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Chapter 267: Hunger Forges the End of the Dynasty

Liu Xiang knew that the North China Plain was the main production area of ​​winter wheat in my country, but he did not have winter wheat seeds. The late Han Dynasty also caught up with the Little Ice Age, and Youzhou did not have the climate conditions for two seasons of planting.

He didn't know the details of seedling raising techniques. He only knew that rice seedlings must be raised in the Northeast. The seeds must be washed and soaked in salt water to germinate. Then his eyesight went black.

The temperature and sunshine conditions in the Northeast allow rice to be grown in a large area. Even if there are seeds, Youzhou is further south, with better temperatures and sunshine conditions, and a longer growing season in summer, so it should be possible.

If the climate hadn't gotten colder, he really wouldn't have thought about raising seedlings.

You have to struggle, right?

People are forced out.

The Little Ice Age, just four words, does not seem scary at all, but its impact was too great. From the Yellow Turban Uprising in 184 to the unification of the Western Jin Dynasty in 280, in less than a hundred years, it was the Little Ice Age

peak, monsoon changes, climate cooling, severe drought in the north and floods in the south, frequent natural disasters, and large-scale reductions in grain production.

The resulting wars, plagues, and famines spread throughout the country.

The theme of this period of history is hunger and death.

The Han Dynasty had a population of more than 50 million, but in just one hundred years, 40 million were lost.

This is the Little Ice Age.

Don't underestimate the small seedling-raising technology. The agricultural reform brought about by this is a confrontation between man and nature. The food in Youzhou is mainly wheat and millet, and there are few rice fields. Liu Xiang wants to change it. He wants to promote it.

Floods and droughts have less impact on rice.

History has proven that relying on wheat and millet cannot withstand the Little Ice Age.

There is an old saying that poverty leads to change, and change leads to prosperity. The climate conditions are just like that. They will not be changed by human will. People can only adapt to the environment.

If the mountain doesn't come, I'll go to the mountain.

The place chosen to raise seedlings is an adobe house, which is three steps wide and seven steps long, that is, ten meters long and five meters wide, with an indoor area of ​​fifty square meters. The stove is made of adobe and the fire wall is made of adobe. All conditions must be as close as possible.

Based on the actual situation in Youzhou.

Liu Xiang knows that it is feasible to grow rice in low-temperature areas through seedling raising and transplanting methods, so there is no need to re-verify the theory or laboratory demonstration. What they need to do now is to find a successful method under the existing conditions.

Find solutions that are practical and can be promoted on a large scale.

Not only must it be successful, it must also be simple and cheap.

In the 50-square-meter house, more than a dozen people are busy, demolishing walls, erecting columns, building furnaces, and building firewalls. Later, they will also put up double-layer wooden frames for raising seedlings, gradually turning the original residential house into a transparent one.


However, the lighting problem cannot be solved while ensuring the temperature.

In the Han Dynasty, there were no glass windows or window paper. The window was just a hole, covered with a baffle, like a small door made of wooden boards. In the south, there were mullion windows and lattice windows, which were just small bars. They are very different from modern windows.

, the lighting is very poor.

Liu Xiang is not worried about germination. Seeds do not need sunlight to germinate, but what happens after they germinate? They have to open the windows for light, will they freeze to death?

In which season should we start raising seedlings, when should we start transplanting seedlings, and how long will it take for them to grow before harvesting, all must be verified one by one.

This requires Fan Xian to lead people to test it bit by bit.

Apart from providing money and providing ideas, I seem to have no other use. Many craftsmen in Youzhou are already familiar with this style. Now, it is the turn of the farmers. You need to adapt as soon as possible.

After Liu Xiang has provided his ideas, don't ask him to do anything about it. There is nothing you can do if you are weak.

Before leaving, he turned around and looked at this inconspicuous adobe building, silently muttering in his heart, if there are gods, if my ancestors really have spirits, please bless me. There are thousands of lives here, please give me some help.

