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Chapter 186: The Art of Compromise

Zhang Yi replied without hesitation: "Conspiracy to assassinate the general and lead troops are considered treason against the Yi tribe."

This answer was good, and it suited Liu Xiang's wishes, so he condemned it: "Swap the military rations and use inferior ones as good ones to make the soldiers grudge. This is a bad army, and the offenders will be beheaded. Bingzhou Cangcao violated military law and beheaded on the spot. Zhang

Does the governor have any objections?"

"This man is corrupt and deceives his superiors. He deserves to be killed." Zhang Yi was deceived by Cang Cao and was angry. He also wanted to kill this guy, so naturally he would not object.

After reaching a consensus, Liu Xiang went on to say: "The soldier Cao worked for Wang He and instigated others to hinder the transportation of military supplies and prevent the army from marching to the battlefield with the intention of assassinating the general. This is treason and should be confiscated, and the Yi tribe is behind it. The Wen family of Taiyuan is behind it.

The mastermind is punished with the same crime, does Governor Zhang have any objection?"

Zhang Yi felt a toothache. The Wen family in Taiyuan was a prominent family in the county. Their connections were complicated and branches spread out in all directions. It was not easy to move them. Liu Xiang understood what Liu Xiang meant. If he wanted to get away with it, he would have to use the Wen family to top it.

.But if the Wen family is touched, his family will be criticized by many parties and put a lot of pressure on him.

He was very hesitant, frowning, and undecided.

Liu Xiang played with the military symbols on the strips and pretended to sigh: "The governor Zhang and I are both governors of the same state, but we are very different."

Seeing that Zhang Yi was silent, Liu Xiang knew that he would not stop slandering him, so he sarcastically said: "I can defend Youzhou, but Bingzhou is ravaged by barbarians. This is a big difference."

Zhang Yi's face turned red, and veins popped up on his forehead. He didn't know whether he was embarrassed or angry.

"Why should Liu Ping be humiliated?"

"Prince Zhang is being restrained by many forces. Isn't he having a hard time? How can he repel the barbarians and protect the country and the people if he is so hesitant? If you want to achieve success, you need to be decisive. You don't need to teach such a simple truth to a young man like me, right?"

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, trembled all over, and almost lost his breath. This guy really knows how to humiliate people. What he said in his mouth were not words at all, but small knives one by one, designed to pierce his heart.

Liu Xiang shook his head slightly and continued to ridicule: "The governor Zhang is more than 20 years older than me, and he acts sloppily. The people of Bingzhou are really unlucky and pitiful."

He just wanted to anger Zhang Yi, so it was best to leave angrily and return to the city to raise troops to attack.

Our army sent out troops according to the imperial edict, but was blocked by Bingzhou. Zhang Yi, the governor of Bingzhou, tampered with the military rations and could not eat the supplies at all. He also sent troops to attack for no reason. In order to protect ourselves, our army had to retreat to Youzhou. It was not that he did not obey the edict, but that

There is a roadblock. The actual situation is like this, and there is nothing he can do. This excuse is quite good, and it is enough to frustrate the court.

Go to Liangzhou and fight the Qiang people to the death. You can't bring back the prisoners, you can't take them away after you capture them, and you can't get the benefits. Whoever wants to go can go.

He doesn't care about being promoted to an official position. Going to Luoyang to join the officialdom is not a good choice. Is the little white rabbit going into the wolf's den to give people midnight snacks?

If the imperial court promoted him and asked him to guard Liangzhou, he would have no other choice but to resist and disobey.

Liangzhou is too far away from Youzhou, more than two thousand miles away. Even if there is gold everywhere, how much can you bring back? If you can't eat it, it means nothing.

Under Liu Xiang's expectant gaze, Zhang Yi stood up angrily, "Very good, that's it. Let's quickly express some sad and angry words, and then go back to mobilize the troops."

Zhang Yi gasped for air for a long time, then suddenly sighed, and his whole body became decadent.

Liu Xiang's smile froze, what the hell? Something is wrong, you have to be indignant and furious, why are you so decadent?

Zhang Yi seemed to be in deep sorrow, and sighed deeply:

"I also want to protect the territory and the people, but Xianbei has a strong army, and Bingzhou has many mountains, water, and poor land. I am indeed not good at military strategy, and there is really nothing I can do. Liu Ping is in trouble. Not everyone can be like you and have the qualifications of a famous general.

, Most of the people in the world are ordinary people without talents.

Do you know why His Majesty tolerates your misbehavior so much? Is it true that the imperial court cannot destroy you? Huangfu Yizhen wanted to order you to be safe despite huge criticism, and Zhang Cheqi had to transfer you even two thousand miles away.

