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Chapter 307 Occupying the Central Plains Barrier

Thirteen families of local nobles, more than twenty families of officials from various counties, more than 1,600 family members and loyal servants, drove more than 800 carts to Huguan.

This was a huge sum of money, and Liu Xiang's eyes flashed with gold, and his heart ached with pain at the thought of letting him go.

But he did not break his promise. He only asked the scholars of each family to bring their troops and come to pick up people one by one, leaving behind private soldiers to take away their families.

As for the officials, Liu Yu led 20,000 young men in exchange.

The large-scale "population trade" lasted for a day, and Liu Xiang received 30,000 young men. Liu Yu led more than 8,000 people to retreat north. They wanted to detour to the northern end of Taiyue Mountain and go south to Hedong from Jiexiu County in Taiyuan County.

Although they lost the battle, the reputation of the coach Liu Yu increased instead of falling. All the scholars and officials praised his benevolence and righteousness. These people all knew that if they fell into the hands of the Black Mountain bandits, they would not be able to recover and they could escape with their families and property.

I'm so lucky, I don't dare to force anything else.

After these people left, there were still more than 10,000 sick people left in the Bingzhou Army Camp.

In less than a month, more than 30,000 people died and fled. If this kind of thing was done to Liu Xiang, he would go crazy.

The people who fled don't know where they went. Those who returned to their hometowns were fine, but those who fell into trouble and turned into bandits were in trouble again.

"Send an order to all counties that young people who have escaped back home will not be held accountable. After the temperature drops, they will go into the mountains to suppress the bandits." Apart from this, there is no other good solution. Back then, Youzhou also occupied the territory first and then eliminated the bandits.

He left 3,000 combatable soldiers and handed over the city, prisoners, and patients to Zhao Yun. Liu Xiang led 5,000 soldiers to prepare gifts for Liu Yu and others to leave the country, and took advantage of the situation to occupy the northern counties.

The nobles from Lu County and Yuwu County, which are close to Huguan, have already joined the army. People from Xiangyuan, Tongdan, Gudi, and Nie counties further north have also successfully joined the brigade. There are also a large number of people from Taiyuan County who have defected to Liu Yu.

Don’t reject anyone who comes, we will all go together.

There were more than 10,000 soldiers and civilians in Bingzhou and two to three thousand carts. The team was bloated and meandered for four to five miles. They could only march slowly in the morning and at night. The Anping army followed suit with a distance of five miles.

The two groups of troops marched one behind the other for more than ten days without incident.

The problem lies at the northern foot of Yangtou Mountain in the remnant range of Taiyue Mountain, which is still thirty miles away from Jiexiu County.

Xu Rong led 10,000 infantry to block the front.

Liu Yu originally wanted to turn south in Jiexiu County, pass through Jieshan, and rest in Yong'an County, Hedong County. However, he was blocked in front of him, pursued by soldiers behind him, and had many family members, making it impossible to advance or retreat.

Everyone was talking a lot and panicked for a while.

"The Black Mountain thieves used deceit to trick you, and we were deceived." Dong Cao Pulwei Dun angrily smacked the car's shaft and said regretfully: "The thieves are unjust, and you shouldn't trust them."

Lu Bu separated the people and stepped forward to ask for a fight: "The general is willing to lead his men to defeat the bandits and escort the envoy out of the siege."

"Those women and children can't get out of the way, what can they do?"

Lu Bu hurriedly advised: "My lord, please don't hesitate. We will break out of the siege and avenge them in the future. If we are dragged down by it, we will die here. My lord, we must make a decision as soon as possible!"

Wei Dun also joined in and said: "You can throw the wealth on the road. The thieves will be greedy and will inevitably fight for it. Our army can take the opportunity to break out."

Liu Yu calmed down for a moment and felt something was wrong. There were plenty of opportunities to kill him and others along the way. A night attack was enough. Why waste so much effort and fight in the daytime? The heat was unbearable and the battle damage was inevitable.

So what is Liu Yicheng thinking?

While he was meditating, Liu Xiang's messenger arrived. The letter accused him of breaking his promise and getting fat, saying that he was exchanging young men and women for their families. As a result, they had to leave the borders of Bingzhou and the last batch of young men were not sent back.

"The Evil God"

The letter was circulated around, and the people of Bingzhou were divided.

