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Chapter 193 Breaking the siege

A huge herd of 7,500 horses skirted the hills and appeared within the sight of the Qiang people.

The desolate horns sounded, the flags of the Han army fluttered, the roar of horse hooves hitting the ground got closer and closer, three lines of cavalry came galloping, and the Qiang people who were eating hurriedly threw down their wooden bowls, and the soup spilled everywhere.

The first to enter the battle were Zhang He's thousand Wuhuan cavalry. They rushed into the Baima Qiang's camp and headed straight for the horses.

The Wuhuan cavalry screamed strangely and used spears, bows and arrows to drive away thousands of horses that were drinking water and grazing. The frightened horses broke free from their reins, kicked over the troughs, and ran around like rabbits that had exploded their nests, knocking them down.

The blocking crowd trampled the huts and tents and completely disrupted the camp.

Zhang He looked around and saw that the task was completed well. He felt that he could do more.

The frightened horses rushed out of the passages. After being trampled, the enemy camp was in chaos. He began to gather his men and charged along the paths left by the horses.

Preventing the enemy from mounting their horses is not a skill; killing the enemy troops and scattering them will show your ability.

When the chaos of the White Horse Qiang just started, Xu Rong and Ke Bineng reached the junction of the two formations. The Xianbei cavalry rushed into the camp with different flags and banners on the colorful and messy Qiang people. Su Wei arrived soon after.

, Zhang Liao's troops, who were driving the pack horses behind them, followed closely.

The Baima Qiang had no time to take care of themselves, Xianling Qiang was harassed by Taishi Ci, and a bunch of small Qiang tribes did not belong to each other. The Anping army was like sharp knives and bamboos, unstoppable, and six thousand horses cut a bloody path through the crowd.

When the Anping army charged, Dong Zhuo was eating. The clear soup and watery meal could not fill his stomach at all, but he could not eat more. He lost his baggage and was surrounded by the enemy. He did not know when reinforcements would arrive and carry them with him.

The little food you have must be used sparingly.

Having led troops for so many years, from a small Yulin Lang to a general based on his military exploits, he clearly knows when to have fun and when to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

When his soldiers were calling for reinforcements, he was surprised, how could the reinforcements come so fast? When he rushed to the front and saw the flag of the Anping Army, he seemed to have returned to that night in Jizhou again. This Liu Yicheng was so damn elusive.

This time, it was so damn timely.

His son-in-law Niu Fu was as surprised as he was. He rubbed his eyes for fear that he might be hallucinating.

"More than two hundred miles, he flew here?"

Dong Zhuo couldn't help but sigh: "This man's cavalry is really as fast as the wind." After saying this, he realized that now was not the time to sigh. He shouted loudly: "Gather the troops and prepare to break out. Li Jue, Guo Si,

Fan Chou, follow me and lead the cavalry out to receive reinforcements. Dong Yue opens the way, Niu Fu leads the rear, and breaks out towards the river."

Dong Zhuo's troops were besieged for three days and could not set up a camp at all. They could only use oars and carts, stand up with heavy shields, and dig trenches for defense. When they gathered their troops, the Anping Army had already broken through the enemy camp and reached the edge of the trench. Liu Xiang

I also saw Dong Zhuo's cavalry team, about 2,000 cavalry, rushing out of the trench through the plank.

He shouted loudly to Dong Zhuo: "Follow me to break out of the encirclement." After saying that, he turned to Zhang Liao and ordered: "Light the fire and use the horses to attack the Xianling Qiang camp."

Zhang Liao's men turned the horses' direction and lit their tails on fire one by one. The horses were frightened and rushed out neighing, but the flames followed them like shadows. They became even more frightened. They lowered their noses and accelerated forward, crashing into the Xianling Qiang faction.

Come and stop the troops who are breaking through.

The frightened packhorses were like walls of flesh, knocking the enemy soldiers off their backs. The fire on the horses' tails had not extinguished, and the burning pain made them kick and hit like crazy. The war horses in the enemy team were also frightened and neighed.

Fleeing in all directions, Xian Lingqiang's camp was filled with crazy horses.