The subordinates obeyed orders, and they saw the shadow of Huo Qiaoqi in you. You are also a member of the clan listed in the name book. At a time when the country is in turmoil and the Han Dynasty is in turmoil, you have such talent, so you should put national affairs first."

These words were spoken with great emotion, but Liu Xiang did not believe a word of them.

The official word is spoken twice, whoever believes it is a dog.

They are all foxes of thousands of years, what kind of chat are they talking about?

Is this person born in the year of the tortoise? If he is so tolerant, his plan will fail and the situation is not good.

Zhang Yi expressed some emotion. Seeing that Liu Xiang was unmoved, he sighed again and said bitterly: "The Wen family is a famous family with a large population. With one order, hundreds of heads fell to the ground. How can I bear it?"

?It’s better to be more lenient and only punish the first culprit.”

Liu Xiang smiled and replied: "I am still young and my spirit has not grown up yet."

Zhang Yi felt that these were not human words, but he had no choice but to cheer up and said decisively: "Liu Ping can't take the Wen family's head, so I will uproot the Wen family in Taiyuan and give it to..."

Liu Xiang suddenly interrupted him: "It's not that I want the head of the Taiyuan Wen family, it's that they violated Han law and should be punished according to law."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Okay, they violated the law and ransacked the homes of the Yi tribe. Isn't Liu Ping satisfied? Tomorrow the food and grass supplies will be replenished. In order not to delay the army's schedule, I will mobilize fifty grain-carrying boats.

, along with a thousand boatmen, transported supplies to Linfen."

Liu Xiang's cheek hurt, and her plan failed. Why did this person give in so quickly? Why didn't he resist?

He continued to find trouble in anguish: "Before sunset, I want to see the head of the Wen family leader. Please slow down the supply of military rations. Governor Zhang concentrates on arresting the criminals and don't let them escape. Forget it, the civilians can't afford it."


Zhang Yi understood that if the army rations could not be replenished, he would not be able to absolve himself of his guilt. The Wen family had to deal with it. When Liu Xiang was satisfied, he would let go of the army rations.

In order to calm down the situation as soon as possible and get rid of his guilt, he could only continue to lower his head: "Wen's guilt cannot be escaped. No one can escape. With the rations of the boat people, I will mobilize another two thousand shi of food to not embarrass Liu Ping."

Liu Xiang replied lazily: "That's it."

Zhang Yi was bowing his head and compromising, but actually Liu Xiang was also compromising. Zhang Yi felt uncomfortable and Liu Xiang couldn't be happy either.

This is the reason why he doesn't want to get involved in officialdom and play political games. He can't play well, at least now he can't play political tricks well.

Zhang Yi seemed to be angry, but in fact, he was beaten and beaten, and the price he paid was not high. He was not a member of his family, and at most his connections were damaged.

Liu Xiang had nothing to lose, but he didn't take advantage either. According to his character, if he didn't take advantage, he would suffer a loss.

Politics and war are two different things, and he still has a lot to learn.

Zhang Yi said goodbye and left. Half an hour later, the head of the Wen family was delivered to Liu Xiang's Chinese army tent. In the next three days, soldiers and horses from Bingzhou came out to arrest the criminals with all their strength. The Wen family in Taiyuan was uprooted.

After the execution was completed, Liu Xiang realized that these idiots really wanted his life.

On the twentieth day of the first lunar month, on the west bank of Fen River and at the foot of Longshan Mountain, Zhang Yi went out of the city twenty miles to see Liu Xiang off. When he was leaving, he solemnly said: "The journey to Liangzhou is long and there may be twists and turns. I hope you will see me soon."

State affairs are of paramount importance. The country is unstable and the world is in turmoil. It is in need of heroes like monarchs to protect the world. We must not make mistakes. We must be cautious and steady in everything."

Liu Xiang couldn't summon up his energy, so he gave a few perfunctory responses and then led his army south.

After the army had gone far away, Zhang Yi smiled bitterly: "Three hundred and seventy-seven heads, ten thousand stones of grain, fifteen thousand bundles of fodder, and two thousand kilograms of gold have finally sent away this god of plague. It will be a bad year for me."

Zhang Yang, who was following him, said: "Why are you so tolerant to him? There are only three thousand barbarians, and the men from Bingzhou are also brave. They are not afraid of the Youzhou people."

Zhang Yi smiled bitterly again and pointed in the direction of Taihang Mountain to the east.

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked around. There was nothing unusual. He said doubtfully: "There is nothing there."

"Nothing? There are 300,000 people there who can enter Bingzhou at any time. As soon as the 3,000 cavalry under Jinyang City retreat, the end we are waiting for will come. It is so scary at a young age. What will it look like in the future? Your Majesty is so

Tolerating him is a blessing or a curse."

This chapter has been completed!
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