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Chapter 170 Preparing for the Army

Liu Xiang and more than 4,000 cavalry rested on the same spot for a night, watching the people of Xuantu County pretend to cross the river for half the night.

According to Cui Yi: "These rabbits are not good people."

Gongsun Qi must have discovered the pursuers and wanted to set a trap. Unfortunately, no matter how excellent tactics are, it is difficult to make up for strategic mistakes.

Besides, his tactics are not very clever.

This place is already a prison, and no matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape.

The next day, the Xuantu people did not dare to cross the river. They went north along the river, hoping to find favorable terrain to escape from their pursuers.

The sentries sent out by Liu Xiang have found Zhoucang. The 10,000 Black Mountain troops are marching towards the east bank of the Chongqing River. The Hujun Camp and Shesheng Camp behind them have rested for the night and are on their way.

The day when the army will be encircled is not far away.

The cavalry of the Anping Army followed closely behind, like a pack of wolves staring at their prey, patiently and cruelly.

For a whole day, Gongsun Yu led his troops to be on guard, and only marched twenty miles. He knew that he was slowly dying, but he did not dare to break up and hurry up.

The 11,000 troops of the Hujun Camp and the Shesheng Camp joined the cavalry. Zhou Cang's troops were already in ambush on the east bank of the Yu River, waiting for the enemy to cross the river.

Liu Xiang felt that there was no need to wait any longer. On the eighth day of September, at three o'clock in the morning, armies from both sides of the river appeared and blocked more than 8,000 people from Xuantu County on the deserted beach on the river bank.

There are only 2,000 regular soldiers in Xuantu County, and they also bring 2,000 private soldiers from local noble families. The remaining 4,000 people are civilians recruited temporarily and have no combat effectiveness at all. The entire army has less than 500 crossbows and no archers.

to a thousand.

Gongsun Qi knew that he was no match for him, so he led his cavalry and fled in panic before the enemy troops could encircle him.

Liu Xiang ordered: "The Yue cavalry will go out to entangle the enemy troops, and the heroic cavalry will follow up and kill the enemy chieftain."

Taishi Ci cheered: "It's finally our turn to fight." Together with Yan Gang and Yan Zhi, they received the order and the Yueqi battalion quickly rushed out and surrounded them in three groups.

Xiaoqi, led by Cui Yi, slowly followed up.

The 7,000 infantrymen who were blocked on the river bank were dumbfounded. The commander just ran away? Is he so decisive?

Then they should be more decisive.

Before the Anping Army could persuade them to surrender, they disarmed under white flags.

The prisoners were gathered on the west bank, and Zhoucang on the east bank began to cross the river.

In less than half an hour, the cavalry reported back. Gongsun Yu, the prefect of Xuantu, was shot dead by Taishi Ci. More than 300 enemy cavalry were killed in the battle, and the rest surrendered. Our army suffered more than 50 casualties.

The war in the three counties of Liaodong is over and it is time to harvest.

Clean the battlefield, collect the troops back to camp, and reward the three armies at the end of the battle, and then assign tasks to conquer the territory.

You cannot drive your troops around all the time, as this will cause problems and affect morale.

In this battle, more than 14,000 enemy soldiers were killed, more than 28,000 prisoners were captured, and more than 2,000 enemy wounded soldiers were treated.

More than 1,500 of our troops died in the battle and more than 1,000 were wounded.

Thanks to Gongsun Zan, in total, he has the greatest contribution.

Seized 50,000 stones of enemy food and grass, 1,500 powerful crossbows, 5,000 Han horned bows, 3,000 barbarian soft bows, 800 sets of iron armor, 1,300 sets of leather armor, 6,000 war horses, and spears

Thirty thousand spurges, twenty thousand ring-headed knives, and countless other baggage.

The prisoners were handed over to the Chinese army and kept under custody in Tuhe County for screening. The entire army was rewarded based on merit, military titles, and rewards. As soon as the rewards were announced, each camp cheered like thunder, and fish and meat of various colors were brought into the camp. The army lit bonfires.

Grilled skewers and stewed soup, the celebration lasted until midnight.

The only drawback is that there are no fruits or vegetables.

Once the locust plague comes, green vegetables have become a rare commodity. Fruits and vegetables that were tired of eating in the past are now hard-to-find items. I heard that a handful of wild vegetables can be sold for more than ten dollars, and the prices are still high but there is no market. It is really outrageous.

