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Chapter 203: The First Battle of the Expedition

To the west of the towering Qinling Mountains, the plank road aligns with the clouds.

Thousands of Qiang barbarians have fallen, and their spears and halberds have fallen from high to low.

Sun Jian walked into the Baoxie Plank Road with high fighting spirit, seeking military merit and repaying his friends. He was full of ambition.

After walking for fifteen days, he still had not left the plank road. A team of 26,000 people lined up for more than ten miles. He ran back and forth, feeling that he had walked thousands of miles. He kept urging, but the marching speed could not be increased.

"My lord, don't be impatient. The plank road is winding through mountains and valleys, and every step is difficult and dangerous. The soldiers have no intention of slacking off. It is really impossible to speed up." Zu Mao advised from the side.

Sun Jian looked at the rushing river in the deep valley and sighed: "The march is less than thirty miles in one day, when will we be able to get out of Baoxie Road? I am very anxious."

"The plank road is still under the control of the imperial court. The eleven stations are accessible and will not be intercepted by enemies. My lord, there is no need to worry."

"It only takes five hundred men to cut off this road, and a fire can destroy our army here. If we don't walk out of the Baoxiang Road, I will not feel at ease, so I will continue to urge the soldiers and speed up the march." Under Sun Jian's constant urging.

Next, the army finally walked out of Baogukou. By the time they arrived at Nanzheng County, it was already the tenth day of August. It took them twenty days to complete the first half of the journey.

The baggage was replenished and the army was reorganized. After three days, they crossed Yangping Pass and entered the enemy-occupied area. Sun Jian relaxed instead.

Liu Bei was quite puzzled. Sun Wentai was on his own territory, just like being chased by a dog, urging him to hurry up. How come he seemed so calm when he arrived on the enemy's territory?

If you don't understand, ask: "Brother Wentai, why were you so impatient before, but now you are so calm?"

Sun Jian smiled and pointed out: "If the Baoxie Road is blocked, the army will be unable to exert its strength and there will be no room for maneuver. The old road is gentle. Although there are enemies on all sides, we can win by fighting. There is no need to panic. Wait until we break through Juxian and Hechi and occupy the old road.

County, we can cut off the retreat from the pass, and our army has 16,000 troops, including the Qiang and Hu."

The army marched in a meandering way, and soon arrived at the city of Ju County. With their sharp armor and numerous bows and crossbows, they launched a probing attack that day. There were no less than ten thousand defenders in Ju County, but they were pinned down by the crossbows on the city wall and could not fight back. The Han Dynasty

The army attacked from three sides and filled up the moat in one afternoon. Sun Jian ordered the troops to withdraw. Not wanting to fight a bloody battle, he retreated five li to set up camp.

Send a message to the governor of Yizhou to recruit craftsmen and civilians to build siege equipment.

Qie Jian, the governor of Yizhou, led 6,000 soldiers and 20,000 civilians to help in the battle. He wanted to wash away the humiliation of the previous defeat and avoid punishment by the court.

Sun Jian naturally welcomed him, and the two armies' camps were set up at an angle. Thirty thousand civilians quickly built ladders, well orchids and other siege equipment. More than 20,000 regular soldiers took turns to go into battle, so that the defenders could not leave the city to dredge the river.

After five or six days of this, the defenders of Ju County began to slack off. It happened that Liu Bei went to battle. Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and said: "My lord, the defenders in the city are slack. It is better to take the opportunity to attack and capture the city. The first success of this expedition will be with us."

It’s in hand.”

Liu Bei looked carefully and saw that there were not many defenders on the city and they looked lazy. During these days, the Han army only harassed them with crossbows and did not attack the city. It seemed that they had indeed lost their vigilance. This was a great opportunity. He

He ordered someone to report back to Sun Jian: "Our troops have discovered fighter planes and are preparing to attack the city immediately. Please ask Chang Shi for support later."

He immediately ordered his soldiers to prepare flying ladders. Once the defenders avoided the arrows, they immediately attacked the city with ants.

Zhang Fei wore a double layer of iron armor and wanted to lead the charge and enter the city first. The five thousand soldiers in the front camp were all excited. They were sure to take the first credit.