The families in the southern part of the Shangdang who have already handed over their private military units think this is correct. We have already handed over. Why don't you people in the north hand over their units? It's not fair. From now on, we will have to stay low and do nothing under you. Then

Not fun.

The scholars from the north of Shangdang and those from Taiyuan County thought that they had not fallen into the enemy's hands, so why should they hand over their troops?


The group of people could no longer share the same hatred and hatred, and they were divided into two groups and quarreled endlessly.

There were also a few who, like Lu Bu, had no family members or financial resources to encumber them, and they couldn't even get a word in. The sounds of sending troops to defeat the enemy were drowned in the noisy commotion.

Don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality.

Liu Xiang wanted to use this letter to reduce their will to resist.

He did not want to kill Liu Yu and others. At least for now, these people cannot die in his own hands. Not to mention Liu Yu's reputation is too great, whoever kills him will be unlucky. There are also many people from other families who are officials in the court, such as Wang

Yun's family is among the team. If they really slaughter these nobles, they will be the enemy of the whole world.

Shangdang County and Taiyuan County are not borderlands like Youzhou, and they cannot act recklessly.

Therefore, people can leave, but these scholars cannot be of the same mind as them. Staying is just a hidden danger, and it will be clean when they leave. Their money can also be taken away, including gold, stone, and jade, if they are hungry or thirsty and cannot drink, as long as someone has land and money

It can be earned back.

However, soldiers cannot be taken away, this is the bottom line.

He sent people to intercept, just to fight to the last breath to see whose will is stronger.

Facts have proved that once you surrender, you will have to surrender countless times. Once you start to surrender, it will be difficult to become stronger again.

After a confrontation for most of the day, the people of Bingzhou made their choice in the evening, leaving behind 8,000 private soldiers, more than 30 gentry sons, officials of all sizes in Bingzhou, and their personal loyal servants. A total of more than 3,000 people went south to Hedong.

Liu Xiang was no longer demanding and came specifically to see Liu Yu off.

"I have failed so badly, my future life will be terrible!" Over the past month, Liu Yu felt that he had aged more than ten years. He was a little discouraged and prepared to take all the responsibilities and go to the court to plead guilty.

Before leaving, I couldn't help but persuade him: "The world is in turmoil, the livelihood of the people is difficult, and the war is unknown, it is better to do less."

He didn't want to see the smoke rising everywhere. Once a war broke out, the people in Guizhou would suffer the most.

"Today is ridiculous and not like a human king. The Liu family and the Han Dynasty are about to be destroyed before our eyes. As a clan, we have to do something. Mr. Bo'an, can you bear to see the sacrifices of your ancestors cut off?

"Liu Xiang's words were half true or false, and he wanted to persuade him to surrender.

Liu Yu sighed: "When I get old, I will keep my name as a fool and a loyal person. I will leave it to young people like you to forge ahead and forge ahead. The Han Dynasty will continue to exist while we are old and decrepit. We are burdened with embarrassment and embarrassment."

"The Han people will last forever."

What Liu Xiang was talking about was the nation, but what Liu Yu understood was the dynasty. He laughed, turned around and walked away. His worries and worries were gone, his body was free and easy, and his mind was at peace.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, his shadow gradually dimmed.

Looking at the old man walking further and further away, Liu Xiang sighed regretfully. It is a pity that the top talents in internal affairs cannot be used for his own purposes.

This time, at the invitation of Baibo and Huangjin, he sent troops to merge with the state, which was really full of twists and turns. Although he did not experience a fierce battle with the army, the test of nature almost made him overturn. Fortunately, the outcome was not bad, and the most essential three counties were obtained.

Most of the aristocratic families entrenched here have left. As long as they manage it well, this Central Plains barrier is under their control. Whether to attack or defend, advance or retreat, all in one thought, the strategic initiative is already in their hands.

In July of Xia, news came back from Luoyang that Liu Yu, the governor of Bingzhou, had resigned and was replaced by Dong Zhuo.

The counter-rebellion of Bingzhou was also left in the hands of Fatty Dong. He gave up the entanglement with Xianbei, went south and bypassed Luliang Mountain, and garrisoned troops in Yong'an County, Hedong County. With an army of 30,000, he threatened Jieshan and could rush into Taiyuan at any time.

How did this damn fat man become so diligent? He looked lazy when he was fighting the Xianbei people in Xihe County.

If it hadn't been for the heavy rain, Liu Xiang would have really wanted to lead his army into Hedong and beat him up.

This chapter has been completed!
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