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Chapter 245: Lack of Population, Lack of Talent

There are three problems in Liaodong.

The first is population. Liaodong is a large area, including the entire modern Liaoning Province and part of Inner Mongolia. However, there are only less than 200,000 Han people and more than 100,000 Wuhuan people. It is too few, so the army can only colonize it.


Liu Xiang felt that it was not difficult at all to feed 500,000 people in the Liaohe River Plain alone. The Da and Xiaoling River basins in the east could also feed 200,000 people. This did not require in-depth development. Just farm and graze directly in the river basins. A little

Develop it so that millions of people can live and work in peace and contentment.

There is no shortage of plains or water, but there is a shortage of people.

Lack of people is a long-standing problem in Youzhou, because the land is so vast and the people are sparsely populated.

The year before last, 1.4 million people were kidnapped from Jizhou and basically settled in Guangyang, Yuyang, Youbeiping and Liaoxi. Some were recruited into various workshops, and most of them were cultivated in the four counties. The population under his rule was finally

More than three and a half million.

The population in the central part of Youzhou has been enriched, but Liaodong in the east and Shanggu County and Dai County in the west are still sparsely populated. The worst part is the west. If you don't count the Nanlou people who graze outside the Great Wall, there are only more than 70,000 people in the two counties.

The existing fields cannot be cultivated, and most of them have been harvested as reserve fields. More than 100,000 people must immigrate before next spring, otherwise they will be abandoned.

If you want to develop it, you will need at least 300,000 to 400,000 people.

There is a gap of at least 500,000 people on the east and west sides of Youzhou, which even a million people can absorb. Jizhou cannot make any big moves. The new governor Wang Fen is watching Youzhou like an old hen guarding its eggs, so Liu Xiang fights

The idea of ​​Qingzhou came up.

Taking the Bohai Strait from the Liaodong Peninsula, you can reach Qingzhou via a waterway of more than 200 miles. This route was one of the two main routes to Guandong in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

Yunfan Camp is responsible for opening up routes and recruiting people from the south. Liaodong must be prepared to receive them, and they need to discuss the specific resettlement plan with Yan Rou.

Although Yang Gao is the governor of Liaodong, he has to keep an eye on Goguryeo and Lelang County, so Liu Xiang didn't let him come. Besides, there is no way to discuss it with Yang Gao. What makes that guy better than a mute is that he can understand what you say.

If so, the best way to communicate with him is to give orders directly.

The second question is how to force Lelang County to surrender.

Zhang Qi, the governor of Lelang, was greedy for money and demanded bribes, but he was very courageous and refused to surrender. When Liu Xiang invaded Liaodong, not long after he took office, he could not move the county soldiers and the local Huyi tribes. When he could send troops,

, the battle in Liaodong had already been completed, so he stationed troops near Fanhan to confront the Anping Army.

Zhang Qi was from Ganling, Qinghe State, Jizhou, and was a disciple of the Yuan family in Runan. Killing him directly would easily anger the Yuan family and attract the imperial army.

It would be best to force him to surrender or let Lelang have civil strife. I haven't thought of a specific method yet. I need to listen to Yan Rou's analysis of the local situation.

The third question is how to take advantage of the civil strife in Xianbei. Who should we win over among Xianbei, Fuyu, and Goguryeo in the east? Who should we attack? These also need to be discussed with Yan Rou.

These are all long-term plans, not in a hurry. When Yan Rou is lost in the lake, it is not the time to talk about business.

The military direction for the second half of this year is in Liaodong and the Taihang Mountains. Now that the forces are strong, there will be no problem even if the two fronts start a war. Lelang's strength is limited, and the difficulty is not to alarm the court.

As for Taihang Mountain, he still couldn't figure out why Zhou Cang dared to rebel against him? He didn't believe that those soldiers would follow Zhou Cang to stand on their own feet.

There is something fishy about this matter.

It didn't take long for the Tiqi to carry the order, and it would take three days at the fastest to reach the main stronghold of the Heishan Army near Jingxing. Zhou Cang's troops were stationed in various valleys from Jingxing to Zhongshan Kingdom.

Let's wait for their reaction.

While Liu Xiang continued to read the submission, the general supervisor brought the mint engineer to see him and brought a sample of Ping'an Tongbao coins.

The yellow square-hole round coins are very beautiful. On the front are the four coins of Ping An Tong Bao, and on the back are the coins marked "Half Liang". There are raised edges on the edges of the coins to prevent someone from cutting off the edges and stealing the copper.

