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Chapter 284 Killing always has a reason

Goguryeo is a multi-ethnic country, mainly composed of Fuyu people, Yi people, Qi people, and Woju people. It is divided into five major tribes. The Han people call them: Juanu tribe, Juenu tribe, Shunnu tribe, Guannu tribe, and Guilou tribe.


They called themselves the Duowu tribe, the Feiliu tribe, the Rongna tribe, the Guana tribe and the Huanna tribe.

The Guilou tribe or Feiliu tribe is the royal family, and the leaders of the other four tribes are called Dajia.

The five tribes are all noble tribes, and each has its own small tribe. It is now in the stage of transition from slavery to feudalism.

Liu Xiang, whether slaves or nobles, rushed into the domestic city. Nanlou led his troops to arrest people and grab food in the surrounding Mazi River Basin. In seven days, more than 60,000 people were sent in. The small city with a circumference of four miles was only four miles in area.

One-tenth of a square kilometer, counting the original residents, there would be 80,000 or 90,000 if not 100,000.

The living space is small, conflicts are increasing day by day, and chaos is bound to break out.

What he was waiting for was chaos in the city.

Doesn’t Bo Gu know?

He knows, but he needs popularity.

He wants these popularity to push him to the throne.

In name, the Prince of the Supervisory State is the one who controls the country, but after all, he is not a king. There are many things he cannot say and many things he cannot do. For example, he cannot surrender and cannot say anything, otherwise others will use this as an excuse to depose him.

Step on his head and ascend to the throne.

Therefore, he must first become a king, and then he must fight or surrender before he can be independent.

His plan went very smoothly, and he was popular among the people. Not many people dared to oppose him. Either he found an opportunity to dismiss him from office, or the mob rushed into the house and killed him.

Preparations are already underway for the enthronement ceremony.

The leading figures inside and outside the city felt that their plan went smoothly, so no major battles occurred. Only when the scouts encountered each other head-on did a few conflicts break out.

The only thing that worries Liu Xiang is that Yunfanying will not be able to come in a short time.

They were found a few days ago. They were more than 80 miles downstream from Liangkou. Yan Zhi reported that the Yunfan Camp was attacked by water ghosts on the second night after setting off. The soldiers were frightened and sailed carelessly at night. The fleets were linked to each other.

The collision caused more than a dozen large ships to capsize, causing the river to be blocked and unable to navigate. We are trying to find ways to clear it.

Unfortunately, after more than ten days of dredging, there was no progress at all. It is estimated that navigation will not be possible again until the summer flood season. It is 140 miles away from the camp. If there is a lack of supplies, food can be brought over by land.

There is no need to worry now. Nanlou searched very thoroughly. He dragged everything he could eat into the camp and brought back all the wild vegetables. Within a hundred miles, he collected enough supplies from the Goguryeo people to last the army for two months.


This is not easy, and he must be credited with it.

The subsequent handling of Yunfan Camp was disappointing. The leading military commanders were extremely stupid. Even if the fleet could not arrive, they did not know to send liaison personnel to take the initiative to report at the meeting point.

You need to send someone to find it yourself. Are these guys transporting freight stupid?

Without the leadership of a general, it is impossible to complete combat missions independently.

This won't work.

This is not the navy he needs.

"I sent an order to Tai Shi Ci to transfer him to the position of Captain of Yunfanying and set off immediately. After taking office, all the military commanders of Yunfanying were dismissed from their posts and investigated. If there was any resistance, they would be beheaded. The soldiers in Daijun and Shanggu were controlled by Xu Rong.


Liu Xiang thought for a long time. There are no navy talents in Youzhou, and few are familiar with water. The only one is Tai Shici, who was born in Donglai County, Qingzhou. His family is close to the sea, so let him give it a try.

The navy has been established for three years, with more than 10,000 soldiers, 500 large ships, two shipyards, and three water forts. As a result, the generals have not been trained, the soldiers are stretched thin, and the shipyards cannot build warships. The largest ship is 300

The oak wood he had ordered to be cut down in the past few years for the cargo ship was almost dry in the sun, but it was a pity that it was no longer needed.

