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Chapter 287 I Have No Noble Ideals

Liu Xiang judged that there would be no more trouble in Liaodong. Nearly 50,000 troops were sweeping through Goguryeo. Lelang's army retreated to the border and shivered. The Wuyan tribe was already grazing on the Horqin grassland. The remaining Xianbei people would be wiped out sooner or later.

The people who were most afraid were actually the people of Fuyu. Wei Qoutai didn't even dare to breathe in front of him. The King of Fuyu watched helplessly as the Anping Army executed the Goguryeo royal family, nobles and 40,000 troops, and the three captured in the Xiaoliao River Basin.

Tens of thousands of people were also killed, and they also heard about the decision to massacre their country.

It was too cruel. With just a few words, the two countries were slaughtered in less than three months.

He had a clear understanding of the ruthlessness of General Zhenbei, and was even more afraid of the combat power of the Anping Army. Those two countries were both stronger than Buyeo and were destroyed in an instant.

He didn't dare to do anything other than stay down and be a kid. There was no other choice but to obey him.

Looking at this well-behaved old man in his seventies, Liu Xiang was very satisfied. He hoped that the old man would live a few more years and be able to choose a successor he was satisfied with to save himself trouble in the future.

When it was time to return, Zhen Yi sent another letter to urge him. The letter also said that Xiao Huangmen, who was delivering the order, was extremely impatient and made a big fuss in the government office. He could no longer stop it.

How arrogant!

It is now April of the fifth year of Zhongping. Emperor Ling will not live much longer. He fell ill in the winter. Yuan Pang sent a letter saying that His Majesty's body has collapsed. For this reason, the imperial meeting has been interrupted many times, fearing that he will not be far away.

There must be some credit for Xianbei Yanti's contribution to it. As expected, he couldn't bear to give it to this old pervert like Emperor Ling.

He dares to look for trouble on his own territory at this time. This damn eunuch wants to live up to his reputation.

Liu Xiang led more than 4,000 Chinese cavalry towards Haiyang and seized more than 10,000 iron birch weapons and shields. He wanted to send them to the Hainan Arsenal first and let the armor workshop try to make iron wood armor to see the effect before taking the next step.

He decided that there was no rush to cut down the wood now. He could not let people realize that he was massacring the Goguryeo people because of the iron birch trees.

Iron birch is very useful, but it is not urgent. If it cannot be kept secret, he would rather not use it. The Han people have the advantage of smelting iron, and what he is most wary of is that the barbarians use iron birch to close the gap.

When felled, it must be mixed with other wood to confuse the public. He plans to use shipbuilding to cover up other uses. If the ironwood armor is really completed, he will also ask for more layers of paint to be painted on the armor so that no one can see it.

Come out, anyway, this thing can emit sparks when you cut it with a knife, covering up the color and texture. Who would have thought it was wood.

As for making weapons, forget it. There is no shortage of weapons in Youzhou. The soldiers have already popularized steel-clad weapons. The Black Mountain Army is also on the way. The militia have begun to collect the iron weapons for recycling. The trade-in business is very popular with the militia.

In a few years, steel knives and steel spears and halberds will become popular. As long as the steel can keep up with those things, weapon workshops everywhere can produce hundreds of them a day, and arrow clusters can shoot tens of thousands.

Youzhou has stocked tens of millions of crossbow arrows, and is replacing steel arrow clusters batch by batch. Every time the Anping Army fights, they shoot out for free, especially the Yueqi Battalion. Every time they engage in battle,

, an average person can shoot fifty or sixty arrows.

During the more than three months of war in Liaodong, millions of arrows were shot. Fortunately, they could be recovered, otherwise it would have been heartbreaking.

War is fought for money and food.

So Liu Xiang was observing the farmland along the road as he hurried on.

It makes me happy to look at the lush green color.

