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Chapter 276 Hu'er Returns from the Vast Sea

Suli finally gave up his plan to surrender. Mika's words made him feel very reasonable.

"He will leave no one alive. Surrender will mean death."

Yes, this is not the first time that the evil star has massacred the Xianbei people. Who can guarantee that they will not be killed if they surrender?

The desperate situation forced the two Dong Xianbei troops to finally put aside their suspicions, cover each other, and speed up their retreat. They traveled 160 miles in three days and arrived at the edge of the desert.

After passing through fifty miles of desert, and then breaking through the enemy's blockade, you can return to the grassland, where you can have room to escape.

They didn't even think about entering the desert to hide their whereabouts. There was a large group of enemy cavalry behind them. They couldn't hide at all, so there was no need to waste their efforts. They rested for a while by the river, filled up the water, and then marched directly to the Jielaishui River Basin to fight.

Break through the enemy's double team and return to the grassland.

They have no choice.

Liu Xiang led 50,000 cavalry and waited for two days in the Jialai River Basin. The scouts he sent out had already found the enemy's whereabouts. As the distance increased, his communication with Yan Rou became smoother and smoother, and he was able to wait for the enemy to pass through.

Cross the desert and come to the front of the battle array.

On February 23, five miles southeast of Jielaishui, 80,000 cavalrymen from two sides faced off at the edge of the desert. The battlefield spread for more than ten miles. He had to climb a sand dune to see the entire battlefield.

This was the first time Liu Xiang experienced such a large-scale cavalry battle, although most of them were herdsmen.

The black herds of horses stretch to the horizon, the semi-fixed sand dunes have sporadic green spots, and the fallen poplar trees are like ferocious and twisted monster pythons, telling the cruelty of God.

God is cruel. It has created a gladiatorial arena in which everything must fight. Human beings, as the best, are especially good at killing.

Nanlou, who was facing the enemy head-on, took the lead in attacking. The knights moved forward, testing the enemy's status with arrows and trying to disrupt the enemy's position.

The Xianbei people also sent out cavalry to respond.

It is rare for cavalry to form a hedging formation at the beginning of a battle. It is a decisive action after the fighter plane is discovered. At the beginning, light cavalry harasses, disrupts the enemy's deployment, consumes the strength of the enemy's soldiers, and forces the enemy to reveal its weaknesses.

Most of the rangers are herdsmen without horses. They ride packhorses and use bows and arrows as a means of killing enemies. They are unable to independently complete the task of assaulting the enemy's formation. To put it bluntly, they are just cannon fodder.

On the vast sandy ground, groups of cavalry came and went, flying arrows at each other. Some people were hit by arrows and fell off their horses. The cavalry on both sides had no armor to protect themselves, and the bows and arrows could kill them.

The effect was great. The Nanlou tribe had a numerical advantage, while the Xianbei people were more brutal and aggressive. The two sides fought endlessly, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a moment.

"Order Xiutu's troops to launch an attack from the eastern front to involve the Xianbei people." Liu Xiang ordered in a deep voice.

Taking advantage of Nanlou's entanglement with the enemy, Jin Shangcheng detoured back to the eastern front, and seven thousand cavalry launched an offensive against the Xianbei flank.

Some of the Mijia troops on the east side resisted, and the force of this formation began to become thin, but it could still cope with it.

There are still more than 10,000 assault cavalry in the Nanlou department, waiting for the enemy to reveal their flaws.

The two armies have dispatched more than 30,000 cavalry, but they still cannot mobilize the entire strength of the Xianbei people.

The number of people can only lead to a draw.

Liu Xiang was a little disappointed and continued to order: "Order Yan Rou to press forward, look for fighter opportunities, and break through the enemy's formation."

Yan Rou's 8,000 cavalry, including more than 1,000 armored cavalry and 3,000 leather armored cavalry, were all veterans who had been in the army for two or three years and had extraordinary combat prowess.

Micah personally led the troops to the rear line for defense, and Suli also sent 3,000 troops to support the southern battlefield.

The Xianbei people's main formation only has about four to five thousand people.

Cui Yi was a little anxious: "My lord, Cui is asking for a fight. The knight can penetrate the enemy's formation with one charge."

"Don't be anxious, the enemy is not tired yet."

"There's no hurry, my lord. If we don't go up, they'll be finished! Didn't we agree to test the combat power of the armored cavalry equipment on the battlefield? If we don't go up, the enemy will be gone. We can't use the armored cavalry to clean up the mess, right?


"Don't worry, wait. Don't worry about checking the armor and cavalry equipment. There will be more success in future battles. Just wait." Liu Xiang couldn't say that he wanted to consume the enemy's strength, but also wanted to consume the Nanlou Department and the Xiutu Department.

They are young and strong, so it will be easier to Chineseize them in the future.

Some things can be done but not said.

He has been changed a lot by the Han Dynasty, becoming mature and sophisticated, or it can be called sinister and cunning.

