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Chapter 248 How could he appear

On June 26, Liu Xiang waited for nine days, but there was no movement from the Montenegrin army.

Send troops, no need to wait.

Two thousand soldiers and two thousand crossbowmen were already ready to go. This time he did not bring the five hundred knights, but another five hundred infantry. The three hundred soldiers and two hundred crossbow shooters rejoiced. They

Always looking after the house, I have long been exhausted.

Before leaving, he told Cui Yi: "Yunfan Camp is exploring the Miaodao Islands and opening up the Bohai Strait route. This matter cannot be stopped. When they arrive in Qingzhou, order them to inquire more about local intelligence and not be in a hurry to win over the refugees."

"Follow orders."

He also told Zhen Yi and Yuan Huan: "After this autumn, the price of grain will inevitably fall. This is a good thing, but we must also pay attention to the low price of grain and hurt farmers. If the drop is too severe, we will buy it for one hundred and twenty yuan per stone. The price of grain will

It needs to come down slowly and not fall all the way to the bottom, otherwise it will be difficult for farmers to make a living."

"Ming Gong Rende."

There are three groups of people in Youzhou who have opened up wasteland and farmed fields. There are nearly 1.5 million people, and they have cultivated more than 80,000 hectares of fields. After the autumn of this season, the first group will be able to harvest, and the second group will be able to sustain themselves.

rations, there will be a lot of food surplus, and the price of food at two hundred yuan per stone will inevitably fall sharply.

The reduction in grain prices is a good thing for the people of Youzhou. Under Liu Xiang's rule, there were not so many taxes, and farmers did not have to sell grain in exchange for money to pay taxes. He only collected taxes in kind, so the people had no problem eating.

But people can't just eat food. There are seven things to do when opening the door. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, and unrestrained price cuts of food. Farmers' purchasing power will plummet, their lives will be greatly affected, and fragile businesses will inevitably be hit. This is what Liu Xiang used

The government could not remain indifferent to the market that the military caravans had finally revitalized.

After explaining what he thought was important, he took more than 4,540 people and headed south to Jizhou under the banners of Zhang He and Tai Shici.

Bypassing Lunu County in Zhongshan State, following the Qishui River into the boundary of Hengshan Mountain, we arrived at Changshan Pass.

This is the junction of Hengshan Mountain and Wutai Mountain. To the south is Beitaiding, which is the territory of Zhoucang's headquarters of the Black Mountain Army. The report sent to the General's Mansion recorded that there should be 5,000 people stationed here, but looking at the pass and the valley

The heads are so densely packed that the number does not match.

There was obviously no hostility on the other side. The swords were sheathed, the bows and arrows were unstringed, and a bunch of people came out to watch the fun. The army commanders who came out to support him also knew each other. The old man from the Anping Army, who was the leader of the original guard camp, had promoted to the third level and joined the Montenegro Army as a commander, but

Liu Xiang still camped outside the mouth.

Just in case, he had played the game of inviting you into the urn for his enemies. He didn't want to make this kind of mistake.

Summon the local military officers and above to come to the tent and obey orders.

Twelve military princes and two military commanders came, all old men from the Anping Army. They were extremely surprised to see Liu Xiang.

"Is the general's injury healed?"

"General, it will be fine if nothing happens."

"The general is going to take us to Jizhou?"

Liu Xiang raised his hand to stop their messy words and asked in a deep voice: "How many troops are stationed here?"

"Return to the general, twelve thousand men."

"Why increase the number of troops?"

"Captain Zhou sent an order to prepare for Jizhou's invasion."

This is pure nonsense. There is no force in Jizhou to destroy the Black Mountain Army. Wang Fen has no other option except Zhaoan. Zhou Cang has ignored him. These old men of the Anping Army will not agree to join Wang Fen.

Liu Xiang continued to ask: "Where is Zhou Yuanfu?"

"The main village near Jingxing."

"Why do you want to follow him and rebel against me?"

As soon as these words came out, more than a dozen officers were stunned. Zhou Cang was going to rebel? They didn't know.

More than a dozen people knelt down on one knee and wailed in defense: "General, we have absolutely no objections. All the family records in the army are in Youzhou, how could they rebel? I haven't heard that Zhou Cang is going to rebel. We don't know anything."


They looked frightened, and their words were sincere and did not look fake. Liu Xiang looked at them and said: "I have called you many times, but Zhou Cang is unmoved, and the Black Mountain Army cannot be mobilized. You can tell for yourselves."

