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Chapter 217 Allowing You to Be the King of Youzhou

There were no chairs in the Han Dynasty, let alone future technology such as dragon chairs.

There is an order for the emperor to go to court, and behind him is a soft couch. The Mingjun should be sitting on the soft couch.

To sit upright is to sit on your knees, spread a mat or soft cushion on the ground, and kneel on your heels. This is formal etiquette. The emperor has a soft couch, which is already very impressive.

A soft couch is a narrow and shorter bed that can be used for sitting or lying down. You can sit upright or with your feet down. According to modern furniture, it can be regarded as a shorter sofa bed.

Our Emperor, Liu Hong, just sat down on the soft couch with his feet down. The beauty last night was so sexy that he couldn't straighten his waist in the morning. It was too much. He thought he would have to come less next time.

The ministers below were excited. It's so rude, you are a fool! You are a fool!

But regardless of whether they are Hunjun or not, they have to kowtow first before speaking. The correct way to call it is a bow of the head. The forehead should touch the ground. Nodding with meaning is called a nod.

The visitors sang: "Li."

All the officials bowed their heads.

Liu Xiang thought to himself, just think of worshiping the dead. Anyway, I won't come when you die.

After a pause, the visitor then sang loudly: "Bi."

Everyone stood up and sat down.

The bowing is enough. There is no such thing as three bows and nine kowtows and shouting long live. The Han Dynasty did not like this. The person singing the greeting was not an eunuch. Like in the TV series, the eunuch was asked to say: "If you have something to do, you will leave the court if you have nothing to do."


According to the temperament of Han Dynasty officials, he had to be beaten to death on the spot, and his death would be in vain, because he was rude. Eunuchs are the emperor's servants, and only the emperor's private property can be handed over to them. The court meeting is a major event related to the country and cannot be tolerated.

Eunuchs are presumptuous.

In the Han Dynasty, from the officials to the common people, there was a kind of uprightness that if you make me unhappy, I will kill you. People in this period still had a barbaric mentality, taking their own lives without taking their lives seriously, and killing people like crazy.

It's a high-level compliment. They praise your child for having the courage to kill people. It's a sincere compliment, just like praising your child for good grades in modern times.

Liu Xiang lowered his head and thought wildly. There were already several officials in the court who were shouting at each other. They were just talking about "the way to be a king" and "the great etiquette". He didn't know those people, and this matter had nothing to do with him.

There are rebellions everywhere in the world, and people are starving to death every moment, but these people are still struggling with the problem of the emperor’s unsightly sitting posture. So, the question is, who has the problem?

He was impassioned, burst into tears, cried to heaven and earth, beat his chest and stamped his feet. Emperor Ling's waist couldn't straighten up even if it should.

Lu sang, worms, and corpses are vegetarian.

Liu Xiang continued to lower her head and pretend to be his little transparent.

The farce went on for a long time. Emperor Ling must have calmed down and finally knelt down on the soft couch. Although he was still lying limply and crookedly, the ministers below seemed to have won a battle to annihilate foreign races.

Just like that, he actually started praising him. Where is this emperor’s sage?

Liu Xiang couldn't see it, but it didn't stop him from following the others' agreement.

After that, the officials reported that it was good here, and it was good there, and there was nothing bad about it anyway.

What's better?

If I could only describe it as good, it would be boring.

The court meeting lasted for more than an hour, and the world described by the minister was even more beautiful than the world on the news network.

Where can we find such a world? No one knows.

After wasting most of the morning, he went back to each office after the court. After putting on his shoes and getting his sword back from the Lang Guan at the entrance of the palace, Liu Xiang was a little confused. Who can tell him which office he should go to? Yes.

Should I go to see the Taiwei or the General? Or go to the General of the Five Gentlemen? You can't go to the Shangshutai, right? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with him.

Just go home and sleep.

I woke up too early and felt really sleepy.

