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Chapter 173: Guan Yu Decided to Live Again

The fear of his life was in front of him, but Guan Yu didn't want to struggle anymore. He allowed his thoughts to surge. He thought of how he had offended powerful people in his early years and was sued for his life, so he had to flee to Youzhou. The powerful people of the family deserved to be killed, but the Anping Army did it happily.

It's a pity that I couldn't participate.

I thought of Zhang Fei again. At that time, Yide had not long since become a young man. He was still young, but he was brave. He taught him a lesson. Instead of resenting him, he respected him. Although he was older, he had suffered a lot in those years.

He was really ashamed to help me.

Later, they all joined their lord Liu Xuande. Xuande was a clan member of the Han Dynasty and a famous hero in Zhuo County. He gathered people and wanted to gain a career through military exploits.

I also want to find a career.

A good man is born between heaven and earth, how can he live a mediocre life? Someone has talents and virtues, but no one appreciates them, and his strength has nowhere to use, how can he not feel aggrieved?

He had no choice but to encounter the sharp-armed Anping Army, and was defeated three times. The third time was the annihilation of the entire army. The protagonist Liu Xuande died on the battlefield, and he himself was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

When I woke up, I heard that Zou Polu had also died in the battle, and Yide was afraid that the situation was more serious.

Sure enough, not long after, the family records of Xuande Gong and Yide were delivered to him. Yide's parents, relatives, Xuande Gong's mother and uncle all said that they had not seen each other since the expedition, and they were still asking

He asked for news.

There is no news about someone.

I'm afraid I'll never see him again.

Is this considered to be an orphan? It's a pity that neither of them left any descendants. The three of them went on the expedition and only themselves were left. No matter what, it was their responsibility to support their relatives. There were more than thirty people. There was no way. I was not good at running a business, so I had to

Join the army and make money by beheading people.

Thinking of this, the faces of more than thirty people came to mind. Not many of them were adults. How would they survive if they left alone?

This time they were impulsive. What should they do in this chaotic world?

I hope Liu Shijun can send the reward for his beheading, and I also hope that Youzhou can remain stable under Shijun's rule.


It would have been better if I had met Liu Shijun earlier. During these days, following the Anping Army in battle, galloping on horseback, defeating the enemy and breaking the formation, it was really fun. The army had excellent war equipment, and the officers and soldiers shared the joys and sorrows. Listening to them discuss the division of land

, watching them achieve meritorious service and be promoted to nobility, I am really envious.

Liu Shijun was someone the soldiers talked about, and I had heard about it all the time.

I have to say, he is truly a wise master.

Liu Shijun was also a clan member of the Han Dynasty. I heard that his name was recorded by the emperor. He was able to cure the plague. He was not stingy at all. He spread the method to the army and set up a medical camp to accompany the army and cured many wounded soldiers.

, is truly benevolent.

Although he was weak in force, he was brave and bold. He once held the camp gate alone and thousands of troops did not dare to move forward. He saved the lives of thousands of soldiers. He was truly brave.

I have heard many legends about him being a simple man, cherishing common people, and loving soldiers as his own son.

He was also proficient in military strategy, traveled across northern Xinjiang, and achieved remarkable results.

Such a bright master, I am afraid he will miss it this time. Guan Yu looked at the approaching spear points and saw that there was no room to dodge. The cavalry charged at each other at extremely fast speeds. All their arm strength and horse power were on this spear point. He could rely on his iron armor alone.

, can't stop it.

He was ready to die.

Suddenly a long spear passed through his armpit, swinging away the spear points coming from the front. Several more spears were drawn out from his shoulders and arms, blocking all attacks.

The heavy and familiar sound of horse hooves surrounded him, making him feel safer and more secure than ever before.

Cui Yi took back his horse, and the high-speed horse had already surpassed Guan Yu. He turned around and glared at him fiercely, and shouted loudly: "Return to the team and maintain the formation."

Guan Yu silently pulled out his sword, holding the sword in one hand and the broken stick in the other, using all his strength to block the weapons that stabbed his brothers. In the army, we live and die together, so there is no need to express gratitude with empty words.

The two armies did not have time to say anything in front of the formation. Cui Yi continued to guide the formation, and his brave cavalry cut through the repulsing Wuhuan cavalry and rushed directly into the chaotic enemy army.

When a tiger enters a flock of sheep, the resistance is minimal.

Many Wuhuan cavalrymen were still carrying fodder on their horses, and many Wuhuan soldiers still had bow arms stuck on their backs, so they had no time to wind them up.

The brave cavalry entered the formation, the more cavalry entered the formation, and the guard camp entered the formation. The crossbowmen of the Shengsheng battalion followed the large group of troops and rushed into the enemy's formation. Xu Rong was so anxious that he shouted hoarse. Then he organized the crossbow formation, but the enemy

It can no longer be found.