The new coin weighs half a tael, about 8 grams. In the Han Dynasty, a pound was 247 grams, a pound was sixteen taels, a tael weighed 15.5 grams, a tael weighed 24 baht, and a five-baht coin was a copper coin weighing five baht.

About 3 grams.

Liu Xiang took the coin and scratched it on the strip. Looking at the scratches, he frowned and handed it to Zhao Jing: "Try to see if it can be broken."

"Drink." Zhao Jing shouted loudly, and the copper coin snapped into two pieces.

Liu Xiang threw the two halves of the coin to the work officer: "Recast it."

The scratches on the eucalyptus strips are dotted with yellow. They are not wear-resistant, break when broken, and are not durable.

Such coins are not suitable for circulation.

The worker officer picked up the coins and was frightened: "To inform the general, I ordered the craftsmen to cast them according to the formula of six parts copper, three parts lead and one part tin. I did not dare to disobey the general's order and did not have any ulterior motives.

Please forgive me, General."

Liu Xiang frowned: "You are so stupid that I asked you to use this ratio to find a strong and wear-resistant formula. Are you mocking me by bringing it over intact?"

"I don't dare, I don't have this intention." The work officer's legs were so frightened that they trembled into a ball.

"Okay, I won't punish you. Coins can't just look good. What I want are copper coins that are strong, wear-resistant and good-looking." Liu Xiang ignored the worker officer, looked at the mint master and asked, "If it's not wear-resistant,

Crisp, what do you think is the reason?"

"Reporting to the general, there must be too much lead."

"Well, let's go back and explore the new formula. It must be strong and wear-resistant, and the second is beautiful. Do you understand?"

"I respectfully obey the general's order." The two of them bowed and left.

The number of general supervisors is getting bigger and bigger, and the few workers and officials, including Cao Changliang, are uneven. Although there is Tiqi supervision, there has been no corruption so far, but there is a lack of people who can take charge of the overall situation. This cannot continue.

Moreover, the mines, workshops, and coinage were all supervised and managed by the general, which had too much power and was not a long-term solution. He wanted to set up Shuiheng Duwei to manage the coinage and a Shaofu to manage the mountains, forests, fisheries, and mines, but he had no one under his command.

Available, what can be done?

There are candidates for the position of great general, and Wang Xing, the captain of the Zuo Army, is a good candidate. We need to find someone who can take over the Zuo Army as soon as possible.

When Liu Xiang was worried about the lack of population and talent, Tian Chou handed over a bamboo slip: "Your Majesty, I will make a report on the mining area."

The report reported: The gold mines and copper mines in Jundu Mountain, the coal mines in Xishan, the silver-lead associated mines in Yanshan in the north of Yuyang, and various iron mines have added more than 80,000 mine slaves, and the output has increased greatly.

The gold mine is expected to produce one thousand catties per year. The silver mine is associated with lead, so it is difficult to estimate. The copper mine has an annual output of at least one hundred thousand catties.

Prospectors from all walks of life continue to search for mineral veins in order to increase the number of mines.

After reading this submission, Liu Xiang felt better, but it was limited.

There are many mineral deposits in Youzhou, but the technology of prospecting and mining is not enough. There are treasure mountains but they cannot be dug out.

The exploration craftsmen of the Han Dynasty mainly relied on the plants and minerals on the surface to find mineral deposits, which was very particular.

For example: the grass stems are red and showy, but there is lead underneath; the grass stems are yellow and rusty, and there are coppers underneath them; there are onions on the mountain, and there is silver underneath them; there are sage on the mountains, and there is gold underneath them; there are ginger on the mountains, and there are copper and tin below them;

For jade, the side branches of the wood droop.

There is red sand on the top and gold on the bottom; there is loving stone on the top and copper and gold on the bottom; there is mausoleum stone on the top and lead, tin and red copper on the bottom; there is ocher on the top and iron on the bottom.

There were a lot of things to pay attention to, but Liu Xiang felt that their efficiency was too low. He had already mapped out the general range for them, and had to wait a year or two before they found the veins. He really wanted to meet those legendary gold miners.


The gold miners in the Han Dynasty probably mean geological prospectors in modern times, not the kind of gold diggers who only dig for gold.

Liu Xiang knew that there were copper and iron around Xiangping County in Liaodong. The modern Anshan Iron Mine, Benxi Iron Mine, and Hongtoushan Copper Mine were nearby. If you draw a circle on the map, it would be dozens or hundreds of miles away.

, without metal detection equipment, we rely on the naked eye to search for plants and minerals on the surface, and the efficiency can be imagined.

There is a huge difference between knowing and getting.

This chapter has been completed!
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