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Chapter 224: Liu Yicheng Fights Against the Dragon

The surrounding Xianbei people really want to say that they are really afraid of wind and water. In the cold winter months, whoever gets wet will understand. Of course you are not cold when you are wrapped in a mink fur cotton robe. But they don't dare. Shan Yu is fierce and anyone who dares to disobey

Gotta die.

He Lian didn't know that the others were slandering, so he continued to encourage people: "There is a lot of wealth in Hedong, there is endless food, and there are delicate women. As long as you rush out of the dragon gate, you can enjoy it."

The people around felt that this sentence was really good. Greed and animal desires were aroused, and they were salivating. Women and wealth were the driving force for going south. The leaders of Xianbei's ministries regained their fighting spirit, drove their warriors, and launched a round of

Another round of offensive.

It was easy to rush up, and the Han army's arrow rain was not dense, but as soon as they reached the city, they were blocked by the cold wind and cold water. Not to mention climbing up the wall, they couldn't even put up the ladder, so they could only tremble and get beaten.

It is easy to retreat. The Han army will not pursue them desperately. Shan Yu is right. The people in the city are short of arrows. As long as they break through the cold wind and cold water, it will not be difficult to seize the city.

For more than ten days since then, the people of Xianbei have been thinking about how to overcome the cold Feng Shui from top to bottom. They really think in one place and work hard in one place. Since the founding of Xianbei, they have never been so united.

There are tribal warriors who were wrapped in multiple layers of cowhide and were not afraid of water and wind. They fell clumsily into the icy water and were shot to death by crossbows;

An ice warrior; a young man who practiced his ability to withstand cold and poured ice water on himself in the middle of winter, only to freeze to death.

Watering and blowing are the physiological reactions caused by the body's hypothermia. This cannot be overcome by willpower, it is science.

As for the problem of the Han army's lack of missing arrows, there are hundreds of thousands of missing arrows and crossbows piled up in the treasury. They are the correct answer.

The Xianbei people's thinking was led astray, and Liu Xiang was happy to see the result. He was accepting bribes happily, and the great military achievements were right in front of him. Who among the families didn't want to share the profits, but they didn't dare to think about the first achievements, so they could still benefit from the help.

It's stained.

The Chenliu family introduced by Cao Cao, the Taishan clan introduced by Bao Hong, the Confucian scholars recommended by Ma Rixi, the local tycoons from Pishi County, and the wealthy merchants from Linfen, these people he would not reject.

Liu Xiang didn't care about military achievements, so what would happen no matter how great his achievements were? Emperor Ling could still make him the prince. He only needed the reputation of being good at fighting, and he could get the rest by himself.

Of course, those who were included in the list of military merits had to show their sincerity, not to mention gold, but also had to have gifts that suited their needs to show their sincerity. Therefore, Liu Xiang's reputation for being good at alchemy and good at alchemy spread.

Yinjun Yanghou put all kinds of medicines in front of him. These are all good things, especially sulfur and saltpeter. Although the purity of saltpetre and sulfur is not enough, the quantity is large, which is higher than what he sent people to buy.

Several times more.

Very good, it's hard to refuse such hospitality, Liu Xiang has mastered all the "elixirs".

Several hundred kilograms.

They are all about the size of sesame seeds, black, and are elixirs that can make people ascend.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, sacrifices were made to Taiyi, and the gods were watching over them. The ice in the river was less than a foot. The Xianbei people's fight against the cold was very effective. They shivered less and less under the city, and they had already begun to try to attack the city.

It's time. The guide Liu Xiang ordered to find has been waiting in the camp for a long time. This man is extremely talented. He is obviously only about forty years old, but he looks like an old man in his sixties, with wrinkles on his face like deep ravines.

Mosquitoes and bugs will die when they land in the valley. According to him, when he was nine years old, he followed his elders into the mountains to collect medicine. After traveling in Luliang Mountains for more than 30 years, the valley paths are as familiar as his own backyard.