This is a massacre.

Cui Yi directed Zhang He to lead a group of armored cavalry to charge towards the rear formation, while he led another group of armored cavalry to attack the forward formation. The Yue cavalry also began to divide their troops, with Yan Gang leading his men backward and Taishi Ci leading his thousand cavalry forward.

The infantry guarding the military camp followed suit.

The Shesheng Battalion didn't talk nonsense. It was military merit to divide the troops. How could they just watch others eat meat? They believed that their combat power had surpassed that of the Xiaoqi Battalion. The top position in the army belonged to them, and military merit was no exception.

The Anping Army had 16,000 infantry and cavalry. They annihilated the Wuhuan Army in one charge, and then divided their forces to attack forward and backward.

During the march, they were caught off guard and had no formation. The entire army was heavily loaded and slow to react. The Wuhuan people were completely defeated and had no time to escape. When Yan Rou led Qingqi Dou up, the battle was completely over.

The entire battle lasted for nearly an hour, and the battlefield spanned more than ten miles. The cavalry had a full meal of meat, the guard camp drank some soup, and the Shesheng camp did not catch anything.

The army escorted the prisoners, drove cattle, horses and livestock, and assembled towards Bailang Mountain.

After cleaning the battlefield, it was already night, and the statistics of the meritorious officers in the army were reported: more than 6,000 enemy soldiers were killed and 5,000 were captured.

A total of 24,000 of our troops participated in the battle, with 60 killed and more than 400 lightly or seriously wounded.

Seized were 6,500 war horses, 18,000 pack horses, 37,000 cattle and sheep, 6,000 horned bows, 8,000 soft bows, 20,000 feathered arrows, 8,000 swords, and 5 spears.

One thousand poles, eighty sets of iron armor, and two thousand sets of leather armor.

The result of a typical pursuit battle is that the proportion of war horses is a bit low. The Wuhuan cavalry has two or three horses per person. It is a normal configuration. This is the main force of Qiu Liju. Why are there so few?

Yan Rou solved Liu Xiang's doubts: "My lord, Qiu Liju's horse herd was raided by Xianbei once, and more than 4,000 horses were killed. Although the Hu people's cavalry had more horses, the proportion of horses was actually not as good as that of the Han army. They

They are herdsmen in peacetime and follow the army in wartime. Many of them do not have war horses, which is why their cavalry formation collapses as soon as they charge."

"You're riding a packhorse and fighting a mare, aren't you afraid of blowing up the herd?"

"You won't be able to run with the horses. This is why the Hu people like to ride and shoot. Once they encounter a sudden cavalry charge, many horses will be frightened before they engage in battle. Therefore, the sudden cavalry among the Hu people are all elite."

Liu Xiang nodded and learned new knowledge. No wonder the Han army could also ride and shoot, but when it came to riding and fighting with the barbarians, they only wanted to rush into the battle.

It turns out that the crux is here.

It’s not just about bullying the barbarians because they lack armor and stomach.

When fighting against barbarians in the future, I will know one more weakness and be able to use more methods.

When Liu Xiang was deducing how to use this weakness to attack the Hu cavalry, he saw Cui Yi holding Guan Yu's hand and walking towards him from the corner of his eye.

What's going on? Why did you get involved?

Are they two impure?

The situation was certainly not as dirty as Liu Xiang thought. Guan Yu came to surrender to the army.

The two of them walked up to Liu Xiang. Guan Yu bowed with both hands and bowed in salute: "I am reporting to you, your envoy, that I have narrowly escaped death today. I have figured out a lot of things and want to join the army. I hope your envoy will take care of you."

This is a good thing, but we have to find a way to kill Liu Bei.

This thought flashed through his mind, and Liu Xiang said with a smile: "Yun Chang's military achievements are all recorded in the meritorious service. I have already regarded Yun Chang as Pao Ze."

Guan Yu handed over his hand again and said: "I wish to make a new life to you, the envoy. Before, I just followed the army and could not be counted as a military merit. Yu did not dare to mess with the rules of the army. He only wanted to start from a small pawn and hope that he would be successful."

Is this the last moment of pride? Liu Xiang felt that Guan Yu's temper was very awkward.

It doesn't matter, just agree, why bother worrying about such a trivial matter.

Of course, you won't really let him start as a pawn, that would be disrespecting talents, just recruit him directly.

It not only satisfies his desire to start over, but also expresses his concern. Are there any problems?

Liu Xiang thinks there is no problem.

"Since Yun Chang insists, then so be it." He paused and then said:

"I know that Yun Chang from Hedong Guan is a man of great virtue, talent and bravery. He wants to recruit you as a commander of the heroic cavalry army. I wonder if Yun Chang is willing to give in?"

This chapter has been completed!
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