The fighting continues and the bloodshed continues, but it is still not time for the main force to fight decisively.

People kept being shot by arrows and felled from their horses, people kept slashing at each other with knives, wounded soldiers were wailing, and ownerless horses were running around. They were frightened, but their owners could no longer comfort them.

On the battlefield, the yellow sand is rolling, arrows are flying, blood and flesh are dripping, and corpses are lying everywhere.

Liu Xiang is waiting patiently.

This wait lasted an hour.

Xianbei was in decline.

"Order the Nanlou Department to launch a general attack, clear out the surrounding enemy troops, and encircle Xianbei's main formation." After saying that, he turned to look at Cui Yi: "Xiao Qi camped in armor and prepared to charge into the formation."

"Got the order!"

Cui Yi jumped three feet high, strode down the sand dune, and shouted at the soldiers of the Knight Cavalry Battalion: "Put on your armor and prepare to fight."

More than 400 people in armor and riding gear, and more than 700 people in armored assault cavalry, helped each other and began to put on cavalry armor and horse armor. They had not gone into battle for a long time, and everyone was itching.

Nanlou received the order for a decisive battle, and more than ten thousand cavalry rushed into the battlefield. The Xianbei cavalry suffered a fatal blow. They fought for more than an hour and were extremely exhausted. They were defeated as soon as they met. The Wuhuan cavalry gathered their own cavalry along the way.

The troops are getting bigger and bigger.

Su Li can't just watch. If the enemy is allowed to clean up his rangers, the morale of the enemy's soldiers will be high, and the morale of our soldiers will be depressed. If we eliminate the enemy's strength, it will be difficult to resist when the enemy's troops gather together.


He had no choice but to lead his army of more than 4,000 cavalry to charge towards Wuhuan's flank. Nanlou had been prepared for this move for a long time. When the Xianbei people moved, he also led his men to turn around, and the two main cavalry faced each other head-on. It was a matter of life and death.

Victory or defeat, this is the battle.

Xianbei's main formation was mobilized, and Mika's back on the southern front was exposed.

"The brave cavalry goes out to the formation, the more cavalry follows up, destroys the enemy's formation, and defeats Xianbei." Liu Xiang issued the order for a general attack to end this battle.

The 4,200 cavalrymen of the Anping Army, led by Cui Yi and led by armored cavalry, rushed through the chaotic battlefield, broke through the gap exposed by the Xianbei main formation, and directly crashed into the rear formation of Mika's command.

The 400-armor riding equipment, both men and horses in armor, was as unstoppable as a giant steel beast. Arrows were bounced away, sabers could not penetrate, spears were thrown away, horses were knocked over, soldiers were trampled, and they were pushed all the way without any hesitation.

To avoid it, a straight line was drawn in the Xianbei people's formation.

Break the formation in, break the formation and come out.

The cavalry followed up, slashing and killing all the way, and the armored cavalry outfit defeated Mika's troops with a single charge.

The Xianbei people were in despair. The enemy could not be defeated at all, so how could they fight?

As soon as the cavalry of the Anping Army broke out of the Xianbei people's formation, eight thousand cavalry led by Yan Rou arrived. His original plan was to follow the gap created by the Xiaoqi and rush into Mijia's formation and completely defeat the Xianbei people, but he didn't.

Thinking that the armor and cavalry equipment are so fierce, they can defeat the enemy in one charge.

But he didn't have time to think about it in the battle formation. After rushing into the enemy's retreat, he showed no interest in fighting and fought his way straight to the Suli tribe, where the Xianbei cavalry and the Wuhuan cavalry were still fighting fiercely.

Yan Rou adjusted her speed, and the Liaodong cavalry took the opportunity to form a team. When Su Li led the team and just broke out of the cavalry formation at the Nanlou headquarters and slowed down to adjust, they launched a charge from behind.

The attack from behind left the Suli tribe defenseless, and eight thousand cavalry penetrated the Xianbei formation from end to end.

Su Li was so filled with hatred that his eyes were red, but before he could curse angrily, Yan Rou hit him in the face with an arrow. Su Li turned over and fell off his horse, losing all breath. The rest of his body collapsed and fled in all directions.

Unfortunately, the Nanlou tribe had already turned around and surrounded them, and only a few escaped.

Yan Rou ignored the defeated troops and turned back to look at the southern battlefield, which had been leveled by Cui Yi. When he arrived, the blood seeping into the yellow sand was almost dry.

The two main forces of Dong Xianbei were destroyed, and the rangers lost their will to fight and fled in all directions.

All Anping army units chased him for more than 20 miles.

This battle is won!

The entire eastern Xianbei army was wiped out.

Cleaning the battlefield, gathering prisoners, and tallying the results of the battle, Liu Xiang put these things aside for the time being. He stood on the sand dune and looked east in the direction of Fuyu, and ordered someone to send a message to Yuan Huan:

"Dong Xianbei has been destroyed, return to Xuantu County immediately."

This chapter has been completed!
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