Liu Xiang didn't need so many roads, he only needed a trail that could bypass the Xianbei people and reach Hukou Waterfall.

As we all know, before the river is unsealed, there will be Bingling dams on the upper reaches, and it was those Binglings that he had in mind.

He wanted to detour to the upper reaches of Hukou Waterfall and destroy the dam. The river water and ice accumulated in the upper reaches would flow into the Shili Longtrough under its own gravity, completely blocking it and leaving Xianbei with no way to retreat until the Yellow River was completely dissolved.

It was closed until the thoroughfare became a natural chasm again.

The Han army would block Longmen and starve them to death.

This is very feasible. The normal flow rate of Hukou Waterfall is one thousand to three thousand cubic meters per second. It has been cut off for two months. How much water has accumulated upstream and how much gravity that water will have? This is an astronomical figure.

, he couldn't calculate it anyway, he only knew that this was a trapped evil dragon, and what he had to do was to release this power a few days in advance.

Liu Xiang was very excited to be able to harness the power of nature. In order to keep the secret of black powder, he would only take Su Wei there, and also prepared a sacrifice to the Dragon God. He wanted to give science a coat of myth.

After he left, Cao Cao took charge of the army and continued to play siege games with the Xianbei people.

"Brother Meng De, the inside of the ice city has been reinforced. Although it is still cold inside the canyon, spring has begun outside Longmen, and the thaw is not far away. Before the ice wall thaws, a stable fortress must be built in the inner circle."

Cao Cao ignored the words of building a fort and continued to prevent Liu Xiang from going to Hukou: "The general is the leader of an army. How can he take such a risk and cut off the enemy's retreat with only his bodyguard? It is too risky. I will never agree to it."


"I have my own idea. I am not fighting the enemy. Brother Meng De, there is no need to persuade me." Liu Xiang was helpless. How to explain to him? Use black powder to blow up several breakpoints on the ice dam to break the ice dam.

When the balance is reached, the gravity accumulated in the upstream will break through the obstacles on its own.

He couldn't explain it, so he just stopped explaining it. Seeing that Cao Cao wanted to persuade him, Liu Xiang said decisively: "I have made up my mind. Cao Cao, the infantry captain, listens to the order and leaves you to lead the army, strengthen the forts, and hold on to Longmen. Xianbei must not be allowed to go south.


"The general will obey the order." Military orders were like mountains, and Cao Cao did not dare to disobey them.

Liu Xiang led the five hundred guards and set off immediately. This time they had to take a small road. The guards left behind their armor, war horses, and long soldiers. They only carried swords, bows and arrows. Each of them carried more than ten kilograms of weight, for a total of five to six hundred

A catty of gunpowder, two to three hundred catties of oil for ignition, four thousand catties of rations and thousands of catties of dried meat were enough to provide them with supplies for eight days.

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the sun was warm and the breeze blew gently across my face. The coldness of the harsh winter was no longer there. After three days of detouring, I finally arrived at the upper reaches of Hukou at noon.

Hukou Waterfall is a horseshoe-shaped waterfall group formed by the movement of the earth's crust. The upstream is a 400-meter-wide river channel. The waterfall is located in a U-shaped structure of nearly one mile. Below it is a concave area about 30 meters wide and 50 meters high.

The river rushes down here and rushes to the lower Long Cao downstream.

Long Cao was washed by the torrent, and the river channel was only twenty or thirty meters long, just like a gully cut by a high-speed waterjet on the Loess Plateau.

These are the scenes after the opening of the river. It has been frozen for two months now. The Hukou Waterfall has stopped flowing. There are many ice crystals and icicles hanging on it. The surface is covered with white rime, like super large ice cubes, which is winter.

When spring comes, I hang it under the eaves. When I was a child, I always wanted to take a few bites.