I have tree roots here. Do you want to eat them?

Liu Xiang felt that there were still many wealthy people in his territory, and he had to find a way to cut their leeks, which required careful planning.

Now, let’s enjoy the fresh fish from Xiaoling River. I heard that the river fish here is extremely delicious and was listed as a tribute to the Central Government during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

He had eaten a lot in the past few days and was not in the mood to taste it carefully. This time he ate it again and it was indeed good. Unfortunately, he didn't have a gourmet tongue, so he couldn't say how good it was.

Go back and find some chefs who are good at cooking fish, develop a few famous dishes, give them nice names, say that you really like them, and then sell them to rich people at a high price. They will definitely like them, and they must like them.

This has brought a way for people in Liaodong to make a living.

Thinking about it slowly, he will like more and more things in the future, and there will be more and more rich people who like these things with him. If you accumulate wealth like this, how many people will you have to support?

The future is promising.

The day after the reward ceremony is the Double Ninth Festival. Nine is the ultimate number. The Book of Changes records that nine is Yang, and the number ninety-nine is the ultimate Yang. Therefore, the ninth day of September is named the Double Ninth Festival.

In the Han Dynasty, this day was a harvest festival. In September, all crops were harvested and sacrifices were made to the heaven and earth. This festival has been passed down since the Western Han Dynasty.

I can’t survive this year. It’s a good harvest. Liu Xiang doesn’t want to sacrifice to heaven. He tells God that I haven’t eaten well this year. Are you full of resentment?

Forget it, don't waste time.

The army dispatched troops on the Double Ninth Festival, and the Black Mountain Army, under the banner of Yellow Turban, coerced the people, plundered powerful families, and wiped out the remaining enemies.

They divided their troops into two groups, with 20,000 troops marching eastward to sweep Fang County and Xiandu County. Then they joined the 10,000 troops there in Liaotui County and continued eastward, plundering the Liaodong counties in the Liaohe Plain.

Zhou Cang commanded.

The commander of the other route is Pei Yuanshao, an old Yellow Turban general recommended by Zhou Cang. He will lead 20,000 people to march north, pass Yiwulu Mountain and turn east, sweep Wuji and level the two counties, and then continue eastward to plunder Xuantu County.

Wang Ping of the left army will follow the march north, and Yang Qian of the right army will march eastward. After the Black Mountain Army has swept away, they will take over the territory and complete the occupation.

Yang Qian will continue eastward and capture Xi'anping on the Yalu River defense line. Depending on the situation, he will capture Fanhan County at the junction with Lelang County, and then garrison troops.

After sending off all the armies, the Chinese army began to screen the prisoners. The sons of the aristocratic families were selected to be sold for money, the powerful sons were to do hard labor, and the remaining people were selected to be literate and prepared to assist the scribes of the general's palace in compiling the records for the military camps that would be established later.


The last ones left behind are waiting in formation, and they will be sent to various military camps.

There are many differences between military villages and civilian villages. First of all, fields are not divided. The fields are owned by the local garrison. Only registered soldiers are qualified to farm. All the products are collected into the military treasury, and then food and military pay are distributed.

Secondly, everyone is a soldier, and the troops are stationed according to the harvest, and one out of ten is used as military pay. If there is a good harvest, there will be rewards, and if there is no waste, there will be punishment.

You can take your family members to live in the place where you are serving. They will be registered in the military and rationed food. A small number of regular soldiers are not engaged in production and are mobile troops. They receive military pay according to their military titles and positions.

Third, there is basically no land reclamation for military camps. The land is demarcated according to the garrison position and the number of registered soldiers. No increase or decrease is allowed. Every year, the general's office will conduct regular inspections, and the Tiqi will conduct random inspections from time to time.

Farming in Juntun, supplemented by pasture, was the initial management method of this land.

Conquering this place and holding it are two different concepts. The army cannot always stay in Liaodong. He has to rely on soldiers stationed in the fields to hold this place.

Then relocate the people for development.

Yan Rou is the best person to manage Liaodong, but he has Wuhuan Huqi and the military garrison in Liaodong, which gives him too much power.

There has to be a check and balance.

This chapter has been completed!
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