It's a pity that he didn't go anywhere. His Majesty summoned him, and he was summoned by a small Huangmen messenger. This is what a eunuch should do.

He handed over his sword again and came to the east corridor of Chongde Hall. Emperor Ling summoned him in the Nuan Pavilion, and Liu Hong was the only one inside.

"Your Majesty, Liu Xiang, pay homage to Your Majesty." Liu Xiang bowed with both hands and saluted. This is not a court meeting, so kowtow should be avoided if possible.

"No courtesy." Emperor Ling was more energetic now. He must have come back from a rest, and his voice was louder: "I have heard that Liu Xiang is brave and brave, why does he look weak? With such an appearance, he can command strong troops and attack and destroy them.


"Your Majesty, the victory over the enemy is due to the bravery of the soldiers. I am just lucky."

Emperor Ling asked with great interest: "This is interesting, how come you are so lucky?"

"I appeared where I was supposed to appear, and then won. It didn't require military strategy, let alone bravery, so it should be good luck."

"Hahahaha, what a blessing, Liu Yicheng, I asked Zong Zheng to check it out. After you became King Ding, your lineage is clear, and you are my clan brother according to your seniority. You need to know that this world belongs to our old Liu family, and you must guard the world.

You can't rely on me alone, you all have to work hard." At this point, Emperor Ling paused and only looked at Liu Xiang with his eyes.

Are you waiting to show your loyalty? Liu Xiang felt that now was not the time to show off his face. He knelt down on his knees and loudly replied: "In the whole world, is it the land of the king? On the shore of the land, is it the ministers of the king?

I will do whatever Your Majesty wants me to do. Previously, I was young and did not understand the truth. Your Majesty was generous and would not pursue me. I have a deep understanding and am willing to serve Your Majesty with all my heart."

Emperor Ling nodded with satisfaction: "You are eighteen years old this year, a decade younger than me. You have reached a sensible age. I ascended the throne at a young age, and it was only at your age that I understood many truths. Remember today's words and keep them for me.

Dear Northern Territory, if you can sincerely contribute, how about I grant you the title of King of Youzhou?"

"I am willing to fight for your majesty against the barbarians, fight vigorously on the battlefield, and wrap my body in horse leather."

Emperor Ling's interest seemed to have run out, so he picked up a volume of edicts on the document and threw it to Liu Xiang, and said lazily: "Read it yourself."

Liu Xiang raised his hand and took the scroll flying in the air. It was an edict with a jade seal, and Liu Xiang was made General of Zhenbei. His title was still Marquis of Xixiang, and the number of households was increased to 1,000.

One of the Four Towns, does this make him a general with a heavy title? In the Battle of Liangzhou, Dong Zhuo was promoted to General of the Expedition to the West, and Sun Jian became the Commander of the Rebellion School. He was the only one who was not promoted. He thought he was suppressed, but ended up waiting here.

Still sitting.

Is Liu Hong trying to win people's hearts?

It's a pity that my heart is reserved for beautiful women, so I can't give it to you. I'm really sorry.

Liu Xiang completed the edict and bowed his head to thank him: "My lord, thank you for your kindness, and I am willing to do it for your majesty..."

Before he finished his words of gratitude and loyalty, there were hurried footsteps outside, and Zhao Zhong, the regular servant, ran in: "Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from Bingzhou.

The Southern Xiongnu royal court was defeated and asked the court to send troops for rescue."

Emperor Ling rubbed his head, frowned and complained: "The funerals, the funerals, they come endlessly, are those Xianbei people annoying? Who is the governor of Bingzhou? They are so incompetent, the Huns are also useless, what use are they?


Liu Xiang thought it was ridiculous. They were here to steal money, so of course they wouldn't be bothered. Even if they could rob you, you wouldn't be bothered either.

Emperor Ling turned around impatiently, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Liu Xiang, I order you to lead the Northern Army on an expedition. If you fail to win, come and see me."

This chapter has been completed!
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