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Chapter 208: Come and Get Beaten

Under the witness of three shamans, Liu Xiang served five measures of rice as a sacrificial wine.

Although Zhang Xiu used "Laozi" to teach the people, Wu Dou Rice Road still adhered to primitive worship, offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods. Zhang Xiu sacrificed wine, also known as the ghost master, and had shamans and treacherous orders under him.

The three people following Zhang Xiu were all shamans, namely Du Yi, the leader of the Southwest Xi (g) people, Pu Hu, the Yi king with the seventh surname in Bajun, and Yuan Yue, the Han clan commander.

Leader Zhang's subordinates are quite comprehensive, including both Han and Tibetan people.

Zhi people are not the name of ethnic minorities. There are many ethnic minorities in Ba County. The court collects taxes based on head count and pays 40 yuan per year. This tax is called "Xi". Anyone who pays this tax is uniformly classified as Zhi people. Some people also call them Ba.

The names for people are very confusing.

The main reason is that the ethnic minorities all look similar, but their customs are different, so Han people can't tell them apart.

Liu Xiang followed the instructions, and the confrontation inside and outside Lupeng dissipated, and there was no hostility between the two parties. The ancients in this era were still very superstitious about ghosts and gods, especially people from ethnic minorities with relatively simple thoughts. The oaths witnessed by ghosts and gods,

Few people dare to violate it.

It's a pity that they don't know that Liu Xiang has the soul of a modern person living in his body, and he does not have these superstitious thoughts. During the time when his mind was growing up, Shaolin Temple was a business group, Longhu Mountain was a tourist attraction, and Taoist temples were everywhere.

Temples are all used to make money, how do you ask him to learn to respect ghosts and gods?

Therefore, he thought that after enough foreplay, it was time to get to the point: "Does Zhang Jijiu know the specific situation in Hechi County? Can he lure them to Ju County?"

Zhang Xiu was in a good mood and relaxed. He stroked his beard and replied with a smile: "Hechi County is occupied by the Baima Qiang. The leader is called Yang Kege. Although he is a barbaric man, he still understands the principle of dying with lips and teeth. Liu

If you want to induce him to send troops by offering sacrifices to wine, I can order Yuan Yue to persuade him, and our army will gather under the city of Ju County and annihilate him."

This old guy likes to surround and annihilate enemies under the city walls, and Liu Bei fell into this trap.

After talking for a long time, we also learned about the strength of Zhang Xiu's troops. They currently have more than 4,000 cavalry, a hodgepodge of Qiang, Di, Hu, Man, and Yi tribes, all of whom are believers in the Five Pecks of Rice Dao. Otherwise, there would be no way at all.

combat effectiveness.

There are more than 9,000 infantry, mainly barbarians with planks and sculls. These people have very strong combat effectiveness. They make a living by fishing and hunting. They use wooden shields and long swords as weapons in battle. They are extremely brave. The officials of the imperial court used their weapons

They were called Banlu Man by appearance, and this name was adopted by the Han people. They did not refer to a specific tribe, but were another name used by the Han people for some people.

There are so many ethnic minorities in Yizhou that Han people can't tell them apart at all. The messy names can easily confuse people, especially the ethnic minorities in Bajun. They interact with Han people more often, so the names are even more confusing.

To roughly summarize, the ethnic minorities along the Bashan Mountains can be collectively called Ba people. Those who pay taxes among the Ba people can be called Zhi people. Among the Ba people, those who are willing to obey the call and use wooden shields and long poles as weapons are Banlu barbarians.


From the beginning of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties when they helped King Wu defeat Zhou, to the late Qin Dynasty when they helped Liu Bang pacify the Three Qin Dynasties, there are records of their bravery and good fighting skills. Their people are good at singing and dancing, especially war dances. Their war dance is more like a kind of war dance.

The martial arts techniques passed down from generation to generation are similar in nature to the modern Brazilian war dance, and many tribal children have to practice it since childhood.

Knowing this, Liu Xiang felt that it was enough, and stood up and gave a solemn order: "Bajun Zhang Xiu listened to the order and recruited you as a commander of another department. Three of his subordinates were appointed as military princes and led their subordinates to follow me to conquer Sanguan.

