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Chapter 191: Rescue Dong Zhuo

Dong Zhuo didn't care about Zhang Wen's questioning, he cupped his hands perfunctorily, and said in a rough voice: "I would like to report to General Chariot and Cavalry that the Han bandits are powerful, and I am willing to lead troops to meet the Zhou Dang bandits."

Zhou Shen said disdainfully: "Zhou doesn't need your help. Some people want to preserve their strength and are holding back. I am willing to fight for the country at all costs. I am not a person who has traveled all the way and dare not trust my safety."

Dong Zhuo held the hilt of his sword and stared at Zhou Shen: "Ignorant boy, you are looking for death."

Zhang Wenmeng slapped the eucalyptus and made a loud noise, interrupting the quarrel between Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen.

"Shut up, if you dare to cause trouble, you will be thrown out." After saying this, he glanced at the generals in the tent: "Generals, listen to the order!"

"The end will be here."

"Yang Yong, the governor of Liangzhou, marched westward along the Jinghe River, sent troops to stabilize and recapture Xiaoguan."

"Left Fengyi and Wang Mi marched north along the muddy river to recover Beidi County."

"Fight Feng Bao Hong on the right, leave Sanguan, go south along Chencang Road, and clean up Wudu."

"Qie Jian, the governor of Yizhou, sent troops from Hanzhong to attack Wudu County."

Zhang Wen arranged four groups of soldiers and horses, took a breath and then ordered: "The north bank of the Wei River in Hanyang County has been cleared, and the Longguan Road has been opened. General Zhou Shen, the bandit general, I order your troops to leave Longguan and go straight to Jincheng County.

Attack the traitor Han Sui."

Zhou Shen was very proud and accepted the order: "I will obey the order."

"General Polu Dong Zhuo, I order you to send troops to the south bank of the Wei River to attack the Western Qiang rebels."

Fatty Dong did not want to accept the order. A large number of Qiang and Hu people gathered on the south bank of the Weishui River. No one could tell the number. They did not know the situation of the enemy and crossed the river rashly. This was to make him die.

Zhang Wen stared at Dong Zhuo, his anger rising, and he asked loudly: "Dong Zhongying, do you want to disobey me?"

"The last general takes the order." If you disobey the order, you will die here. Dong Zhuo has no choice but to accept the order.

The generals ordered to send troops, and Liu Xiang only received a military order to be on standby for support at any time.

The Longguan camp was boiling for two days and two nights. Soldiers and horses were mobilized and dispersed. In the end, only a few thousand soldiers and 50,000 to 60,000 civilians were left. Liu Xiang finally understood that Zhang Wen wanted prestige but not prestige, and wanted soldiers.

He had no soldiers and horses, so he relied entirely on official positions to support him. His own cavalry became Zhang Wen's only capable unit.

Of course, not all the six armies set out at Longguan. Fufeng on the right, Fengyi on the left, the governor of Liangzhou, and the governor of Yizhou had their own jurisdictions. The main camp only transferred some supplementary troops.

The originally bloated camp was now much empty. There was plenty of room for horse racing and training. Liu Xiang was training with peace of mind, and the cavalry was roaring. No one thought he was disturbing the people now, and the rumble of the horses running brought joy to the civilians who were left behind.

Comes an unparalleled sense of security.

With a strong army at your side, you can sleep peacefully.

Liu Bei was safe now. He looked enviously at General Hu Qi who led the team back to the camp. Zhang Fei mumbled to the side: "That Liu Yicheng said he wanted to speak for us. It has been a month and there has been no movement. Could it be that he

They're messing with us."

"Yide can't talk nonsense. Liu Pingnan doesn't know who he is. Don't slander him behind his back and be careful to attract trouble. According to someone, it should be Zhang Chaoqi who refuses to let people go. There are only more than a thousand people guarding the Chinese army's tent, and Sun Wentai was sent to Zhou Dynasty.

There is no one among the gangsters who is more powerful than you and me. If it were me, I wouldn't let him go."

Zhang Fei boasted proudly: "No one in the chariot and cavalry general's palace can defeat me, not even Sun Menghu."

Liu Bei smiled and joked: "Yide is mighty!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two were enjoying themselves in hardship and could only comfort each other.

Liu Xiang really recommended them, but it's a pity that Zhang Wen's men didn't arrange their positions and didn't want to let them go. Who doesn't want to find a few tough men as guards? Zhang Fei is guarding you at the door. Do you feel safe?