What a fucking failure.

Is it so difficult to build the Shui Army in Youzhou?

Liu Xiang frowned and worried in the tent. The Jing and Yang naval forces were famous all over the world. If they wanted to invade the south of the Yangtze River, the navy must have fighting strength. He did not want to be burned back to the north like Boss Cao.

He was worried, but Cui Yi came over excitedly: "Lord, look, I found something good."

He held a wooden knife in his hand and handed it to Liu Xiang as if he were offering a treasure. The knife was more than four feet long, light yellow, with a thick back and a thin blade. It was polished smooth and the wood grain was clearly visible. The texture was a bit like bamboo. It was slightly heavy to hold and not as thick as wood.

It feels light and airy, but much lighter than an iron knife.

"What's the meaning?"

Liu Xiang was confused. Why would he get a wooden sword for himself? The Anping Army's Huanshou Sword had already become a steel-clad war sword that could be compared to thirty tempers. What's the use of a wooden sword?

"It can be cut with a steel knife without being damaged. This kind of wood is precious."

As soon as Cui Yi reminded him, Liu Xiang knew the value of this kind of wood, and then remembered what kind of wood it was, Northeastern, steel-like hardwood. Apart from iron birch, there was no other option.

"Where did it come from?"

"The Goguryeo people had a lot of weapons. Our people suffered a loss because they thought they were wooden weapons. They were careless and three of them died. The people who came back grabbed a wooden sword. When someone saw them reminding Paoze, he brought it

Show it to my lord. This is a good thing. I wonder where the Goguryeo people found it."

Liu Xiang nodded. Iron birch grows in Northeast my country, Siberia in Maozi, Hokkaido in Japan, and North Korea in Bangzi.

It is indeed a good thing. It has high hardness and is difficult to penetrate for swords and bullets. It is lighter than steel, is not afraid of water immersion, and is more fire-resistant than ordinary wood. Even in modern times, there are still many fields where iron birch is used to replace steel. It is mainly used for aerospace accessories.

Electrical appliances, high-end cars, cruise accessories.

"It's a good material for building ships." "It's a good material for making armor."

The two spoke out at the same time, expressing their views on the usefulness of iron birch.

Making armor? Liu Xiang reacted. He had just been thinking about the navy army, and his mind hadn't turned around yet. Armor pieces made of iron birch wood are hard, tough and light in weight. This kind of wood is not afraid of being soaked in water and burned by fire.

, it is indeed a good material for making armor.

"Yes, it is indeed suitable for making armor tablets."

Cui Yi asked doubtfully: "Building a ship? This kind of wood is so heavy, will the ship sink to the bottom?"

Liu Xiang was thinking about other things in his mind and said casually: "I can also use steel to build ships."

Cui Yi didn't understand the principle of buoyancy and couldn't understand the matter of building a ship with steel. He felt that it would definitely sink to the bottom. He also remembered the incident when his lord was struck by lightning while refining the plague-repelling pill: "What kind of magic weapon does your lord want to create? Don't do it again."

I've been punished by God, so let's forget about it."

Liu Xiang didn't notice his words, thinking about the Goguryeo people, and said quietly: "Those Goguryeo people can't stay. If they find the place where the iron birch grows, they must get rid of it. This kind of material must not be given to others."


Among the four to five million people and tens of thousands of troops, there are not a few who know about iron birch. Liu Xiang only saw iron birch war equipment in Goguryeo, which shows that other foreigners do not know how to use it.

Iron birch grows in Northeast China, Maozi, and Japan. If all barbarian people know the use of this wood, then the Han's advantage in iron smelting will no longer exist, and the foreigners in the north will inevitably become bigger.

Cui Yi can think of making armor, and the Goguryeo people can use it to make weapons. Others can naturally think of ways to use it, such as shields, arrows, wheels, city gates, etc., and they will continue to be developed. There are many smart people.

The decision to massacre hundreds of thousands of people made Liu Xiang panic.

He felt a little out of breath.

This chapter has been completed!
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