In late April, spring plowing in Youzhou has been completed. This year it is half a month later than in previous years. Liu Xiang is very worried about the large-scale reduction in grain production during the autumn harvest. He orders all counties to inform the people to save grain and reduce the production of wine and vinegar. More

He ordered each caravan to reduce the scale of wine sales.

The grain business of the Zhen family is going very smoothly. They have no shortage of business manpower. Most of the grain stores in various places have been opened, which is considered to be on the right track. The grain harvest is also going smoothly. There is a lot of grain stored among the people in Youzhou.

However, the quota for selling grain was stuck. Liu Xiang directly ordered to reduce the amount of grain sold to wine merchants. Facing overseas caravans, they were only allowed to smuggle in but not sell. Youzhou must increase hoarding. If there is insufficient funds,

He can buy back the grain at the price he received.

After the spring plowing was over and the labor force was liberated, he ordered the six counties of Zhuoxian, Jixian, Luxian, Tuyin, Changli and Xiangping to hire manpower on the spot and build Changping warehouse.

Changpingcang has set up a special administrative office under the jurisdiction of Diannong. It mainly deals with the private sector. It needs to buy at a higher price when the price of food is low and sell at a low price when the price of food is high to stabilize the food supply among the people.

Prices, and hoarding in good years and opening positions in bad years to prepare for disasters and provide famine relief.

He also ordered the establishment of four armament warehouses in Beixincheng in Zhuo County, Juyang County in Shanggu County, Goguryeo County in Xuantu County, and Xi'anping County in Liaodong County to specifically reserve military supplies, under the direct jurisdiction of the General's Office.

The northern new city is the largest, responsible for supporting the war south to Jizhou and west to Bingzhou. Juyang is the second largest, responsible for supporting the northwest war, and Goguryeo and Xi'an are the third largest, responsible for storing surplus grain for military garrison.

The establishment of these two types of granaries is to prevent county officials from taking advantage of the reduction in grain supply to merchants to use the county granaries to line their own pockets. Simply reduce the amount of grain in each county's treasury, giving them less room to take action, and supervise ten

Granary and supervising the granary in more than 80 counties, he chose a simpler approach.

He has always believed in the truth that the fewer loopholes, the stricter the supervision, the heavier the punishment, the more honest officials will be. On the contrary, everyone will be corrupt together, and honest officials will have no place to stand, and they will become cherished animals.

It's better to take precautions. It's impossible for all officials to be as honest as water. This is human nature. What can be done?

Even Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't stop it from peeling off the last grass, and New China, which has faith, is no exception. There is no solution to this problem at all.

There will always be more and more officials doing things, supervising, checking and balancing, the old class of vested interests will be overthrown, and new interest classes will be born, over and over, endlessly. Class contradictions will never disappear, he can only

To alleviate, to guide, and strive to leave a bite of food for the people at the bottom to survive.

He is not noble at all. He never believes in this doctrine or that idea. He just wants to survive himself and at the same time, let the people under his rule live a decent life.

That's all.

The large group of cavalry moved forward in a hurry, the flags were ringing, the armor reflected the sun, the horses' hooves beat on the ground, like thunder and drums, the soldiers looked up and up, each one was majestic, and the army's voice was so majestic that no one could intimidate its front.

However, the people along the way showed no fear, pointing and talking, and ignorant children dared to imitate and cheered.

How audacious!

very good!

Liu Xiang was very satisfied.

If the Anping Army acts like a street-cleaning tiger and causes the people to rush to avoid it, then something is seriously wrong.

Seeing him smiling happily, Yuan Huan, who followed him back, had thoughts in his heart. The soldiers and civilians of Youzhou are really unique among the Han people. How can any common people not be afraid of the army? This is this man, with his reputation in the army and among the people.

It creates such a unique scenery.

He is truly a contradictory character. His compassion for the common people is not adulterated in the slightest. He will show mercy to Han people and Hu people, but he can also slaughter hundreds of thousands of people without changing his expression, killing both Hu people and Han people.

This temperament is really elusive.

This chapter has been completed!
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