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Chapter 166: Siege and Aid

Liu Xiang did have the intention to encircle the point and call for reinforcements, but his vision was no longer concerned with the gains and losses of a city or a place.

He brought 90,000 regular soldiers, including the 10,000 Yunfan battalion and 50,000 militiamen who transported supplies, which is an army of 150,000. The combined population of the four counties in Liaodong is only more than 400,000, including Wuhuan Su Puyan

There are more than 20,000 Hu people in the tribe, and the hidden population of aristocratic families cannot exceed 600,000 at most.

The military advantage was huge, so he wanted to seek a decisive battle.

If we attack one city after another, the supply line will be stretched longer and longer, and the logistical pressure will be greater and greater. This will become the fatal weakness of the army.

He didn't want to give the enemy a chance to harass the supply line. He had done this before and knew exactly how uncomfortable it was to be robbed of food and grass.

It would be disgusting if we were forced to retreat due to lack of food and grass.

Therefore, he wanted to seek a decisive battle in Tuhe County, which has the shortest supply line. If he could defeat the enemy's main force and eliminate the effective forces of the four counties, then the rest would be a matter of encircling the territory.

Tuhe is the gate to Liaodong, and they will definitely save it if they have the chance. Even if they see through Liu Xiang's intentions and want to retreat to extend the supply line of the Anping Army, if the Liaodong vassal state is lost, the Liaohe Plain behind will be undefeated.

They can only retreat to the defense line of the Yalu River, and then they will retreat to Lelang County, giving up the land of three counties in vain.

Who has such courage?

Liu Xiang was crazy about taking the land of three counties. With this land, he only needed to leave a part of his troops to fight until next autumn's harvest, and he no longer needed to transport supplies from far away.

People in Liaodong have only two choices, die now or die later.

Liu Xiang didn't want to give them a third way.

The main camp was established, and siege forts were built at the four gates. The walls were strong, the trenches were dug wide and deep, and cofferdams were built to block the Tu River defenders. It took four days to build the fortifications, but Zhou Cang led 20,000 Montenegrin troops to break through.

Bintu County is stationed there.

More than 10,000 Chinese infantrymen escorted the arrival of the second batch of supplies, and 50,000 regular soldiers gathered in Tuhe County, waiting for the enemy's reaction.

The enemy also made moves in the past three days. Su Puyan led 5,000 Hu cavalry to Changli. Yangle County, which was isolated in Liaoxi County, also sent 3,000 people to join Gongsun Zan. The three groups had 13,000 people, preparing to defend the city.

Liaodong County began to gather troops and horses, with a posture of marching westward.

The spies have not yet reported back in Xuantu County in the northwest of Liaodong County and Lelang County in the Korean Peninsula.

Liu Xiang was reinforcing the fortifications and transporting supplies at the same time. At this time, he had to be patient and wait for the enemy's actions.

He already knew the specific situation of the locust plague in Liaodong through the local people. The officials here did not pay attention to Liu Xiang's reminder. Naturally, they did not prepare disaster prevention measures. When the swarms of insects flew, they just let it go.

Anyway, they can't starve. They can still make a fortune by taking advantage of the famine. How do you think their ancestors accumulated so much property and property? Did they get rich through hard work?

That's a big joke.

Years of disaster are the most profitable times for them. When a famine comes and people starve to death, they can reasonably and legally obtain the land of the common people, let those common people sell their daughters to them for fun, and let the common people become willing to become

His own servant.

What you paid was just a few liters of grain.

In normal times, these would have violated the laws of the Han Dynasty, but God rewarded them. In the disaster year, they became "good people" and their family became a "good family".

They can play this kind of game for hundreds or even thousands of years and enjoy it endlessly.

Thousand-year-old families are all leaders in this kind of game, and their gaming experience is particularly good.

Now, they are sharpening their knives and preparing to enjoy the feast.

Liu Xiang is here.

This man is really hateful. He who destroys people's wealth is like killing his parents. He must be killed.

The speed of gathering troops and horses is very fast, the speed of recruiting refugees into strong men is also very fast, and the march of troops is even faster.

