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Chapter two hundred and eighty second adult tiger transformation

The west bank of the river is covered with mountains and ravines, and 30,000 troops were hiding on the spot. When Liu Xiang returned, it was already early in the morning.

He was in a heavy heart during this journey and did not want to say a word. The wisest choice was, of course, to turn around and return while the supplies were still sufficient and the morale had not dropped. After the main force that had attacked Goguryeo was destroyed, he could lead his troops eastward and attack one place after another.


But I'm not willing to give in.

With nearly 30,000 cavalrymen galloping for more than 600 miles, could they be here to survey the terrain?

If he went back in despair, the "famous general" persona he had worked so hard to cultivate might collapse.

When he returned to Xuantu, he would have to fight to the death with the 40,000 troops stationed in the camp. The Goguryeo people were not soft-footed shrimps, and the damage was inevitable. The veterans of the Anping Army had worked hard to bring them out over the years, and he was reluctant to part with them.

It was almost dawn, time was running out, and he had to make a decision as soon as possible. He leaned against the mountain wall and sat next to Chi Tu, sighing dejectedly.

"Huh~huh" Chi Tu nudged Liu Xiang with his head, as if to comfort him.

This kind of thing is usually what Bai Xi likes to do, but this time he went into the army without him, because Bai Xi was pregnant with a foal.

"Thank you for your hard work. I haven't rested all day. I ran back and forth for more than a hundred miles." After stroking Chitu's cheek, Liu Xiang said to him: "There will be a solution."

"I will find a way!" He emphasized again with an emphasis.

"There is no city that cannot be conquered." He was encouraging himself.

A forceful attack would definitely not work. There were no siege equipment, insufficient supplies, and the Wuhuan cavalry was not good at siege warfare.

How can we win the fortified city and dangerous pass in a short period of time?

There is a saying in "Book of Changes": When a great man changes like a tiger, his culture is excellent; when a gentleman changes like a leopard, his culture is great. You must change with the times and make decisions quickly.

If the city is difficult to conquer, then attack people's hearts. If supplies cannot keep up, then eat from the enemy.

He decided to deceive the defender of the inner city first.

As soon as he opened his mind, all kinds of strange and wonderful thoughts suddenly came to his mind. By the time he sorted it out carefully, the sky was filled with morning glow, and the rising sun jumped out of the horizon, like a large soft-boiled egg yolk.


After the troops had eaten the morning meal, they reorganized on the river bank. The knights of the Anping Army naturally formed a neat formation, and the Nanlou Department did not need to count on them. They were dragged out for five miles in a mess.

"Lord, the morale of the army is high, and the soldiers are eager to fight. I am willing to lead people to gallop and attack the city gate while the enemy is entering and exiting the city." This was the method Cui Yi came up with.

Yan Gang objected: "A certain person is the commander of the Yue Cavalry, so the Qing Cavalry's sudden advance will naturally be led by Yan."

Liu Xiang rejected this tactic: "There is no need to argue. The river is in front of the city. Light cavalry cannot increase the speed of charging into the city. It will only increase casualties. Besides, it is impossible to determine whether the enemy is prepared. It is not wise to rush into the city.


"Please let me know how to attack the city."

"The army is setting off, just march as normal."

Although we have come from a long distance, who says we have to fight fast? Rushing and fighting is just the inertia of our thinking.

When the troops began to march, he called Liu Yi and asked, "Have you seen the King of Sichuan, my home country?"

"Reporting to the general, I have been captured as a slave in the past two years and have not seen any big shots."

"Can the people at the bottom see their king?"

Liu Yi shook his head: "Very few people can see the five tribes of Goguryeo. There are many slaves and few civilians. Not only does the king not often show up, but the Dajia of the other four tribes also rarely appear in front of the people."

"I will give you some men, and you take them to find the head that you think should be the head of the King of Sichuan, the homeland." Since he has never seen it, it is easy for him to make a fuss. This situation is a hotbed for spreading rumors.

The people in the Goguryeo palace couldn't be deceived, and maybe the officials couldn't be deceived either, but he could deceive the common people and soldiers at the bottom.

