavior. The more he watched, the more he admired him. The armored cavalry charging into the formation was really not accelerating and hitting hard.

Just relying on martial arts skills, you really can't conquer it. He has painful personal experience.

Cui Yi was moving forward, and the Xiaoqi followed up. The gap between the enemy and the enemy was getting bigger and bigger, and it was impossible to stop them. They responded in a hurry. The Xiaoqi rushed past and broke out of the formation. The three thousand Yueqi behind him also rushed out of the enemy's formation.


Cui Yi sighed. The enemy was too weak and he couldn't keep up his energy. After resting for so long, he really wanted to fight.

"Order to ride more and start fighting."

The knights slowly adjusted their formation, and when they saw those resisting, they defeated them again. The knights used their bows and swords to harvest the battlefield.

Don’t hold back when you return to the teacher?

Cui Yi felt that the enemy was too weak.

There are rumors about the barbarians in northern Xinjiang. If they don't have ten times the number of people, don't fight the madmen in Yuyang camp. Run away quickly, maybe you can survive.

This chapter has been completed!
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