After success, he moved to Bajun."

"I obey the order." Zhang Xiu and his subordinates bowed their hands and obeyed the order.

"Take your subordinate Yuan Yue to Hechi to ask for help, and lure the Baima Qiang people to come to Ju County to die. It will be successful. It will be a great achievement to seize the city."

"I accept your orders." As a Han Chinese, Yuan Yue wanted to obtain an orthodox Han official position, and was extremely excited when he heard this.

The negotiation ended successfully, Liu Xiang led his people back to camp, Zhang Xiu accepted the imperial edict and lured the Hechi garrison to enter the camp. He only told the senior military officials, fearing that the news would leak out, so he reminded everyone: "If you don't keep it secret, you will lose it."

My lord, if I don’t keep it secret, I will lose my virginity. If I don’t keep a few things secret, it will cause harm. Don’t let the news leak out, otherwise you will be dealt with according to the military law.”


The Han army continued to prepare for war in the camp, and Zhang Xiu's troops were also on guard in Ju County. It seemed that the atmosphere was tense and a battle could start at any time.

In private, there was a constant exchange of letters, and Yuan Yue set out for Hechi that day. If the Baima Qiang came to help, if there were a small number of people, they would be sent into the city to disarm, and if there were a large number of people, they would gather under the city to annihilate them.

This situation lasted for six days. Reinforcements from Hechi arrived, with more than 2,000 cavalry and 7,000 infantry.

The flags were a bit mixed, and the age range of the soldiers ranged from gray-haired old men to enthusiastic young men. These white horse Qiang were old and young going into battle together. They did not bring women and children with them, so they looked a bit like an army.

But even so, Zhang Xiu couldn't eat it.

Liu Xiang received the news in advance, and the White Horse Qiang arrived at the west gate of Ju County. Just as they were about to pass the suspension bridge, Sun Jian's troops appeared in the west, cutting off their retreat, and the Yizhou Governor's troops pressed from the south.

The city gate of Ju County suddenly closed, and Zhang Xiu's cavalry appeared in the north and rushed directly into the Qiang people who were preparing to enter the city.

The Baima Qiang were in chaos, and their formation was completely cut off. The two Han armies did not miss their opportunity to fight. Amidst the thunderous drums, they rushed into the enemy crowd. The Qiang people resisted in a hurry. The chaotic formation could not gather and could only retreat to the city.

, trying to fight with their backs to the wall, frequently calling for support from the defenders in the city.

It's a pity that the people who responded to them were rolling stones and wood from the city, and feathered arrows and javelins.

Everyone was showing off above and below the city, only the reinforcements were being beaten.

The Baima Qiang people were stunned.

Nine thousand infantry and cavalry were surrounded on both sides of the moat in the west of Ju County. The 30,000 troops above and below the city attacked from all sides. The formation of the infantry was cut and disrupted, and the cavalry was blocked. They could not run at all and had no power to fight back.

The outcome was decided the moment they appeared.

Liu Xiang and Su Wei watched the battle on the hills, watching the Baima Qiang people fall into the trap, watching them being besieged from all sides, and watching them abandon their weapons and surrender.

The battle went smoothly, except for Sun Jian who refused to retreat from the city for a long time.

Liu Xiang knew that Sun Jian wanted to kill Zhang Xiu. This was not a good choice and would only result in the loss of soldiers.

The three groups of people in the partial division were not under each other's control, and two of them still had enmity. He had to stay and stay in charge, and could not return to the central army.

Now the partial force has become the main attack, and the main force has become a diversion.

Liu Xiang sent his sentry cavalry to deliver the order:

"Order Sun Jian to collect the prisoners and escort them back to the camp."

"Order Zhang Xiu to clean the battlefield and bury the bodies."

Thinking that the morale of the partial division was not high and he had to find a way to boost it, he ordered: "Send an order to the entire army to reward the soldiers tonight."

The troops received in Chencang are inferior to the Anping Army. If the Anping soldiers were here, Hechi County would have been captured, so there would be no need to waste time.

This chapter has been completed!
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