Save face and let it succeed.

If you don't bless me, then I will run on the road of atheism and never worship gods or ancestors again.

My influence is very great, please consider it.

It was a typical Chinese way of praying to God and worshiping Buddha, but other than that, he had no other way.

The large-scale reduction in grain production is a fatal blow to the farming people. Now they can feed the people of Youzhou by opening up wasteland for farming and eliminating the exploitation of wealthy families. But what about in the future? The land that can be cultivated is limited. When he governs

The population is increasing. What should we do when we leave the North China Plain?

In a normal year, two acres of land can feed a person, but when the temperature drops and production decreases, five acres of land or even more is needed.

Therefore, the wars in the late Han Dynasty were extremely frequent and violent. When most people died and the output of the land was enough to feed the remaining population, peace came.

Liu Xiang did not want such peace.

There are various reasons for the overthrow of the Han Dynasty, and various reasons for the decline of the Han nation, but in the final analysis, it is hunger.

Hunger drives people to rob and kill. Even if a wise king is in power, war is inevitable. But a wise king will lead his people to rob others, climb high to show off, cheer for us, and use our swords to fight for us.

The people took food.

That might be another piece of history.

It is a pity that Ling Emperor Liu Hong was an out-and-out faint emperor, and his predecessor Huan Emperor was also a faint emperor. The most pity is that even if natural disasters occur frequently, the emperor and the wealthy families will not starve. They cannot understand the sufferings of those hungry people.

They are unwilling to understand the suffering, so they will only call these people "treacherous people", and then try their best to kill these troublesome traitors.

Who doesn’t want to live a peaceful life? Who is willing to use a wooden stick to hit the city wall, attack the army, and wallow in the forest of swords and guns?

No one wants to go.

But I'm hungry, my hunger is unbearable, and I'm possessed by hungry ghosts, so let's die together.

This is the peasant uprising.

There is no lofty reason, nor any belief in this doctrine or idea.

Being hungry and wanting to eat is a biological instinct, and the desire to survive can overwhelm everything else.

When they get food, the fighting power of these hungry people will naturally be greatly reduced. When they find someone who can take them alive, they will naturally follow them. Whether they are heroes who save the world or the devil who causes trouble, it doesn't matter. Having a full stomach is the most important thing.



Can it be eaten?

Beliefs, thoughts, etiquette, these are all luxuries, please wait until you are full before talking about them. Talking about beliefs in vain without food is just a hooliganism.

Liu Xiang returned to the post office with messy thoughts. At least he didn't have to worry about the stomach problems of the people in Youzhou now. This made him very proud. Looking at the big men, he could despise the so-called wise men and good ministers in this regard.

I was lying on the soft couch in the study room. The stove had just been lit and the room temperature was a bit low. I didn't want to read or move. I just wanted to huddle up in my cotton robe to keep warm.

The little black cat came over after smelling the smell.

"You are a dog, right?" Liu Xiang scratched its chin and complained.

"Meow~ purr~"

It is indeed a dog.

Following the kitten was Miss Zhaoji. The silver fox fur collar made her face look more moisturized, and the brocade robe could not cover her beautiful figure.

"Husband, you have been tired for a long day, do you want to take a shower and change clothes?"

"I don't want to move." Liu Xiang leaned on the soft couch and played with the cat.

"My husband is worried about something? How about I play the piano and make you feel at ease?"

Liu Xiang patted the side: "No need, just talk to me. Don't hurt your hand when playing the piano in the winter."

The two of them didn't say a few words. As soon as Cai Yan sat down, Zhen Jiang appeared with a hand stove in her arms, wearing a pink waist-length undershirt, and peeking out.

She called "husband" sweetly, but her sly smile looked like she was deliberately trying to catch someone cheating.


This is why Liu Xiang wants a little personal space.

Getting married is so annoying!

This chapter has been completed!
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