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Chapter 168: The End of Gongsun Zan

The garrison in Tuhe County was depleted many times, and only less than 2,000 people remained. Most of the people defending the city were forcibly recruited civilians.

The reinforcements had not seen any movement for several days, and they suffered heavy casualties. They had been surrounded for more than a month. They were extremely depressed and war-weary. After several rounds of stone bombs, they once persuaded them to surrender and opened the city.

When Tuhe fell, the enemy must have their own ideas. The differences arose whether to advance to retake the gate or to retreat to build a new line of defense.

When news comes that the retreat is blocked, the three-way coalition will be in chaos.

The question of whether to stay or go will definitely cause greater differences.

Decisions must be made in a short time, and their supply lines have been cut off, which will cause greater anxiety and lead to greater conflicts.

How to fight if you stay?

How to leave?

Should we turn back and recapture the Daliao River? Or go north and take a detour to Yiwulu Mountain?

Three armies, three minds.

Gongsun Zan definitely wants to stay and continue fighting. If he loses the Liaodong vassal state, he will be nothing. It is not easy for him to be a bastard and reach the stage of long history of a vassal state. He will definitely not be willing to give up.

Xuantu County is located in the northwest, so the prefect Gongsun Qi would definitely prefer to go north and take a detour.

Needless to say, the people in Liaodong County definitely want to open up the Daliao River.

Liu Xiang is waiting.

The enemy's spirit has lost, and disagreements have arisen again, causing confusion, and the fighter plane has arrived.

Send additional scouts to explore the enemy camp.

Five thousand people from Diaoshui Village returned to the defense and took care of the city and supplies.

Waiting and waiting, until the sixth day of September, the enemy camp was in chaos. Gongsun Zan raised his troops to attack Yang Zhong, the governor of Liaodong, intending to capture his troops.

After receiving the report from the scouts, the 50,000-strong Anping Army quickly dispatched troops and took advantage of the chaos to attack the camp.

Gongsun Yu, the prefect of Xuantu, abandoned the camp and led more than 8,000 people in his headquarters to retreat to the northwest, heading straight for Yiwulu Mountain.

Liu Xiang ignored the soldiers and horses of Xuantu County and ordered the Black Mountain Army to divide 10,000 troops to attack the camp of the Liaodong vassal state. There were not many soldiers and horses left there.

He led the Chinese army to stare at Gongsun Zan and beat him.

When the Anping army surrounded them, Gongsun Zan was in the camp in Liaodong County, and the two groups of soldiers were fighting in the camp.

The artillery carriages of the light carriage battalion were deployed outside the camp, and the crossbow carriages followed the infantry of the guard camp, followed the road opened by Gongsun Zan, and followed the soldiers and horses of the Liaodong vassal state into the camp.

Follow-up of Shooting Sound Camp.

The Montenegrin Army's 10,000 infantry and the left and right armies surrounded the remaining three sides, and the cavalry was on standby outside the camp.

Gongsun Zan's six thousand cavalry and two to three thousand infantry were thus blocked in the enemy camp and attacked from two sides.

Both the enemy and ourselves are beating him.

Not long after he killed Yang Zhong, as long as he killed the captain of Liaodong County and led the cavalry to show off his power in the enemy camp, he would be able to control this army and then counterattack Tuhe, and there would be a chance to keep the territory.


Last year, the little thief Liu Xiang rebelled with great force. The prime minister relied on his family background to get promoted, and the captain was killed by him. This is his territory and his promotion rank, and he must not lose it.

They stormed into the camp regardless of casualties and were about to be successful. Who knew that the retreat was blocked and how could the thieves arrive so quickly?

The Anping army cleared Gongsun Zan's rear formation, and the guard camp was formed to defend against the cavalry counterattack. More than a hundred ballistae, four thousand crossbowmen, and two thousand archers fired at the cavalry of the Liaodong vassal state.

The space of the camp was squeezed from both sides by the enemy and ourselves. The six thousand cavalry could not run or break through the enemy's formation. They could only fight with the infantry in frustration.

The front formation was blocked by the soldiers of the Anping Army, and the rear formation was fighting with the infantry of Liaodong County. Above their heads were raindrops of crossbows, arrows, flying shuttles, and in front of them were the stabs of spears and halberds.

Crossbows seven or eight feet long kept flying towards them, skewering them into skewers including men and horses.

Su Puyan couldn't bear it anymore, so he brought all the young men of his clan to support Gongsun Changshi. If all these people died, his tribe would have to be annexed.

Why did I get so dizzy that I had to come here to fight for Xianbei with Yan Rou, Wu Yan and the others?