, is this going to turn against me?"

These dozen officers were furious. They were plagued thieves. Don’t hold them back even if they wanted to die. They knew exactly what kind of fighting power the Anping Army had. They were all filled with indignation: "Zhoucang thieves, how dare you rebel? I'll wait for you."

I am willing to follow the general to put down the rebellion to show my loyalty."

"Go back and pull the people out of the mountain pass. I want to parade." Only if they really came out, Liu Xiang would believe them.

"The general will obey the order."

The training of the Montenegrin Army was really poor, incomparable to that of the Anping Army. It took more than half an hour for the 12,000 men to gather outside the mountain pass. Their formation was irregular and they were whispering to each other.

Zhou Cang is indeed not very good at leading troops. These officers who were transferred to the Montenegrin Army did not restrain the soldiers properly, so they may not be useful anymore.

However, they have no military pay, no treatment for regular soldiers, and they cannot ask for too much. Elite soldiers still have to be raised with real money. The 60,000 people under Zhou Cang's command were selected and eliminated. It can be seen from this that the number of other thieves and bandits

The troops are probably even worse.

This should be considered good news.

Liu Xiang silently observed in the camp. The officers of the Montenegrin Army shouted impatiently and loudly, and the sound of "Quiet" was heard everywhere. After a long time, the soldiers calmed down.

This unit has no objections.

Arriving in front of the soldiers, Su Wei put up a tooth flag. He boarded the carriage, held a loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "Do any of you know me?"

"Meet the envoy of God!" The sound of roaring mountains and tsunami sounded. Most of the soldiers of the Black Mountain Army were from the Yellow Turbans. They followed Liu Xiang in the battles in Jizhou and Liaodong. Everyone knew him.

"Someone wants to rebel against me, do you agree?" Liu Xiang continued to shout.

"Who is looking for death?"


"Kill those traitors."

There were people talking about anything, buzzing like flies, people discussing with each other, and spreading messages everywhere. It was so chaotic that it took a while to calm down, but the meaning was clearly expressed and I disagreed.

"Would you like to follow me to quell the rebellion?"


"I am willing to do my best."

This will be a lot tidier.

So, what is Zhou Cang doing? How dare you rebel against him? Where is your brain?

Or are you feeling bloated and your heart wandering?

Leaving 2,000 men to garrison the mountain pass, Liu Xiang led 14,000 troops southward along the mountain roads connecting various valleys.

Just like the incident at Changshan Pass, several more incidents occurred. Liu Xiang gathered an army of 40,000 without any blood and went straight to the main stronghold of Jingxing.

It's only a dozen days.

In the midsummer of July, the heat had not subsided and the heat was unbearable. The army was enjoying the coolness in the shade of the mountain. Liu Xiang and his guards approached the gate of the village.

This Dazhai is more like a city. The wooden wall is about two feet high and stretches for three miles, completely sealing the entrance of the valley. Behind it is a mountain basin with springs and streams. Several hectares of fertile farmland have been opened, and 20,000 people are stationed there.


Of course, this was the previous arrangement. Liu Xiang didn't know what it would be like now. He was going to visit the city.

Looking at Liu Xiang surrounded by soldiers and crossbowmen, Pei Yuanshao felt bitter in his mouth. Isn't this man seriously injured and dying? How could he appear in the Taihang Mountains?

He grabbed the person next to him and cursed through gritted teeth: "Damn Li Damu, you stupid thief killed me!"

Li Damu was also the leader of the Montenegrin Army Alliance. He slapped Pei Yuanshao's arm away and said disdainfully: "The enemy hasn't even attacked yet, and you are almost scared to death? Are you so timid and want to be a general? The court is not a good person.

, can you support a freeloader? Just dream! Wealth means killing with one sword and one gun. There are just a few soldiers and crossbowmen. There are many of us, so we are afraid of a ball."

Pei Yuanshao looked at him sarcastically, pointed outside and said: "I have asked General Li to kill Liu Xiang, the general of Zhenbei, so that I can see your courage."

Li Damu looked like a hen that had been strangled by the neck. His eyes were bulging and his mouth was crooked. He was extremely frightened. His throat was rattling and he couldn't hold back a word.

The military leaders gathered on the wall of the village were silent, each whispering in their hearts: "How could he appear?"

This chapter has been completed!
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