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Chapter 259: The Perfect Bodyguard

In the third year of Qin II, Xiang Yu broke through cauldrons and boats, quickly advanced, defeated Zhang Han, and cut off Wang Li's food routes. This battle was a great victory.

The winning point of this battle was to advance at high speed and cut off the enemy's food routes. As a result, later generations only remembered that Xiang Yu was like a reckless man and completely ignored his military strategy.

In the third year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, during the Battle of Jingjing, Han Xin set up a formation behind the river to attract the main force of the Zhao army. He also sent two thousand light cavalry to seize the enemy's camp while they were unprepared. He planted Han army flags everywhere to create a great momentum. The Zhao army was deceived and the morale of the army was greatly reduced.

Shaken, the soldiers fled one after another, and the enemy army was defeated.

This battle was fought with the word "deceit", and as a result, later generations only remember it as a last-ditch battle.

It seems that as long as you cut off your own retreat, you can increase your combat power.

It's terrible to be uneducated.

Sui Gu and others just suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated. They fought with their backs against the mountains and trapped themselves in a dead end. The soldiers were frightened and their morale was low. How could they have any desire to fight to the death?

Liu Xiang first persuaded the bandits to surrender, which reduced the fighting spirit of the bandits, and then shot the general, destroying the enemy's command and control.

Afterwards, the Shesheng Camp came forward, and the crossbow formation of 4,000 people was unable to resist these bandits. They had no armor and stomach to protect themselves. The crossbows fell like raindrops, and the killing efficiency was amazing. The originally scattered formation completely collapsed.

The addition of two thousand archers and three thousand light infantry from the infantry battalion completely destroyed their will to resist. Driven by these veterans, once the wave of defeat formed, it could not be stopped.

Suigu's central army was defeated, and the morale of the rebels on both wings was shaken. The Montenegrin Army took the opportunity to launch a general offensive. Taishici's 20,000 people on the left and 30,000 Zhou Cang on the right pressed forward. Zhang He from the rear led 15,000 soldiers.

Following the footsteps of the Anping Army, they invaded the valley and took over the task of chasing down the defeated soldiers.

The entire Anping army turned around, attacked the right wing from the side, and cooperated with Zhou Cang's troops to defeat the enemy. Then they turned around again and defeated the enemy on the left.

All that's left is to hunt down the defeated soldiers and gather the prisoners.

Liu Xiang led the guards and the soldiers of the infantry battalion to climb a hill and observe the battlefield from a high position. The Cangyan Valley is very large, surrounded by mountains on both sides. The mountain walls are towering and jagged with strange rocks. Most of the exposed rocks are gray in color. At the mouth of the valley,

It is more than ten miles wide and twenty miles deep, like a wide-mouthed trumpet.

The Black Mountain Army's left and right wings spread out, covering the valley like a net. While gathering the prisoners, they pressed into the valley. The Anping Army and Zhang He's troops were in the heart of the enemy, but any resistance would inevitably lead to a large number of arrows and spears being thrown.


One after another, the bandits knelt down and surrendered, and were escorted out of the valley one by one by the Montenegrin Army soldiers. The soldiers guarding the stronghold were also mobilized to escort the prisoners back to the camp.

The battle started in the morning, the enemy was defeated at noon, and the prisoners were captured until the sun went down.

Preliminary statistics show that there were more than 60,000 prisoners, more than 7,000 enemies were killed, and 2,000 to 3,000 escaped, making it difficult to trace them at night.

Liu Xiang wrapped himself in a cloak and ordered the troops to retreat.

It is almost the end of September. The weather has turned cooler and the temperature difference has become larger. During the day, I was sweating in the sun. At night, when the breeze blew, it was quite cold. There was only a crescent moon left in the sky, and the dark night provided the retreating defeated soldiers.

Without protection, continuing to pursue and kill will only increase casualties. Those people can't make a big splash, so there is no need to kill them all.

"Let's go back to camp first and come back to clean up the battlefield tomorrow."

When the army returned to the camp, the first thing they did was eat. Everyone was already hungry.