?For the same reason, Zhang Wen also needs a sense of security.

Liu Xiang has been very comfortable this month. He doesn't have to go to the battlefield. He just trains troops every day. All Hu Cavalry members are wearing armor. They have one thousand iron armors and two thousand five leather armors. Their formations are sophisticated, their disciplines are strict, and their mental outlook is increasing day by day. What do you think?

Make people like it.

Zhang Wen liked it very much. Every time he watched Hu Qi's drill, he would be in a good mood. Recently, he would rush to the camp gate every day to watch Hu Qi ride his horse out of the camp. This could relieve his worries a little.

There is no good news for the Six Route Army. Zhou Shen is confronting Han Sui with no results.

Bao Hong of Fufeng on the right failed to attack Sanguan, and the governor of Yizhou was blocked in Ju County when he advanced westward along the Mian River. The troops who detoured through the valley and entered Wudu were completely wiped out in the East Wolf Valley.

Yang Yong, the governor of Liangzhou, has been slow to advance his troops and has not reached Xiao Pass yet. He is very determined.

Zuo Fengyi's troops were ambushed by a group of horse thieves in Beidi County. They suffered a huge defeat and were extremely stupid.

Dong Zhuo lingered on the edge of the Wei River for a month, but refused to cross the river. He should be killed.

Looking at this battle, it is only wise to recruit Youzhou cavalry.

Youzhou's sudden cavalry are indeed elite. Although Liu Yicheng is young, he is really good at leading troops. He kept training when he was in Chang'an, Xijing, and he never slacked off even when he arrived at the Longguan camp. He trained a sloppy horsemanship.

It can be used like an arm.

This cavalry is worthy of a battle. If it can turn the battle situation around, where should they be sent?

Zhang Wen hesitated.

He was just hesitant about where to send the Youzhou Cavalry for reinforcements, but the orders urging Dong Zhuo to advance were more severe than the last.

Fatty Dong couldn't stand it anymore. After receiving the sixth military order, he led 20,000 troops across the Wei River and was then surrounded at the foot of Wangyuan City.

Wangyuan County is ten miles south of the Weishui River. When Dong Zhuo's army arrived at the county seat, the camp by the river was breached, the back roads were blocked, and the city could not be attacked.

Stay on the spot and wait for reinforcements.

He felt guilty, and Zhang Wen didn't like him, so he didn't know whether he would send troops to rescue him.

Zhang Wen looked down on Dong Zhuo. He was greedy for money, impatient, and impulsive, but he would not sit back and watch his friendly troops trapped.

Liu Xiang received the order and quickly dispatched troops to rescue Dong Zhuo.

The civilians were left to guard the camp, and 3,500 cavalry left Longguan at noon that day and entered the Longyou Plateau, which is the modern Longzhong Loess Plateau.

The place they set foot on is called Guanshan Grassland. The terrain is high in the south and low in the north, with an altitude of two thousand meters. It has layers of loess, undulating hills, and green grass.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the soil erosion on the Loess Plateau was not that serious, the natural environment was not bad, and the animal husbandry in Longzhong was developed, making it a fertile soil for "animal husbandry to provide for the world".

Hanyang County controls the Longguan Road, which is the hub of the Guanzhong Plain connecting to Longyou. It is the main road for Sili to enter Liangzhou. The other is the Xiaoguan Road, which has not yet been opened.

During the Western Han Dynasty, this place was called Tianshui County. During the Yongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was renamed Hanyang. Cao Wei later renamed Hanyang Tianshui.

Liu Xiang was thinking about the local topography and hydrology as he rode on horseback. He was very lucky that Hu Qi had trained in Longguan for more than a month and had adapted to the climate here. The altitude of two thousand meters was no joke. If he had just arrived, he would have to go into battle.

, it is estimated that even 50% of the 100% combat power cannot be used.

The cavalry sped up and crossed the Wei River 40 to 50 miles east of Wangyuan County. Taishi Ci led a detachment of 500 Vietnamese cavalry to clear the perimeter, blocking the Qiang and Hu's vision, and the army advanced westward.

After two days and one night of hurriedly marching 230 miles, the scouts had reached the outskirts of the bandits and found out that Dong Zhuo's army was still holding on.

Liu Xiang and his men hid in a distant ravine to rest their horses, muttering to themselves: "Fat Dong, I'm here to save you. You must not die."

This chapter has been completed!
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