On August 22, Liaodong and Xuantu counties gathered 30,000 troops and arrived on the east bank of the Yu River, less than 60 miles away from the Anping army.

In Liaodong, Xuantu has a combined population of only a few hundred thousand. They are gathered on the alluvial plain of the Liao River Basin. If they can come to 30,000 people, they will almost spend all their money.

There is still no movement in Lelang County, which has a population of more than 200,000. They didn't come to attack Liu Xiang last time. I don't know why.

Gongsun Zan led his army south along the Yu River and joined the reinforcements. More than 40,000 people from both armies crossed the Yu River and advanced toward Tuhe County.

They thought that Tuhe was still holding on, and the city garrisoned by 15,000 people was indeed qualified to wait for their reinforcements.

It is a pity that Tuhe's army suffered heavy losses outside the city, and there were only more than 4,000 people left in the city. This was due to the information gap. Liu Xiang always liked to fight battles involving time lag and information gap.

Causing the enemy to make mistakes in judgment, looking for loopholes, and killing him with one blow.

Liu Xiang issued an order in the Chinese army's tent: "Order Zhou Cang to leave 10,000 people to defend Bintu County, and lead 10,000 people to go north to capture Yangle and Changli counties."

"Order Yunfan Battalion to transport the 10,000 Montenegrin troops defending the water village, enter Hebei from the mouth of the Liaohe River, seize the Liao team county at the junction of the Daliao River and the Xiaoliao River, and then patrol the Daliao River to assist the Montenegro Army in intercepting the return of Liaodong.


"Order the 10,000 Montenegrin troops stationed in the water village to stand firm on the spot."

"Order the 20,000 Montenegro troops who are besieging the city in Tuhe County to hold on to the camp and wait for the enemy to attack the camp."

Liu Xiang will lead the 30,000 troops from the central army and the left and right armies, waiting for the enemy troops to lose their energy, wait for them to be tired, wait for them to know that their way back is blocked, and wait for them to start to chaos.

Then, eat them.

It's just a pity that the Nuo opera equipment was brought to Liaodong but did not work. The progress was too smooth. I originally planned to use them to open the way when the Liaoxi Corridor was blocked.

Wait, wait for the enemy to arrive.

There are strong camps, hundreds of seven-shooter cannons that have been rushed out, more than a hundred crossbow carts, 150 artillery carts, 6,000 crossbowmen, and tens of thousands of archers.

With all this, Liu Xiang felt that he would be at a loss if he did not fight a defensive battle first and frustrate the enemy's energy.

The Liaodong Allied Forces had less than 45,000 men and more than 8,000 cavalry. They were not suitable for cavalry raids like those in the mainland.

Gongsun Zan is not a vegetarian, so let's forget about using cavalry to fight with him in the field. Don't worry about who loses and who wins, the loss is not small.

When Liu Xiang was talking about Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Zan arrived.

Having said that, isn’t it Boss Cao’s prerogative? This grandson violated the law.

Gongsun Zan arrived very quickly, leading 6,000 cavalrymen to circle around the four siege camps. He was probably planning to launch a surprise attack. However, the Anping army did not follow the routine and stayed in the camp peacefully without attacking the city at all.

He circled around but couldn't find any chance, and he was unwilling to give up, so he headed towards the main camp by the river.

"My lord, this guy is too arrogant. He dares to shuttle between the forts. Do you want to go out and kill him? The enemy has come from a long distance and lacks enough horsepower. If Yueqi entangles him, the brave cavalry will be able to break through it."

Cui Yi was a militant and couldn't bear the sight of Gongsun Zan running around with his cavalry.

"He didn't dare to attack the camp, and he didn't want to withdraw his troops. He was stubborn and stubborn. He wanted to dampen his energy first. Now he goes out to fight, which is exactly what he wants."

Six thousand light cavalry can fight and run, but the infantry cannot help. It is not a good idea to use your own cavalry to fight.

When the enemy's army arrives, these light cavalry will have reins, and then they will no longer be afraid of him running away.

Gongsun Zan, let's wait and see.

This chapter has been completed!
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