Liu Xiang tore into the salted fish and ate the rice porridge and ate the flatbread. Salted fish was very salty and was a specialty of Quanzhou and Haiyang. The development of offshore fishing and the expansion of saltworks led to the emergence of a large number of dried salted fish. There was no such thing as cold food in the Han Dynasty.

Transportation technology, marine fish, if you don’t dispose of it quickly, it will stink that day.

Therefore, many people in Youzhou have high-quality and low-priced dried fish, which can not only eat meat, but also replace salt. Small dried fish costing a few pounds per pound is very popular. Big fish is still more expensive. It just passed

People who have had a good life for two years are reluctant to spend that money.

People who have experienced hunger prefer to save money and food.

The army also purchased a lot of it as military food supplies. Compared with civilians, the size of salted fish is larger.

Dian Wei looked at this legendary Han Dynasty famous general and found it unbelievable that the rich men in other places had better food than this one. This man was a member of the Han clan, the general of the Han Dynasty in the north, and the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households.

A bowl of porridge, a steamed salted fish and a cake are no different from the soldiers outside.

Share the joys and sorrows with the army sergeants.

He is indeed a famous general.

Dian Wei was even more impressed, he had come right. Such a big shot knew his name, and even specifically found a high-ranking disciple from a nearby county to hire him. He was very honored, and decided to come and have a look that day. Now.

He also invited him to have a meal with him without showing any contempt or disdain. He was really a courteous and virtuous corporal.

This flatbread is really sweet and delicious, this salted fish becomes more and more chewy as you chew it, and this rice porridge is a delicious delicacy.

Liu Xiang apologized with a smile: "The war has just ended, and the army is shabby. Don't blame me, Mr. Dian. When you return to settle down, I will hold a special banquet to welcome you."

"General, you have killed a villain. He is a vulgar person, but he can eat with you. I am grateful in my heart. Dian is clumsy and can't say those nice things. General, I have a destiny, and I am willing to die to repay you."

He slapped his thigh regretfully: "Alas! A certain person's pace was delayed for a day and he didn't catch up with the battle. He couldn't fight for the general. What a pity."

Liu Xiang laughed and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. There are still many battles in the future. I am not afraid that I will not have the opportunity to make achievements. I want to appoint Dianjun as the Sima of the Zhongba Camp Army and be in charge of the guards for me. I wonder if Dianjun is willing to submit?"


Dian Wei knew that Jun Sima was a high-ranking official in the army and was in charge of personal guards. This was a sign of great trust. Over the years, many people wanted to hire him as a thug bodyguard, but no one had ever truly respected him. Liu

Zhenbei holds a high position, but he is different from others and has no contempt for him.

I am already twenty-six, and it’s time to think about my future. With such a clear mind, it’s a rare opportunity.

He cupped his fists and bowed, and said movedly: "A certain person came from a humble background and was often despised by others in the past, but the general has such trust and trust that he is willing to serve. I hope the lord will accept him."

Liu Xiang wanted to accept Dian Wei as his retainer. How could he refuse? He couldn't help but laugh out loud. He held up Dian Wei's arm with both hands and said with a happy smile: "Hahahaha, I have Dianjun, and I will be even more powerful in the future."

Safety, honor, disgrace, all rest in the hands of Lord Dian."

"I am willing to die in service to the lord."

Another gold medal bodyguard came to the side. Zhao Yun, Shi A, and Dian Wei were by his side, which made him feel very safe.

Liu Xiang didn't know who of the three of them was more powerful, but looking at Dian Wei's face, his arms thicker than his thighs, his height of more than eight feet, his shoulders about the same width as a eucalyptus, and his body like a wall of flesh, he just

This image is so shocking.

Not to mention trying to stop a child from crying, if we bumped into him in the middle of the night, we would scare eleven out of ten people.

Very good, this image is a natural candidate for bodyguards. Shi A is too ordinary, easy to be ignored, and it will be embarrassing to take him out; Zhao Zilong is a strong version of a handsome uncle, easy to steal the limelight; only Dian Wei, take him out,

Even if you have face, you will be made even more handsome.

This is the perfect bodyguard choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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