When a lie is repeated a thousand times, it and the truth become twins.

Coupled with the oppression of the enemy, how many people can stay sane?

Together with chaos, there is an opportunity to seize the city.

Liu Yi led a group of guards to go ahead, and then the army set off. At the beginning of the day, after walking for more than an hour, they arrived outside the inner city, which was closed and on guard.

The north bank of the Henggou River is undefended, and all the defenders are huddled in the city. This is good news. The enemy either has few soldiers, or the general does not know the military strategy. Although the river is not wide, the flood season has not yet arrived, and the river surface is only 20 meters.

It is many meters long, but its strategic value is extremely high.

The Tonggou River comes from the mountainous area in the west and is connected with the Mazishui River, forming an angle of more than 90 degrees. It can not only protect the city but also the residents of the small plain to the north. It is equivalent to a natural


The defensive value here is higher than that of the city wall.

After the scouts completed their investigation and found that there was no ambush on the other side, the army crossed the river and reached the city.

Liu Yi has retrieved the head and selected the head of a fair-faced middle-aged man, who should be a pampered Goguryeo aristocrat. In these days, there is a big gap between the faces of common people and nobles. The people at the bottom are undernourished, generally skinny, and exposed to the wind and sun.

Sunburned, the skin is dark and rough, with wrinkles like deep ravines and canyons, and has been damaged by the years. However, the noble person has white and strong skin, and the difference can be seen at a glance.

Liu Xiang ordered the guards: "Spread some soil and salt, suck up the blood, and make it look like he has been dead for several days. Then he spreads his hair, picks it up with a long pole, says that the hometown of Sichuan is dead, and goes to the city to persuade him to surrender.


Pickling heads is not difficult for army sergeants, who often take their heads to report their merits, and they are all done in a short time. The skin is bruised, white, and a little gray, completely changed.

A group of soldiers with loud voices raised their heads and shouted loudly outside the city: "My country is dead and the Goguryeo army has been destroyed. Surrender quickly to avoid the death penalty."

"The Homeland River is dead."

"Surrender quickly."

Prince Bogu felt weak in his hands and feet as he stood on the city tower. He could not clearly see the head with disheveled hair hanging on a long pole, but the black cavalry spread to the horizon, making him panic.

Goguryeo also produces horses, but when he grew up to this size, it was the first time he saw so many cavalry.

The chief secretary also looked pale, and the Han army came to the city in a hurry. The five Goguryeo armies were probably in trouble. Could it be that the king and the four great troops had already been killed?

What should I do?

There were quite a few defenders on the city, probably two to three thousand, most of them holding wooden weapons and shields. Although everyone was frightened, they looked like this when they didn't take out their heads. Liu Xiang also

It was unclear whether they were afraid of the approaching army or the death of the king.

The small town of four miles is surrounded by mountains in the north, water in the south, and mountains and rivers in the west. Only the east side can deploy a large army. Two to three thousand defenders are enough to defend the city. If you attack hard, you will only get bruises. It is really difficult to achieve victory.

, but will make the enemy more determined to defend the city.

"Order someone to send a message and give them one day to consider surrender." Liu Xiang ordered and led his troops to retreat.

The place to camp could not be found in the south or north, so he simply ordered his people to set up camp on the river, and set up company camps on both sides of the Henggou River, three miles southeast of the city, connected by a pontoon bridge. In order to guard against enemy water attacks, he ordered his people to keep records of Henggou at all times.

According to the water level, additional scouts were sent upstream to investigate in case someone built a dam to store water.

In order to stabilize the stronghold, 8,000 people from the Rebellion Tower went into the mountains to cut trees.

After solving the problem of the camp, the next step is to supply supplies.

"Nanlou, take 15,000 men and horses to search for prisoners on the spot, collect supplies along the Mazi River Basin, kill as few people as possible, and bring them back to me. I will be of great use."

Liu Xiang would never expect a forged head to trick the enemy into surrendering. It was just an appetizer, and he had a full meal to serve.

This chapter has been completed!
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