Liu Xiang knew that the terrain here was empty and the horses would soon disperse. The chaos would not last long and he had to seize the opportunity. He loudly ordered: "Set up your spears and charge!"

This time, Zhang Liao was at the forefront, rushing past the Qiang people's Da Ya, and met Zhiwudai, the leader of the Xianling Qiang people.

Zhang Liao was happy in his heart. The Qiang general opposite was wearing fine iron armor and riding a big maroon horse. He looked like an important person at first glance. He should make a profit for himself. The first thing he did after joining the army was you.

He was born with great strength, so he specially asked a skilled craftsman to make a jujube tree pole. The jujube tree was hard and heavy. The pole was eight feet long and weighed twenty-four kilograms. It was nearly twice as heavy as an ordinary horse pole. Most people really couldn't use it well.

But it worked smoothly in his hand like holding a lamp grass.

Zhi Wudai was loudly restraining his tribesmen and wanted to gather troops to meet the enemy. When he saw a young general leading hundreds of people towards him, he felt disdainful and shouted loudly: "The Han army has no one, and they don't even have hair."

A kid can also be a vanguard, wait until I kill him to dampen the spirit of the Han dog."

The two men met on horseback, followed by cavalry and pawns, and clashed their spears. Zhi Wudai was unsure, but the weapons of the young general on the opposite side were heavy and powerful, and he could not withstand the enemy.

Zhang Liao grinned. The enemies who fought him for the first time all made mistakes in judgment and suffered big losses. He swung the spear away with all his strength and stabbed forward. The open door was wide open and unstoppable.

Unable to escape, he watched helplessly as the horse's spear penetrated the iron armor and went straight into his chest and abdomen. Heart-wrenching pain came from him. He screamed and was thrown off the horse.

Zhang Liao felt happy in his heart, his blood surged up, his pride rose, and he shouted: "Behead the enemy chieftain in formation."

The loud shout came out, and he felt that his whole body and thirty-six thousand pores were filled with joy. He swung his long spear and killed another Qiang cavalry, shouting: "Kill the enemy and make a contribution, today, follow me and kill him."

Penetrate the enemy's formation and receive rewards for meritorious service!"

Hu Qi, who was behind him, was inspired by him, his morale became stronger, and his fighting spirit was high. He rushed forward with strange screams, and Ke Bineng, who was behind him, led his team to arrive. The two teams merged into one, and in an instant they dispersed Zhi Wudai's escort and entourage.

Liu Xiang's Su Wei and Dong Zhuo's Liangzhou cavalry also caught up. Four thousand cavalry joined together and broke through the Xianling Qiang's camp like a landslide and tsunami.

As soon as I left the camp, I saw the Yueqi fighting with three to five thousand Qiang cavalry not far away. Taishi Ci fired a barrage of arrows, and the Yueqi camp was running around and shooting. The Qiang people were chasing and intercepting them, but they couldn't take down the several hundred horse archers. Four thousand Han cavalry

Without slowing down, he ran directly into the Qiang cavalry formation, smashing the originally scattered enemies into pieces. The cavalry turned around and fought, defeating this group of Qiang cavalry in a matter of seconds.

The road to break out of the encirclement was finally opened. Dong Yue led the infantry in the front line and followed the channel opened by the cavalry, broke out of the encirclement, and marched straight towards the Wei River.

But Niu Fu in the rear was bitten by the Qiang people on the western and southern fronts. He retreated while fighting and was unable to escape.

The Qiang people had a large number of troops, and the chaos was only temporary. They could not continue to fight. The cavalry team merged. The 4,500 people fought bravely and returned to fight again. They followed the infantry line, entered from the northwest, and ran into the pursuing troops.

Qiang people's formation.

These chasing troops were a coalition of various small Qiang and Hu tribes. Most of them were infantry, and their flags were messy. Each team did not belong to each other. When the east and north fronts were in complete chaos, they dared to pounce on them, bite and entangle them. Liangzhou

It is true that people commit suicide and are aggressive.

This chapter has been completed!
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