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Chapter Thirteen Drunk Talk

Liu Xiang was a little drunk. Thinking back on his experiences in the past few days and what he had seen in books about the Han Dynasty that was so famous in the annals of history, he couldn't help but say:

"Yu Linlang was born as an official in the Han Dynasty, and he first fought with the hussars in Yuyang.

It's really fascinating to think about Huo Qiaoqi's demeanor. I wish I could follow the champion out of the country and fight thousands of miles to seal the wolf and live in Xu. My life will not be in vain."

I thought again in my mind, "At least it should be better than now."

"Being able to serve as a pawn under Huo Qiaoqi, I would be willing to die." Cui Yi also expressed some emotion.

The two of them lamented for a while, only regretting that they were born too late and could not follow the champion to make achievements.

He also lamented that there are no heroes in the world, but they made Wuhuan and Xianbei become great. In the future, they will chase them to the north and kill a few Shanyu for fun.

Later, when talking about the combat power of the Han army, Liu Xiang asked: "Brother Cui, I think the Yuyang armored cavalry are among the best in the world. They are better than the fierce tigers and Yulin, right?"

Cui Yi waved his hand, "Today's Hu Ben Lang and Yu Lin Lang are just junior members of the aristocratic family, and they have no fighting power at all.

When it comes to being elite, it is still the fifth school of the Northern Army.

The heavy armored cavalry from the Tunqi battalion, the light cavalry from the Yueqi battalion, the Hu cavalry from the Changshui battalion, the strong crossbows from the Shesheng battalion, and the armored soldiers from the infantry battalion.

These five battalions are all led by school captains. They are selected from the orphans of the border troops and the sons of good families from the six counties. They are trained rigorously and are the most elite soldiers of the Han Dynasty. The Yuyang camp cannot compare."

The five schools of the Northern Army? Liu Xiang thought for a while, and the five schools of the Northern Army combined seemed to have only more than 10,000 people.

Historically, Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song led the five schools of the Northern Army as the main force, plus 30,000 to 40,000 county soldiers recruited temporarily, and they wiped out hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in nine months.

Unfortunately, as soon as the Yellow Turbans were defeated, they were dragged to the battlefield in Liangzhou. Not long after Liangzhou was defeated, Emperor Ling transferred some of his soldiers to form the Eighth School of Xiyuan.

Before they could catch their breath, Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, and they were dispersed and integrated. In the chaos that followed at the end of the Han Dynasty, the names of the five schools of the Northern Army never appeared again, and they were completely wiped out.

"This army is a pity. One day, I would like to form an army like this." Liu Xiang muttered.

Cui Yi didn't hear clearly and said doubtfully: "What is Mr. Liu talking about? Cui didn't hear clearly."

Liu Xiang retracted his thoughts, waved his hand and said, "Xiang, I'm so drunk that I can't even speak clearly. Brother Cui is laughing at me.

I just said, if we face such an army, how should we deal with it? Does Brother Cui have any ideas?"

"Build high barriers and fortify the camp. If you don't fight, you will lose in battle."

Liu Xiang laughed loudly, "Haha, Brother Cui is being cunning. If you don't fight, you will naturally be undefeated. Brother Cui is really an undefeated general."

Cui Yi waved his hands repeatedly, "That's not what I meant. Cui doesn't recognize Liu Jun's words. I don't want to be an undefeated general."

"Brother Cui, why should you take your joking words seriously? I have a method that may be able to withstand such a powerful army."

Cui Yi was very interested and quickly asked: "Mr. Liu, if you have any clever ideas, please tell me quickly."

"Soldiers whose fighting power is insufficient should be supplemented by weapons. I will make more weapons for long-distance attack, such as crossbows or catapults, to kill and injure the enemy.

If I am afraid that the enemy will rush into the formation, I will also build oars, sidecars, and gate carriages to stabilize the line.

It’s just that this method of warfare can only be used defensively but not offensively. After much thought, it is most useful to form a strong army.”

When Cui Yi heard this, he sighed: "Mr. Liu can cure plagues and also knows military strategy. Such talents are the only ones Cui has seen in his life."