The battle went smoothly. The Han army's 1,500 crossbowmen approached the moat. One of their arrows missed. The Ju County defenders, who were familiar with the way, huddled behind the battlements to avoid the arrows. Some of them even went directly down to the city. Zhang Fei took a big step.

He ran ahead and climbed up without waiting for the ladder to be stabilized. Before the last wave of covering fire was fired, he climbed to the top of the city and endured a wave of arrows together with the enemy.

He had an arrow hanging on his body, holding a sword and shield, shouting and fighting fiercely. Afterwards, people rushed to the city wall, and all the front camp attacked. Five thousand soldiers were spread all over the city wall, and they saw that the city was in sight.

Liu Bei suddenly heard the rumble of horse hooves. The sound became louder and louder, and the ground began to shake. He turned around in horror and saw a group of cavalry rushing out from the hills to the west. There were three to five thousand people, all colorful.

The Qiang and Di people rushed out of the city. At the same time, a large group of defenders rushed out of the city and blocked the Han army at a section of the city wall. They were about to be driven off the city wall.

Fell into a trap.

Liu Bei's eyes were cracked. There were defenders blocking him above, and cavalry attacking below. The five thousand men in the front camp were unable to advance or retreat. The defeat was certain, and he was afraid that the entire army would be annihilated.

what to do?

In such a critical situation, he had no choice but to get away, but he was also worried about Zhang Fei in the city. The two of them supported him and were not brothers more than brothers, so how could he bear to abandon him in the chaos.

He roared, unsheathed his sword, rushed across the moat, and shouted to the city: "Yide, get down to the city quickly."

When Liu Bei rushed to the city wall, the Qiang cavalry had already arrived, and the crossbowmen on the moat were rushed to pieces. They had no formation, no spears and heavy shields, and they just hurriedly shot two rounds of arrows.

They were all slaughtered by the cavalry. More than 3,000 soldiers from the front camp were trapped on the edge of the city wall, unable to move. They were attacked from both sides above and below the city wall, making them miserable.

Zhang Fei was currently chopping and killing on the city, but there were too many enemy troops. The shield formation kept pushing forward, and he couldn't break it at all. The space for movement was getting smaller and smaller, and the number of his men was getting smaller and smaller.

He will be surrounded and killed by the enemy soon.

Hearing Liu Bei's cry, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and jumped off the city wall. There was a loud bang and the ground shook. His body wearing two layers of iron armor fell heavily to the ground. He coughed.

With a mouthful of blood, he struggled a few times but couldn't get up. With Liu Bei's help, he managed to stand up and felt a heartbreaking pain in his chest and abdomen.

"Lord, leave quickly, I'm afraid I may not be able to survive." Zhang Fei's breath was rapid, and his voice was no longer as strong as before.

"Yi Dexiu, please say more and follow me to break out of the encirclement." Liu Bei grabbed his arm with one hand and held a sword in the other to lead his men to break out of the encirclement.

"Gather up, form up, follow me to kill the enemy." Liu Bei shouted loudly, trying to gather his soldiers. Rolling stones, hammers, feather arrows, and javelins on the city kept coming down. The more the soldiers gathered, the more serious the casualties were.

The shield array could not stop the arrows fired by the Qiang cavalry.

The front camp collapsed. Their cries of surrender could not move the enemy, and they were still killed without mercy.

There were only a few people around Liu Bei left. He was defeated too quickly. It was like a dream. One moment, he was high-spirited and trying to capture the city. The next moment, he was attacked by the enemy and was defeated by a trick.


Why is God so harsh?

Think of me, Liu Bei, who had great ambitions, but failed to achieve anything. He just met someone he admired, but he failed to win the battle and was defeated and died.

Not willing to give in!

He felt sad in his heart, looked at Zhang Fei lying on his back behind him, and murmured in a low voice: "Yide, wait a moment, I'm here for my brother."

A hail of arrows came from the sky, but no one was holding a shield to block the arrows for him. Liu Bei smiled bitterly and stopped dodging. He didn't want to die in a panic.

"It is a pity that my journey ends here."

This chapter has been completed!
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