Nawuyan was originally weaker than him, but was about to be annexed by Qiu Liju. After they voted for General Anping, they grew several times in one year, and the tribe prospered, which is really enviable.

"Surrender, surrender, don't fight." Su Buyan decided to surrender and save his life first.

It's a pity that he has no place to retreat and can't escape from the battle at all.

The first person to hear of Su Puyan's surrender was Gongsun Zan. He was furious and frightened. He only had a thousand cavalry under his command. If the Wuhuan people surrendered, he would not even have the ability to resist.

With his bad temper, how can he endure this?

With the white horse beside him, Yi Cong rushed into the Wuhuan people's formation.

Without Zhen Yi's support, he would naturally not have the three thousand white horse Yi Cong. He could only afford forty or fifty fine riders, but the personnel were selected more carefully.

These righteous soldiers were fierce and fierce, and followed him to break through the Wuhuan people's formation and kill him directly in front of Su Buyan.

Gongsun Zan didn't talk nonsense at all. He threw Su Puyan off his horse and shouted: "Anyone who dares to surrender will die! The enemy is besieging us and we must move forward together. How can you be half-hearted and disturb the morale of our army?"

Just wait and follow me to kill the enemy and break through the siege to survive."

The reputation of Baima Changshi was feared by the Xianbei people, and also by the Wuhuan people. Gongsun Zan's reputation was achieved by personally going into battle, charging on horseback, and shooting him with swords and swords. The barbarians in the border counties feared him like a ghost.

Hu Qi from the Su Buyan tribe did not resist much and continued to fight under his command.

The soldiers of the Anping Army don't care whether they are in chaos or not, the offensive will not stop until the order to withdraw the troops is given.

Liu Xiang stayed in the rear, and the news of Su Buyan's surrender and Su Buyan's murder came immediately. He was not given any room to think about it, and Gongsun Zan just finished the matter as if it had nothing to do with him.

Then keep fighting.

The bows and crossbows of the Anping Army were too sharp, and the soldiers and horses of the Liaodong vassal state were seriously injured. The people of Liaodong County behind were biting them like mad dogs and would not let go. If this continued, the whole army would be annihilated.

Gongsun Zan was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He called the Liaodong captain for a truce, but he was scolded by the other side.

This can't be tolerated, this idiot must be killed.

"Your mother's leg was cut off. I'm giving you face, right? If the thief hadn't come quickly, you would have died long ago."

Gongsun Zan has been forced to a dead end, and he wants to give it a try.

"My sons, we are surrounded by enemy troops. We must move forward with all our might. Someone will lead you out of the siege. Follow me and don't fall behind."

He personally led the Baima Yicong to charge into the formation and led the troops to counterattack the soldiers and horses of Liaodong County. He wanted to solve his worries and gain space for the sprint.

Inspired by him, everyone moved forward, armed with sabers and spears, and fought hand-to-hand with the infantry from a high position. Gongsun Zan was always in the front row, shouting and fighting vigorously, boosting morale. The more the troops fought, the more courageous they became, and finally repulsed the soldiers and horses of Liaodong County.

Gongsun Zan also got his wish and beheaded the Liaodong captain.

He was originally an ally, but now he has become a life-and-death enemy. They are attacking him together with the enemy. Things are not as he expected. God forbid.

Put aside the emotion, stop the pursuit, gather the cavalry in the rear formation, accelerate as hard as possible, pass through the gap left by the front formation, and prepare to break through the shield formation of the thieves and break out of the encirclement.

It's a pity that the officers and soldiers of the Anping Army are not the civilian men in Liaodong who were temporarily recruited due to low morale.

The Chinese sergeants are the best of the best, elites who have experienced many battles.

The enemy's horse hooves roared in the rear formation, so they naturally knew that they were about to rush into the formation at a faster pace.

Therefore, what awaits Gongsun Zan is the concentrated firing of hundreds of crossbows, and the intensive firing of four thousand powerful crossbows.

At least in the Han Dynasty, no cavalry dared to accept such a baptism at close range.

The battle was over, and as soon as Gongsun Zan died, the enemy army collapsed.

After the war, Cui Yi collected his body with his own hands, and did not allow Paoze to chop off his head to repay his merits, so he pulled out the crossbows from his body one by one.

Forty-seven crossbows were lost, and three crossbow spears pinned Gongsun Zan and his white horse together.

"I have also heard of the reputation of White Horse Changshi. He roams across the grassland and the barbarians retreat. It is really desirable. It is a pity that he could not fight Changshi. It is a pity."

This chapter has been completed!
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