Liu Xiang was so drunk that he could no longer suppress the annoyance in his heart. He sighed and said: "So what if you are amazingly talented? So what if you have extensive knowledge? You are not like falling leaves floating in the air, at the mercy of others.


It would be great if you have an army of soldiers and horses. If you occupy a piece of territory, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend, so that you can control your own destiny.

I have many ways to make the people under my command live a good life.

I want to lead them to live a peaceful life together and avoid the disaster of the end of this dynasty."

After saying these words, he couldn't resist his sleepiness, ignored Cui Yi, and fell asleep on one side.

When Cui Yi saw Liu Xiang drunk, he found a quilt to cover him, then walked out of the tent and returned to his own tent.

Along the way, Cui Yi recalled Liu Xiang's words and his own experiences over the years. The world is getting more and more chaotic and people's lives are getting more and more difficult.

I have been fighting in the army for many years, and have recorded forty-four poems in my account. Now I am still the leader of a small team.

When I was young, I immediately found a prince, sold my land, and bought swords, bows, and horses. Only now did I realize that without a noble family background, I was nothing. The injustice of the court was chilling.

Is it...should we take a different path?

Cui Yi thought about it all the way but couldn't figure it out, so he went back to his tent and fell asleep randomly.

It wasn't until the next day, when the sky was bright, that Liu Xiang woke up.

I drank some wine yesterday and didn't sleep well. When I woke up in the morning, my head hurt slightly.

Today is March 12th. Cheng Zhiyuan is attacking Ji County in Guangyang, and Deng Mao is strengthening his power in the countryside of Yuyang. However, he has trapped all the soldiers in Yuyang County in the camp.

The only troops and horses that the prefect Zhang Ju could use were Xian Yuyin's private army, more than 500 infantry and more than 50 cavalry.

What actions will all parties take next?

Liu Xiang fell into a long examination.

If the prefect Zhang Juruo recruits new soldiers, it is like opening the door to welcome thieves.

If Deng Mao directly led his troops to attack the city, Zhang Ju would definitely mobilize the soldiers and horses isolated in the camp. No matter who wins or loses, a plague will definitely break out in Yuyang. I hope Deng Mao will not be so reckless.

The 3,500 soldiers and horses in the Yuyang camp all owe Liu Xiang's life-saving grace, but how many of his own people can he develop among them?

While I was thinking about it, the guard brought me food.

"Is there anyone outside?" Liu Xiang asked.

"Daniu is guarding outside, there is no one else."

One of these two guards was named Zhang Hu and the other was named Li Niu. After experiencing the roar of the camp, he asked them their names.

Once they knew each other by name, they had a friendship, and Liu Xiang no longer thought about getting rid of them.

"There are yellow scarves among the county soldiers. Go and find out. They are under the command of Deng Qushuai. Don't be impatient and don't miss out."


Liu Xiang washed himself, finished his meal, and then went out to inspect the camp.

After several days of treatment, Jia Qi was already dead for more than 40 years.

There are still 110 people with serious illness, but their condition has stabilized. There are still 322 people with mild illness, who are about to recover. The remaining more than 600 people have become rescue workers in the camp. It is relying on them that their condition is stable.

Order in the camp.

The situation of the county soldiers is more serious. There are more than 1,500 people with severe symptoms, more than 700 people with mild symptoms, and only more than 100 people with no symptoms. They have been delayed for too long.

After walking around to understand the basic situation, Liu Xiang was going to go to the Junbing Barracks to have a look. There were still sources of infection there and they needed to be thoroughly disinfected.

He took Li Niu with him and rode towards the camp.

Only the north gate of the Yuyang Camp is still passable, and the other camp gates have been blocked. The crossbow array outside the north gate has also been withdrawn, and a group of fifty infantry guards are still guarding the blockade.

As soon as Liu Xiang crossed the blockade on horseback, he saw a group of infantry in the distance besieging a dozen Wuhuan people.

The Wuhuan people were very arrogant, shouting loudly and clashing outwards. The infantry group seemed to be retreating, but they only used their spears to parry.

This chapter has been completed!
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