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Chapter 274 Brain Supplement Caused by Mind-wandering

The problem of arranging a caravan for Nanlou to help run the ranch can be easily solved. Youzhou has a caravan that specializes in selling livestock. If you just transfer one, both parties will be happy.

Nowadays, military caravans are very busy. Selling livestock is no longer just a pure profit margin as before. It has begun to be divided into those who sell fresh meat, those who sell dried meat, those who sell cooked food, those who open wine houses, and those who sell skins.

Those who sell fur garments also buy grassland cattle, wear nose rings and train them into farm cattle before selling them.

The price of farm cattle is much more expensive than that of beef cattle.

The cattle raised by the Hu people for herding cannot plow the fields, unlike the cattle raised by the Han people. They learn to pull carts and plows by following the cows since they were young. When they grow up, they will naturally be able to do it.

A cow that has grown up grazing can only follow the herd to eat grass and grow meat. It cannot do anything else. You have to wear a nose ring, pull a cart and a plow, and teach it bit by bit. Among them, the smarter one

Only those with stable personalities can become farm cattle. Those with stubborn tempers and idiots who can't learn can only be killed and sold as meat.

Continuous involution has created smarter businessmen. Some people select cattle with strong physiques, beautiful coats, and gentle personalities, specially train them to pull carts, and then sell them to wealthy people from aristocratic families at very high prices. I heard that they are very profitable.


Bulls with a shoulder height of six to seven feet, pure black and shiny coat, and strong bones are the most popular, followed by pure white bulls.

This business has a strict policy of not opening for three years and staying open for three years.

Liu Xiang wondered whether if he continued to get involved, the bullfighting industry would be involved. Maybe one day he would have a bright idea and suddenly think that selling cattle can't sell to others. We can perform bullfighting and sell tickets, or we can make a profit.


It's very likely that the matadors will show up in advance.

Everything is possible.

Why did the livestock traders in Youzhou compete with cattle? Because Liu Xiang issued an order prohibiting the sale of horses.

Not only did he ban war horses, but also pack horses.

Don't underestimate pack horses. They can also be used to train cavalry. Many barbarians ride pack horses into the battlefield. War horses are excellent individuals with strong physical strength, explosive power, and are bold and aggressive. However, this does not mean that pack horses cannot participate in battles.

Therefore, horse trading is prohibited in Youzhou. Violators will have their property confiscated and serve five years of hard labor. If there are children in the family who join the army, they will be dismissed and their families will recover the benefits of military dependents. People who report private horse selling can get a layer of family property as a reward.

If you want to buy or sell horses, you can only go to a government-run racecourse, which is guaranteed by the local militia, and you will be arrested if anything happens.

There are fewer horse dealers in Youzhou, but there are many livestock dealers who sell cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and poultry. Among them, cattle dealers are the most profitable. After all, they are big animals and have many uses.

The relationship with the Wuhuan people has improved, and it has become easier to obtain large numbers of cattle and sheep. Since the locust plague the year before last, the Han people have raised a large number of poultry. People have stored grain in their homes, wheat flour has been promoted, oil extraction has increased, and wheat bran and bean cakes have increased.

More and more people are raising pigs and dogs.

The abundant supply of goods naturally gave rise to many traders selling livestock.

If the Nanlou Department joins this business system, the price of meat in Youzhou can be reduced. This is a good thing. Liu Xiang hopes that the people can afford meat.

When he first arrived in Dahan, meat was very expensive. The cheapest price was fifty or sixty yuan per catty. Most of the people at the bottom had never eaten meat a few times in their lives. Now the cheap pork and dog meat have dropped to twenty yuan.

, mutton costs 30 yuan, beef and poultry are still expensive, one requires plowing land and pulling a cart, and the other produces less meat.

The originally high-priced fish meat has now become cheaper due to the development of offshore fishing and pond fish farming. However, because it cannot be refrigerated and transported, the price difference of fresh fish is extremely high. It is super cheap on rivers and seasides, hundreds of miles away.

It has to be doubled, the further away it is, the more expensive it is, and the further away it is, the more expensive it is.

Liu Xiang couldn't solve this problem anyway, and he didn't bother to bother to solve it. The businessman could come up with a solution on his own. Take your time, you've only been full for a few days, it would be good to eat meat occasionally to improve your food, every day

The productivity of this era cannot satisfy the life of big fish and big meat.

When Nanlou mentioned the caravan, Liu Xiang was a little distracted. At first, it was just to win over the military, deal with the trade with the barbarians, and enrich the shops that were stolen from the houses. Now it has grown into the economic backbone of Youzhou, and the business of those military caravans

Dividends can support him to support tens of thousands of troops, and it also attracts people to join the army with great enthusiasm.

The militia groups in the township are also very enthusiastic about training. Many militia groups in the township have begun to train soldiers in battle formations and golden drum flags, just to have an advantage over others when selecting soldiers. Some people from well-off families have already registered and purchased at the government-run racecourse.

Horses, children have been practicing riding and shooting since they were young.

He is full of martial virtue.

Youzhou's war potential is getting stronger day by day. In a few years, any militia group pulled from the countryside will be more elite than other county soldiers. Will the enemy be desperate?

The enemy's counselors racked their brains to transfer the regular soldiers of the Anping Army, and happily sent troops to steal homes. They found that the people who farmed and herded in Youzhou were better at fighting than their regular army. Would they be crazy?

That would be fun.

The most important thing is actually military families, not only in terms of business, but also in terms of population. If a child in the family is injured or killed in battle, their first choice is to use other brothers to serve as substitutes. I heard that the number of people is small, so they are working hard.

When giving birth to a child, many families are already accepting adopted sons because their generals do not accept only sons to serve in the army, so they must prepare backup tires.

Songun thought began to take shape.

Liu Xiang knew that the military government system had many shortcomings, but when it came to conquering the world, the military government was the most efficient and had the highest combat power.

Prioritize the army and the war. As long as the intensity of the war is controlled and there are no large-scale casualties, the military government is really useful. Let's wait until the territory becomes larger before transforming. Now, let's strengthen ourselves first.

Liu Xiang deserted at the top, and Nanlou, who was sitting at the bottom, was at a loss.

He wondered in his mind, is it so difficult to arrange the caravan? Does the general have to think about it for so long, or does he think that his contribution is not enough?

But what else can be given? All the young men have gone out to fight, and most of the seizures have been handed over. There has been a disaster this year, and many horses, cattle and sheep have frozen to death, so there is really nothing more to give.

Nanlou was struggling with anxiety, racking his brains to think about what else could win the general's favor. He did not dare to have the slightest hint of rebellion. In the past three years, he had watched the Anping Army under the leadership of this general.

It has grown rapidly, and based on the Yuyangying armored assault cavalry that is the best in Youzhou, it has grown step by step to become an invincible existence in the north.

Although the man in front of him looks gentle and polite, he is a famous general who killed the Xianbei Chanyu and attacked the royal court. Even with all his courage, he cannot resist.

But the Wuhuan people were poor, what else could they give?

It is said that Wuyan used all his men to fight for the general and followed the Anping army to capture Liaoxi County.

That Xianbei man, Ke Bineng, also led his entire clan to march south with the general, fighting head-on against the Northern Army.

Perhaps, this time is the general's test for our troops. The task of mopping up the old and weak of the Eastern Xianbei tribe is too easy. We have to perform well against their main force.

Everyone has thought about the good days. If others can fight with all their lives, so can I.

This chapter has been completed!
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