The upper reaches of the waterfall are even more spectacular. The accumulated ice has formed an ice dam more than ten meters high. The river is more than two miles wide. The ice layer has been squeezed and broken, like a loose cupcake, with cracks all over the surface, bulges, and more.

It looks like a hilly landform rather than a smooth ice surface. From time to time, there is the sound of the ice being squeezed and broken. The sound of "kaka" is clear and distant.

Listening from a distance, one would only feel the magnificence of nature, but Liu Xiang was right under the ice dam, and his liver trembled every time he heard it. This is a good place to practice courage.

He was taking Su Wei to dig holes and tunnels in the ice dam. Five or six hundred kilograms of gunpowder were placed in a small bucket of ten kilograms. Five buckets constituted an explosion point, which was installed in the middle of the ice dam. The explosion points were connected by ice tunnels.

, pour kerosene inside, immerse it in tinder for ignition, and place the tinder on the ice channel. This is the ignition device.

After much trembling, the installation was finally completed. The ice channel extended to the shore, filled with oil and tinder.

Liu Xiang pretended to sacrifice to the Dragon God. This was actually to confuse the public. If more than two people know about a secret, it will definitely spread. Don't think that the gunpowder can be used without others knowing.

Therefore, he wants to wrap the gunpowder with a superstitious coat, so that when it spreads, it will become bizarre and absurd, and everyone has their own version of it. This kind of bizarre thing is the easiest to be distorted, and the person who spreads it will always add his own

Without understanding, the real information will be submerged in it and difficult to find.

If you want to hide a drop of water, the best way is to put it in the ocean.

He drove the rest of the people high up the hillside, and Liu Xiang lit the tinder with his own hands. Watching the line of fire spreading steadily into the distance, he felt like he was lighting firecrackers when he was a child. He was both scared and excited.

I turned back to climb the hillside and ran towards Suwei in the distance. There was an explosion sound behind me, more than a dozen times in a row. The sound waves in the air were sharp and harsh, but in the water they were much deeper. The echoes were stirring, and the sound waves were interfering with each other.

The elongated sound sounded like a giant beast roaring.

Liu Xiang ran into the crowd, and when he turned around, he seemed to have really seen the giant beast.

The ice dam seemed to have been hit by something, and the overall balance was broken. The cracks were extending, and the water was spraying. In a moment, it broke and collapsed, and the waterfall plunged down the river.

The river water accumulated in the upper reaches is mixed with a large amount of ice, swooping down like a dragon, overwhelming mountains and seas, swallowing mountains and rivers, pouring into the valley, rushing into the dragon's trough, the waves roar, the water mist rises into the sky, and the ice breaks, which is earth-shattering.

, there is a tendency to roll up the smoke for half a day.

The magnificence of nature goes straight into his mind, which makes people excited and heroic. Appreciating such a scene, Liu Xiang feels that his soul has been sublimated. What does the little negative emotion in his heart mean in front of heaven and earth?

We were born between heaven and earth. How can we be bothered and troubled by trivial matters? By breaking down the barriers in our hearts, our horizons will naturally broaden.

"Riding six dragons, riding on the wind." Liu Xiang couldn't help but become inspired by poetry. Unfortunately, he couldn't compose poetry, so he had to plagiarize one sentence.

Before he could remember what the next sentence was, he felt his sleeves being grabbed. Zhao Jing's voice came. Accompanied by the roar of the Yellow River's turbid waves, he could vaguely hear him saying: "The Lord is about to ascend on a dragon."

?Take someone with you, as my lord promised."

Suddenly, Liu Xiang's poetry was interrupted, and he couldn't remember the next sentence.

Looking at the rushing Yellow River and the broken ice in the Longcao River, his eyes lit up. This was a fighter plane. He shouted to Zhao Jing: "I'm not going to ascend to heaven, I'm going to chase the Yellow Dragon and fight Xianbei."

This chapter has been completed!
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